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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Friend tracker is here, just further down the page than it used to be. :) 15th down on main page, under 'connecting'
  2. Death. You want to know what death is? Ask a child who's lost a parent to death. Ask a man or women who's spouse,partner,lover,companion,friend is now dead. Ask a parent who has buried one of their babies. Ask a doctor or nurse that has done everything they can and the patient still dies. Ask a cop who has come upon a scene to find the victim dead. Ask an adult child who has cared for his/her parent until death. 2027 Maybe I don't understand your thread, or the point of it. Doctinal, so you must be generating discussion from what a Bible somewhere or a person says, is that it? When breath life ends. That's death. Managing without the deceased, that's living with death. Tell me what is life?
  3. Good Morning ! Coffee is ready, I've milked the cow so you have fresh cream and I beat the snot out of a sugar beet. Homemade rolls in basket, still warm from oven and I stomped some grapes for your jam. Have a great day, be careful out there, play well with others.
  4. Were any women considered for this title? Ham are you in?
  5. LOLOL Ala, well yeah, I read your instructions but for me I also have to SEE it, so when Paw and I were on the phone, he told me about it again, and then I got to actually DO it. visual learner, me. I'm still looking for a picture I really like, but til then..........
  6. Happy Day Moony! We hope it's a very nice one.
  7. Happy Happy Birthday Lifted Up Hope it's wonderful!! :D
  8. Good morning! My thingy is draggin this morning. But I still am not ripping it off. Or however that went. I totally dig the "I have the greatest grandma in the world" or however THAT went. It's true, she does. :D
  9. "And I hope you ladies can remove those thingies without much pain". If I have something on me that is painful to remove, I aint removing it, let it stay where it is.
  10. Maybe it's the same reason I have an "I" under the pic of my grandbaby. I dunno either. I'm scared to try to do anything about it,given that I've actually figured out how to even post at all. I'd rather go through life with an I under it than mess it up really badly.
  11. This has been a VERY quiet day in this thread. amazing
  12. Shellon

    Lynndie England

    lol wingie. In another life I'd have been a litigator. Beraduca
  13. Shellon

    Lynndie England

    Yes, I understood what you were commenting on. And your point is very true.
  14. "It takes a real man or woman to choke back a couple of testicles" ROFL GUFFFFFFAW
  15. Shellon

    Lynndie England

    I get abi's point, but have to agree with the gentlemen and that was my point when I read the article; I've been following this for a long time. I just get sick of defendants using anything and everything they can grasp in order to get out of what they are accountable for. I totally know that childhood is horrible for some and it does indeed carry over into adulthood and really bad choices get made due to the lack of alot of basic core values in the most formative years. What I want, in cases like this, is for someone to stand up and say "yes I did what you alledge I did. I admit it and I am so very sorry. I'm ready to accept the consequences" The end, no more, it's over. Be honest and do what has to be done to pay the debt. Before this young woman was accepted into the armed forces I assume she had to do some psych eval's. Granted they probably weren't top of the line testings. And given that we are a mess of ex-cult people, we can understand the influence her boyfriend/father of her baby eventually, had on her. My first born daughter made a decision that was very stupid once and when I spoke with the folks that were making the decisions one of them said 'we understand she lost her father recently, so we're willing to let this pass' She had indeed lost her father. But long long long before that she was taught the basic manners and behaviors of functioning in our society, regardless of what befalls us in the process of application. Using her dad's death was an excuse.
  16. Shellon

    Lynndie England

    http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/m...politan/3367781 This is the young woman who is on trial now for the part she played in the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. What strikes me in this article is the school psych person who said the following, in his testimony regarding his 'treatment' of her as a child: "Denne said he concluded that he and others focused too much on getting the mild-mannered girl through school and not enough on providing her with real-life skills. (ok this one I get) "Maybe I thought, 'I didn't shoot high enough for Lynndie England,'" said Denne, who works for the Mineral County school system. "Maybe I thought, 'We should have taught her how to think.'" (this is the one that astounds me) Maybe he thought? Maybe they should have? Either very poor writing, a poor witness, poor care of her psych needs or just another defendant using the psych card. Whatever; it's pitiful. This young woman is a mother now. That's just as scary to me.
  17. Shellon


    The place looks wonderful!
  18. Trust, definately and sadly it's not just in a cult. It's in the world, everywhere and it's tough to find respite and even truth in healing from it. I'm doubting that it ever happens.
  19. Tcat human family and 4 legged family, where are you? We have a rental open that you can stay in. Getcher tush up here. Call me girl. I'll waive the no pet policy for you and you can homeschool Kelly. Deal?
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