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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Thank you paw!!!! Finally terms I can understand.
  2. This is the stuff I have already gotten for the weekend. Styro plates X 350 Styro cups X I dunno, a bunch Napkins X1 lg bag Coffee X 1 large can. ya want folgers or maxwell house? Creamer and Sugar I could only find pitiful boxes of 10 count boxes of silverwear, didn't get those. Someone else got a Cosco, or something that might have those?
  3. "new post to be combined with your previous post" edit grace time and new combined with old.............uh huh if it's new how can it also be previous? Is this that math where the end is the beginning and the beginning is also the end? The number 1 or some such silliness. Positive is negative. The barefoot boy with boots on. Pull up a chair and sit on the floor. Makes perfect sense to me. :blink:
  4. I could never express enough how very much, Mark. Thank You. Samantha's one of the strongest people I know. Given the circumstances she's been handed re: TWI and her father's death therein, she's carried herself better than anyone I've seen. At age 15 when he died, and all the grownups were freaking out, she was the thoughtful determined one. At 16 when her mother was pulling the rug of life out from under her, she did what she was told; what she had to do. When her dads family punished her and her sister for my acts, she remained steadfast and faithful and kept her allegiance where it belonged and loved the unlovable. This is one of those people that knew things were mucked up, yet knew to watch and wait, somehow. Certainly most adults didn't. Like divorce, when a parent dies, it's the kids who get tumbled around worse than any of the adults and this has been no exception. Of course the adults knew what was best; they always do right? This is about a young woman who lost her father very suddenly, in front of her eyes. A man she loved and admired. This was a daddy's girl who spent every possible moment with him. This is about a man who loved his daughters and made sure they knew it. It isn't even about a ministry, a bunch of trees or a campfire area in Ohio. It's about an amazing young woman visiting the burial site of her father. Very few happenings in this life are really about what it seems on the surface, but so much more. Few are about what one or others think or have opinions about. Kids get that. She's almost 24 years old, she's a mother herself. She's responsible and stronger than I am. I don't know that I could lose my father even at my age and behave in the manner she has. I think we would do well to look past our own prejudices and bias and really see what others see. I thank God Samantha does. I'm past proud of her; I admire her. I want to be like my daughter when I grow up.
  5. The editing time is now 10 minutes. Do I have at least THAT part right?
  6. "Sounds like you got it together!!" ummm ok yeah, sure.
  7. Clear as mud, twice as cloudy. And by the by I don't post drunk, so that's not gonna mess up my loop. Nor will it loop up my mess. I didn't know I HAD a loop 'til this morning somewhere. :blink: Can ya'll explain this in psych terms, I'll surely understand it then. It edits FOR you, but only if noone else posts AFTER you. But if you post after yourself, it still edits the one you just posted and you don't have to edit the post even if you wanted to. Do I have it now?
  8. "Shell, it's a loop you get into." Uh huh a loop, that's what my life needs. Ending up back where I started. A loop. So if I don't do 'add reply' what happens? I can't reply? What does it edit? I'm fixin to click add reply, we'll see what happens as I loop around to where I was. :unsure:
  9. Just when I've believed I got some part of the site figured out? Edits the previouse one? How does it know what part you want edited? Lord lord. :unsure:
  10. LOL how did that darn leg get into this thread too? :lol:
  11. I had planned to stay out of this thread but anyone who knows me knows what kind of mama I am. I can't stand it, I gotta get in. I am WELL aware Sam can take care of herself and answer your questions or comments without any help from me. Samantha's visit to the Way Woods/TWI was considered and set up totally by her, but the permission request, etc. was not because of Mr McMullan, rather in spite of. I have been well informed at every step of the McMullan vs TWI goings on. I knew what was fixin to happen,when, by whom and what the consequences might be. This is/was because my late husbands remains were there, making it my business as well as the business of his children. Perhaps many of you also know that Sami's father's entire family is still in TWI. That requires her to look at things with a little differant lens than you or others might. She doesn't want to purposely take action that might harm whatever relationship she might enjoy with them. Having said that it was me who instructed her on the goings on and what might be a good way to approach her visit. Mr McMullan had not yet been to court nor had any new rules or regs been established. Did I want my child have her visit turn into a media mess or have her be denied access because she failed to extend a common courtesy? Of course not, and her asking permission to visit was a small thing to have to do so that she might have a nice visit. I'm sure none of you here would think it too much to ask in order that your child might be able to visit their loved ones grave site. Would you say to them "No, that place is evil and you are not to visit there, I don't care if you never get to visit your fathers/mothers burial site" ? Sami didn't leave TWI. I, as her mother, did and being a 17 year old child, had to go with me. Surely you can see how that makes things differant for her and how TWI might see her through a differant lens as well. She was a child, she wasn't consulted about us leaving, she didn't even know about it until the very last moment when she learned not only were we not going to fellowship anymore, but she was also leaving her home, friends, school and moving across the country. This only a year after losing her father. TWI knows this and the blame and responsibility is entirely on my shoulders; I accept that and I'd do it almost exactly the same if I had it to do over again. This is also a young women that only recently has been told everything else involving TWI. At the time of her visit to the Way Woods, she knew little, if anything, about their past presidents legal troubles, nor did she really know enough about why we left. With that in mind, understand her desire was simple. She wanted to visit the place where her father's remains were buried on the day of the 5th anniversary of his death, period, the end of story. TWI was gracious to her as well as me when I called them to ask what to do in regards to her visit. That is when we learned that she'd need to work out a time, where to park, how to get an escort, etc. I was very proud of her during this time, as I always am. She was quite gracious herself, she carried herself with the pride of a strong young woman paying respect to her father's burial site, his memory and she offered respect and kindness to the place, the organization that invited us to have him buried in a place he loved so much. Sami invited myself and her sister to make this visit with her. I declined because of the reasons I've stated here; it is me that would be a problem for TWI, not Sami. I declined for her sister because I couldn't be there to oversee the then 7 year old child's visit to a place she wouldn't remember to stand over a piece of campfire where she'd told her daddy is buried. My children are also the reason I was not by Mr McMullans side during his court dealing with TWI. Their fathers death is a very painful reality in their lives, made more so by the inability of TWI to understand and be honest about it. The reality of his death is also made managable by TWI being willing to not punish them because of my actions. What if we'd been in the court room as witnesses, what if we'd aired our private business to prove some point? Would they then be as welcome? I suspect not. Samantha and Kelly have had to pay for the sins of their mother in every other regard. If they have to work out an appointment to visit their fathers burial site, then so be it. Sami is right, it's private property. Our friends who are still in TWI also have to work out times to visit the way woods to visit their loved ones burial site; they can't just wander over. I understand the promise made by the man who started the whole thing. I understand about the amounts of money given to maintain it. I paid my share and know it's not fair. But life is like that sometimes; it stinks but they get to make the rules about this one and my children and me will comply if that's what we have to do so that they can visit the place where a great and wonderful father was laid to rest. I'm thankful that you can't understand what that must be like, it means you've not lost someone you loved as much as these girls loved their father. Had he been invited, before his death, to have his remains buried there, he would have unquestionably said yes. He loved those woods, TWI or not. He spent alot of time, skipping main events at ROA, sitting at that campfire area, all alone. He was 'at home' there for some reason. Regardless of his wife and children one day no longer being involved, the woods was loved by him and he'd be button popping proud of Samantha for her maturity, guts, and gracefulness when she deals with those that she has to in order to visit him. I know I am. :)
  12. LOL Ham, don't I always? :P Wing ummmmmmm EW! :blink:
  13. Oh yeah, you're right. Paw can't marry himself, that's wierd. Ok, never mind. Why are we still awake?
  14. Cathy, the paw getting married was my lame attempt at humor regarding the cartoon about the administrator marrying on the internet. ;)
  15. Shellon


    :D I love you and yours.
  16. Shellon


    T!!! I miss you so amazingly much! What a treat to my eyeballs to see you posting this morning. Give me a hug!
  17. uh huh lip synching. Now it comes out. LOL
  18. HAHA dang! ------------------------------------------------------------ College station got hit CREAMED by tornado in l996. That's one I won't soon forget riding out.
  19. LOL Ya'll are such men Then you sit back and burp, fart and scratch balls, right?
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