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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Some did, but can't say so publically w/o implicating him/herself.
  2. "...........although he may slow down some if he should learn how to read" LOLOL
  3. Check this on what he expected of his wife: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0217062contract1.html
  4. My first born came kicking and screaming into my life 24 years ago, setting me on an adventure that has been scary, funny, interesting, touching, a blast ! She's taught me about patience, humility, guts when I want to give up and honesty when noone else has the courage. She's taught me that things are never exactly what they seem, she's taught me that with enough fight and belief, anything can happen. Baby, were you not my daughter, I'd definately want you as my friend. I love you. Happy Birthday Mom
  5. Shellon

    maze game

    What's scaring ya'll? I can't get it to work. It just sends me back to the instructions. :unsure:
  6. Shellon

    Shoot the Sheep

  7. Documents: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0213061cheney1.html
  8. HA! is he adorable!!! Ya'll make beautiful babies. Happy Birthday Andreas
  9. Shellon


    Shaz, I dealt with Bells Palsy three times so I do like you perhaps, and hollar that when there is facial nerve stuff. LOL Kinda like a bunch of women in the room with the one pregnant one. Bless her heart!
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/09/ken.barbie.reut/index.html
  11. The no debt policy was a dumb one to begin with. Lot of folks still in the twi prison are carrying debt of every kind that normal people carry. The smarter ones have gotten better at keeping their mouths shut. Cook the books. I wonder if alot of people still have two financial folders; one that they show leadership and one that is the real deal. Please, they aint foolin' anyone. This is the same as the new stuff they puke up like they no longer M&A right, and now encourage reuniting with those they trashed, reconciling with family? Uh huh, right.
  12. I said that the other day, ASSsuming that when I was told our schools do background checks, that they were telling me the truth. A reality I should know better about.......to find out in today's local paper that they have NOT been doing them. http://www.cadillacnews.com/articles/2006/...news/news01.txt They plan to start doing them. Maybe. If they can find a way to pay for them. But there's no hurry. How will they 'weigh' it when they must tell a parent or a child that's been hurt that it was because of $70.00 that they didn't protect their child as much as they could. So far this morning I've spoken to 13 parents, two newspapers and three television stations. We've got approximately 300 m/l teachers, aides, janitors and bus drivers. That's not even the volunteers like myself. I have had my background/fingerprints/drug testing done but that was through the group I volunteer through;THEY requires it, the school never asked. That might have been my first clue when I said 'you have done checks on the teachers and everyone right' and they said 'oh yeah, we've taken care of all that'. Lies, more lies. Amazing, just amazing. Hopefully alot more parents than just this one will get good and ....ed off. This is also going to put a serious crimp in the 43 million they are asking in May 3 vote to build a new school, but won't spend maybe 20 thousand on checking out who's with our kids 6-7 hours a day or coaching them, or leading them or.... or .... or....
  13. Heres to a wonderful birthday Saturday Feb 11 Love ya
  14. Shellon


    This has all the signs of Bells Palsy doesn't it?
  15. Thank you Thank you Thank you, everyone. This has been a lovely birthday. My mom's speghetti was wonderful, once we got through the snow to enjoy it, after being stuck twice. Kelly got to drive while I pushed; she thought that was the coolest thing ever. My brothers all called and teased their sister, especially the one who is the same age as me for three days. We hated that when we were kids but now it's a blast. I'm a lucky woman. I'm loved, I have, as Ron stated, two incredible daughters, two sweet grand children, a son in law that I can honestly say I love most days , parents and brothers that love and support me unconditionally and friendships that are rare and special. Thank you, also, to Cheri, who ya'll don't know, but really should. It doesn't get better than that does it? And.. also great was the 12 inches I got this weekend.
  16. It's your birthday! I hope you have a great one.
  17. Shellon

    Noni Juice

    Well wind tunnel notwithstanding thanks for the information. The stuff tastes nasty but if it works, I'll take it, the end.
  18. The jaded wasn't insultive to you, it was a statement suggesting that we allow to much in the name of 'it's church, lighten up'. I'm in agreement with you.
  19. This gets to me in a really big way so I did some checking myself and of course sunday is a great day to find a human being at a church huh? I know we like to believe that churches do background checks on everyone that is involved with our precious babies, cuz after all they are churches. Heck, even my kids school only does a background check on teachers and only in this state. S/he might have a nasty history in another state and it won't show up. Yeah, yeah, they're working on 'doing something about that' uh huh. Only recently have they tried to get the budget money for doing the checks on volunteers and para pros like subs and even janitors. And again only in Michigan. I called three churches this afternoon and asked about the reality, or lack thereof, of checking backgrounds on busdrivers who DO have access to our kids. Not one of them do them; not one of the three. Now, there are 9 more churches in my little town and I didn't call them all. The responses were as follows: "Dear, you grew up here, you know this town is safe, don't be silly". This was followed by further lecture that I listened to for a little while because the preacher has known me since I was but a glimmer in my mama's eye. He chastised me for being someone that worries too much and doesn't believe in God's ability to protect me and my children and suggested that I come to his church to get better instruction. "Shellon, why would we spend money we don't have, you understand our little congregation is very limited fiscally" "Background checks? For people that do the lords work, especially with little children? That's not necessary now is it?" I also heard one mumbling of "Hmmmm we probably should do that" ummm uh huh. We live in a very jaded society and yes indeed, I live here because the risk to my child is maybe (maybe!) less than perhaps a large city. But it's no secret that pedophiles only need children, any children, anywhere. Unbelievable.
  20. That's done here too Morgan, although not as often as we've seen it in bigger cities. And given that we're tucked far enough out of the way, the bus doesn't come back here now. What scares me about it is that those who harm children can see it as another idea, another way to get to kids.
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