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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Happy Birthday Abi!! I hope you take some time and enjoy the celebration of your birth and life. My Michigan neighbor, friend, fellow system fighter/changer; you are loved. :)
  2. From you, I certainly do, Tom. I just don't think you need to have any guilt, that's all.
  3. The TWI term "I got him/her/them into the word" has always made me a little nuts; I never understood it. But it's more so now that we've found the better, why is it still "I got them in the word and I feel so bad that they are there now" When I did the begging for TWI, I believed that the people that came to fellowship came of their own steam; I know that I never ever dragged anyone or forced them. If they stayed and took a class or ten, if they are still there, why is that my fault? I understand that we enjoyed the credit of bringing people to a fellowship, undershepharding them (gag) during a class, sponsoring them in the waycorps, yada yada blah blah. But where was the persons own decision making process? And now that we're out of there, perhaps for a really long time, there is still guilt and feelings of responsibility for those that came to twi at the urging of our witness? Who holds us accountable? The one looking back at us in the mirror? God? I ended up in twi cuz I loved a man, but I don't blame him, I don't hold him accountable. If we are so good at 'getting people into the word' then we can 'get them out of the word' right? I will not feel or act responsible for people the came to a twi anything because I invited them, nor do I feel accountable if they are still there. If I had that kind of power over another's mind, then I can call them tomorrow and at my urging they'll leave twi right?
  4. Shellon


    alright Ryan!!!!
  5. Great thread CW and one that needs to be addressed. In my marriage I didn't have a 'fiddling' bunch of women, but twi was certainly in there. We were pretty good at keeping most of our private stuff private, for the most part, usually. Save for when we were trying to conceive Kelly and that's a whole other talk show for some other time. I still believe that what we allow, we teach others is ok. I'm in the mother in law position now and happily find it easy, most of the time, to stay out of their relationship. But that is because they don't let me in there much. But your thread wasn't about inlaws and outlaws was it?
  6. Krys, I didn't see it, but yes, very cool!!!
  7. Holy dang!!! That's it, exactly, beautiful Eagle.
  8. Shellon

    Guitar Talk

    Tom, I'm gonna stand next to you and read along cuz I know another someone who wants to play but always put it off 'cuz I, er, I mean, they never know where to start.
  9. Hi Kathy Thank you, my baby and her baby......sigh.
  10. you're missed and wished a happy birthday.
  11. Shellon

    Another Joke

    A string walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender replies "I'm sorry, We don't serve strings" The string, angry, runs to the bathroom and ties himself up into knots until his ends are frayed. Then he walks back out and asks the bartender for a drink. "Hey, aren't you the string I just talked to?" The bartender asks. "Nope," Says the string, "I'm afraid not."
  12. http://www.houstoncurling.com/curl101.jsp
  13. Chewing barbed wire......LOL But yup, walmart sucks great big ones, indeed.
  14. LOL!!! All this time I thought curling was weight lifting. Here at the gym I belong to, there are points of curls.
  15. Shellon

    TWI's God

    You hear she needs approval, etc? Can you explain that to me please? Thank you
  16. Jade, remember when you and dad did a garden in that rented spot we had in Ct and he killed a quail with just a rock?
  17. It took me three times to get all 10 quail w/o hitting the man. Not bad considering I've not hunted quail in about 14 years, no?
  18. Recommended reading: Steven King's "Rose Madding" I can't say if it's his usual scary stuff, as I'm only about half way through; so far it's boring in that regard, I like the creepy stuff. However...............The first several chapters any women who ever was married while in TWI, or even in a seriouse relationship, will understand and relate to. There are enough writings on abuse in marriage to fill any library, but this one (and it is about abuse and escape and control) is written, I dunno, in a way that's not clinical. Of course, it's a novel of Kings, so it's a story, but ya'll will know Rose and understand her life and you'll know her husband and the beliefs that drive him. Just a short teaser: Rose is in a shop and comes across a painting. The painting is poor quality, according to some, but to Rose it's the most beautiful thing she's seen. It speaks of freedom to her, as well as liberty of her own life; the first thing she'll own of her own choosing, the only thing her husband didn't pick out for her or stop her from buying regardless of how much she loved and wanted it. Any woman who's ever found the courage to leave an abusive, controlling partner will find herself in this story. Any woman who's been in TWI and found the courage to dig deep for the courage to maintain in the puke and .... of the marriage controlled by TWI will find herself in the story too.
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