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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon


    Yeah! What reikilady said :)-->
  2. Shellon

    Two girls

    Yes she did talk to her big sister. What Samantha told her was great advise. Samantha told Kelly to ignore the girl. If she approaches her, act as if there is not another human being there and no voice heard. Samantha told Kelly if she yells at her, just continue to carry on with whatever she is doing and it's the other girl who will look silly. Samantha told Kelly to remember that she's very much loved and she can do anything she wants to do and she needs to 'get some balls' in order to do most of them. Samantha told Kelly that we support her.
  3. Shellon

    Two girls

    Once again I'm not communicating myself properly. Thanks for prayers.
  4. Shellon

    Two girls

    If I'm understanding you, Abi, you are suggesting I do what I've tried to do with Kelly already. And I'm gonna continue to do so, empowering her, making her do it. MAKE her stand up for herself. I know she has to, she must and it's the only way she's gonna make it in this phuked up world. What I wanna do as her mama is bring her home, protect her and never let her outa my sight. I am fully aware that she has GOT to get this in order to function in society. She never lacks for examples of women that stand up for themselves, fight hard til the end and take no shi+.
  5. Thanks rascal And we've got sunday lunch and supper right? Monday breakfast? Are folks staying through monday? I'll bring coffee and filters enough to keep coffee going all wkend for those that want it. I don't have a big enough coffee pot. Ok, for me it's coffee, filters, dry creamer and sugar. And I'll bring napkins and silverware. Bow, ya wanna do the plates and silverware?
  6. Shellon

    Two girls

    This might belong in prayer forums, I'm not sure. Either location, I need help and certainly prayers. Pulling my mom hair out. My daughter, Kelly, is 10 years old and in fifth grade this year at school. Last year in fourth grade, about 2 months in another little girl latched herself onto Kelly in ways that are unhealthy and almost a year later continues to be a problem. The child somewhere along the line decided that my Kelly needed to be protected from others and she was the only one the was fit for the job. First of all, Kelly is one of those sweet kids that is a friend to everyone, keeps her grades in A range, follows the rules etc etc. She's a puddle if she has to be unkind to another human being. That's proving to be her burden. In the beginning I found it kind of pleasant that this other child looked after Kelly. I had no idea what was to come. Kelly has many other friends, typical of this age child, and two "very best friends" since Kindergarten. As last year progressed, this girl would get very angry when Kelly played with other children, spoke to them or included them in play. She'd yell, pout, walk away, say horrible things to Kelly as well as her friends. The school year got worse and worse and my "I love school and can I go on weekends too" kid started hating it, dreading it, getting strange aches in her tummy just before school. I'm aware that kids this age, girls especially, are best friends one minute, hate each other the next and best friends the next again. This went beyond that. I spoke with the other childs mom, asking her if she could chat with her daughter and explain that her behavior was not condusive to happy friendships. This was received well because the mom and I were friends and had been comfortable discussing things before. She agreed that her daughter was going overboard and would handle it. My child is taught in our home that she is to be kind, generous, she's to share, she's to not exclude others in a way that embarasses them, she's to love the unlovable, all those pretty and wonderful things. She wasn't buying it. Things only got worse. We got the teacher involved, we got the school counselor involved, we got the principal involved. Everyone seemed to gloss over the problem, filing it in some drawer marked "girls are strange". I'm a mom, I get it; I've got two of these strange females. This was differant, I knew it, Kelly knew it. As if common in elementary grades, the teacher teams children up for projects, outings, in the classroom. This child somehow managed to always always always be Kelly's teammate. It seriously became an obsession that she be by Kelly's side constantly. Carry over into evenings and weekend with phone calls. I chose not to move Kelly into a differant classroom because I thought I would then teach her that it's ok to run from problems and the grownups would fix stuff. Same with changing phone numbers. I needed to teach her, empower her to stand up for herself against this and all types of bullies. The grownups tried to help but it wasn't working in this case. Fast forward to May last year, end of school looming, summer will make a big differance. The two girls will be apart, Kelly will get a break, the other child will find other activities and Kelly will be but a distant memory of 4th grade. It got worse. Enter a third little girl that was once friends with Kelly's shadow friend. The third girl, according to rumors, had stolen from miss shadow. She noticed Kelly playing with her and henceforth placed herself between them and refused to budge. She'd move her desk between them, her body, whatever it took. More meetings with grownups. I knew the day was coming when I'd have to have input into who Kelly's friends were in the form of having to forbid some, encourage others more that the 'be nice to everyone honey'. But the alleged thief had not done Kelly any harm, had not stolen from her, we had no proof of theft and I had no reason to forbid the friendship. Kelly's shadow of course did and her mother agreed. One mom is saying "I will not tell her she has to play with that child" One mom is saying "I will not tell her she can't play with that child" As bad as the kids. Kelly in the meantime is torn apart because she enjoys her friendship with this girl, but is sick of hearing 'she steals, leave her alone' and many many other things. I finally talked to this little girl who refused to forge other friendships than my child. She said she was afraid Kelly would get hurt, she needed to protect her. No amount of discussion with this child, even to point of scolding her, got through. Again enter counselor, teacher, principal. All three girls in the office and all three told they MUST play with other children and will be seperated if found together in the classroom, lunch area or playground. This also showed my daughter that punishment is the same for everyone, even the innocent. Sure, right, uh huh. That lasted as long as the three were sitting meek and mute in that office. The last action on my part was to work it out behind the scenes where at least for 5th grade, Kelly would not be in the other girls class. We had to keep this a secret while the girl would whail "I'll just DIE if Kelly isn't in my class next year, I will refuse to go to school if she's not in my class" . The last two weeks of 4th grade were brutal. I finally went to the classroom as often as I could manage and sat there; I was my daughters playmate, lunch partner, classroom partner. This was not healthy and I knew it. She missed 6 days the last two weeks and I didn't care. I rearranged life to be there when she was. Principal, teacher, counselor said I was making it worse. I even stood outside the restroom and waited because the child would follow my daughter in, hover and cling. Last day of school and relief! For two days when the phone calls started. We were so very busy all year that it worked out to not have them connect. The phone calls were a small inconvenience in an otherwise great summer. The night before first day of school, there is an open house/meet the teacher/see who's in your class/eat a hotdog event. Guess who was waiting at the door for Kelly? From the time we entered the building until we left, this child was by Kelly's side. At one point she asked Kelly "we're still best friends right Kelly?" to which my sweet child answered in the affirmative. All bets were off at that response. When I got a chance, privately, I suggested to Kelly a better answer would have been "we'll see each other, but we can't be best friens because my mom won't let me have one best friend". I've said many times to blame me; I can take it. Kelly didn't want to hurt her feelings. It's started all over again. It sounds right there like I blame Kelly. I absolutely do not. She was doing what comes natural to her; being kind and polite. By day two of 5th grade, my child hates school, doesn't want to go, already she's been reprimanded for trivial stuff in the classroom. This is a child who teachers usually LOVE in their classrooms. An A student, a writer, a quiet helpful student, a teachers dream student. Bias there I know, but I'm telling ya this is a great kid, mine or not. I phoned the principal and counselor and said that's it, she's outa there. They were shocked that this was starting again and they'd take the other child aside and tell her straight out this time that she HAS to leave Kelly alone. Didn't happen of course. Oh they told her, but the one day it happened, she was so ugly and mean to Kelly that it only served to validate to Kelly that she's been wrong to tell, again. I started checking other schools but the tuition to attend is ridiculously expensive, the transportation is difficult and she simply doesn't qualify for one of them. Next year is middle school where life gets only more wierd for Kelly. One of my goals this year is to back off, put Kelly in situations where she has to stand up for herself, learn to cope without me, etc. I'm not volunteering in the classroom nearly as much this year, I'm not going into the building to pick her up; she's to take care of go home responsibilities and meet me in parking lot, etc. She feels I've dumped her to deal with this other child alone. I'm at a place now where I'm ready to tell Kelly to be a bi+ch if she has to. Be unkind, rude and unfriendly in every way to this other kid. That isn't going to fit well at all on Kelly. The bright spots in this mess are her two friends since kindergarten. They've not abandoned her. They have gone off and done other things when Kelly's shadow is present, they have waited for the times when she can be free, they've not been ugly when the other kid tells them "Kelly is playing with me, not you". God bless them and their parents. I'm out of ideas, our house is a nervous bundle of do I have to go to school today, exhaustion beyond normal at end of day and jumping when the phone rings. I have even done what I am ready to have Kelly do and begun ignoring the other child's mother. My hope is that she'll decide we're a family that isn't nice and not good for her baby. Our friendship is severely dented, but I don't care and that makes me a little sad. I'm a single mother, it's just Kelly and I in the home, Kelly's father is dead. Her sister is 3 hours away and has offered to kick some 10 year old hovering butt. Not that we didn't go there in our thinking for a nanosecond, but it's not the way to handle it. I'm a full time student and in a couple of years will be very much less available hands on for Kelly. That's another reason I'm pushing her outa the nest a few baby steps now. It's also because I need the time to adjust. I have considered homeschooling, but I really don't think it's right for our family. I've considered adding full time work onto school to pay for tuition at other schools. Doing that, however, would pull her out of this situation, but push us into 'mom is always gone' land. My apologies for the length of this puppy, but I need some input, prayers.
  7. We did! We laughed, we caught up, I found out that ala does still like us, she's just got a life. gasp
  8. yeah! peanut butter! Got lots of that in this house, since we eat so little meat. I am armed, yes. Hopefully with enough ammunition.
  9. Ok, Jim, great idea, will add that. I also see from my list I don't have my little shovel or trash bags in there.
  10. Our Emergency 'kit' Water Bleach Propane stove and 6 cans of gas (not in the pantry but at the ready) Toilet needs as well as washing needs Cans of meat, veggies. 5 cases Rice, beans, nuts, raisin,(ewwww) cranberry's, trailmix. Two can openers Cash as well as change for phone booths Juice boxes, snack foods. Jerky Two changes of clothes Plastic tarp, sleeping bags, Puptent, lantern, batteries, radio, flares, candles, matches, metal coffee can, small ax, hammer. Complete first aid kit Book of emergency contacts as well as vital information on us. A map of where gas and water shut off valves are List of where we'll try to get to. Car oil Copies of Insurance and Will, guardianship papers and advanced directive. Current pictures of each of us
  11. Northern Michigan gas today is at 2.89 We were at 3.64 and a few even at 3.78 last week, but people refused to buy for two days and our governor hollared. It went below 3.00 then. It's day by day here.
  12. Ok now that is just the sweetest thing I've seen in a very very long time! :)--> HA precious, I say, just precious.
  13. You don't Rascal, you don't have to. You and so many others did what you had/have to do.
  14. One would think that wouldn't one? In our situation,I assumed it was powerful grief that caused my husband's family to carry themselves the way they did when he died. I got that they were following men they'd followed so long that it didn't occur to them to take the other road at this time. But then I didn't either. In hindsight, I should have packed a few things in a walmart bag, grabbed a few diapers for the baby, taken my husbands body and gotten on the plane with my parents. (My parents have since told me that it was all they could do not to MAKE me go and definately considered pushing the issue drastically regarding my children). Desperation is not the same as revelation. Or revelation is not the same as desperation. Whatever. I understand now that TWI uses times of shock to their advantage. Suppose I had arranged for the transport of my husbands body and gone away? What if I had not just gone through the motions of their memorial service? What if I had not held my babies to me while their grandfather and the 'yeah right' man of god screamed at each other, but had gotten in to the fray and told them both to bite it? Suppose I'd not accepted the invitation to have his cremated remains buried in the way woods, but tried to figure out paying for something else? What if I'd insisted my brother be at the service? I already know the answers to these questions, you probably do too. Yeah, I think of the 'what if' when life happens and it's them.
  15. Psalm, there has been given alot of links here and ways to perhaps get in touch with someone who might know something. You need not follow just mine or any of the MANY OTHER LINKS listed here. This is America, you can do whatever you want. If you need to find your friend,that's it, you need to find your friend. However you do...just do. What I did to find out information on my neice might not work for you. What I did to find info on my sister in law.. same thing. You do what is right for you!
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