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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. :) Take care, I think of you often. Please keep in touch.
  2. LOL wayfer not. Kelly and I like to hold our tongues and say 'my daddy sits on the sea shore' just for the giggles it causes.
  3. Grief and mourning are such private unique things, you need to do what you need to you for YOU in that process. What you and she shared was/is wonderfully unique as well and to be appreciated and held dear, as you already do. :)
  4. Dove, I dunno how you might feel about this, but you might consider still sending the ornament to Duv's family for their tree, in her memory. After my husband died, a lady in a past fellowship wanted to still give us an ornament for him. She'd made it already and although it was for our family tree, he was one of those sweet guys that seemed to attract woman like flys. :wub: It was really more for him than us. She called and was worried about did I still want it, etc. Of course I did, we were proud to have it. I didn't care about doing a tree that year. He loved this holiday and loved the decorating, trees, much more than I did. But I had kids, so a tree went up and that ornament became a tradition for six years until it sadly got broken. Think about it. Our trees are always differant, according to what my 10 year old wants to do. We have a 3 feet artificial tree and every year it's her thing. One year it was all small drawings she'd done, tied on with bread ties, another year it was just candy canes, nothing else, and yet another it was full of McDonalds happy meal toys. This year it's more 'traditional' with mostly the stuff she's made over the years. We miss that ornament in daddy's memory and I wonder if Duv's family would enjoy having you keep the tradition going that you and she shared.
  5. :) Hi Mo, glad you are well, it's always nice to see you round here
  6. harry rippers................hmmmm I wonder if my mum needs harry rippers
  7. I miss this stuff! Since my first born is all grown up, I don't get to hear em all. My 10 year old is starting to pick up the stuff and I can't wait to have all that around again. Does a mama's heart good, provides for alot of laughs.
  8. Thanks Rick I'll try that
  9. You get twice the amount of orange juice from a orange, if you hold it under hot water before you squeeze.
  10. I can only reply using the quick reply option. I'd prefer the 'regular' reply so as to have more to work with. Any ideas?
  11. Mark, what city/state is this story from?
  12. How's come in this thread I can only reply using fast reply? Works ok, but odd
  13. Should the mother who gave the kid up for adoption have any role in this whatsoever? No Should the state have any role in this whatsoever? Yes, they should have all the say at this point Should the father have any role in this whatsoever? No, not the adoptive father, step father or bio father. (I ask the above because it seems like there should be a none-of-the-above selection here) Should the kid's ventilator be removed? Yes Should the kid's feeding tube be removed? Yes
  14. Ron, have you considered the poop story? That's funny, distracting and clearly puts ones mind elsewhere.
  15. John.......whew! thanks for letting us know you are ok. K and I have been wondering about you. Glad you're ok
  16. You have to finish it out. Sing the entire song to get it totally out of your cranium. If that doesn't work, drink water backwards standing on your head. Or is that for hiccups?
  17. Shellon

    Hungry Pig

    Kelly loves this game!
  18. Morgan, I watched this program and was stunned, although I wasn't sure why. They behaved in exactly the way one expects them to do. The denial, lies, shock. The faces and terror when they discovered it was a news program that was taping them and they were so busted. And finally the guy that set up yet another meeting, what was it, the next day at another location? It was an excellent presentation of a couple of things, to me. 1. They look like any of us, proving again that the boogey man isn't descriptive. 2. They won't just stop, even after being exposed on national television I look forward to the Dec 16 show My 10 year old doesn't chat online, but has begun to play two games at sites that I checked out. But.... she'll get older and discover chatting someday...............
  19. Krys, dang girl I'd hate it if we always agreed. That'd be crappy, ugh, uck. :) I want to read your opinion, your thoughts, your feelings, whether or not I agree with them. Wouldn't life be boring if we always had the same ideas about stuff? :P ew
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