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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Pick a weekend, set the dates and then I can know if I can come play.
  2. Happy Birthday Socketcreep! When might you explain that name? :)
  3. LOL Tomstrangefriend I'm a student of psycho, I'm supposed to know about stuff like that. Yeah
  4. Penguin, it was the expected response to the puke they spewed. I wasn't invited to the meeting where my husbands life was flushed down the sewer. (hmmm wonder why they didn't invite me, huh?) The Limb Coordinator of Florida would have noted anyone that didn't nod their head in agreement and mumble the uh huh's. The few that did know things were a cluster#### did so because it was another coping behavior until they could get out; self preservation. What choice was there, really? During the screamings about Naomi, Bob or so many others, what if someone had stood up and stated what bull it all was, demand we pay proper tribute to the person? Well of course they'd have been outside rubbing their tossed on foot while the garbage disposal continued to work in the meeting. I laugh now at the hypocrasy, in our case. A memorial that, even tho a big ol lie, was given in tribute but the meetings behind closed door were going on at almost the same time. Hindsight grabs my heart and squeezes it and I apologize to my children and my family for what they had to endure at the hands of TWI when one they loved so much had so suddenly been lost to them and they were robbed of the mourning process. And they quicky got the rules of the game and kept their mouths shut, for my sake. :(
  5. Amazing isn't it? Trash a person after they die, adding agony upon agony to their family. I won't take away from a thread about Naomi to add my own story about how my husbands life was so shredded after he died. But I will say it appears to be TWI policy, their way of dealing with their own hard ugly hearts. To say something as simple and kind as 'she'll be sorely missed and was loved' would then be having to admit there is blood running in their veins rather than antifreeze. My hope is that there is some accountability somewhere someday.
  6. As a women in college and a mom I might be qualified to contribute. Most of my schooling has been grants and scholarships. I've done student loans a couple of times when I needed dental work, other medical care, car repair. I'm also a stay at home mom. I signed a contract saying I'd pay the loans back. The end. If I don't apply my education, I still owe the money. To all you taxpayers, thank you for the grant monies. Please don't send me a bill. :) When I got my first degree in Marketing, my parents paid the bill. I asked them if I had to pay them back since I fell in love and found myself in a cult, therefore never using the information. They said no. <_< oh, not applicable? So sorry.
  7. :blink: They even missed it during the squat and cough? Wow!
  8. Shellon

    Cat farts

    Lord help me. Kelly happened by as I was looking at that picture and she saw it too. :blink: Her face Then her face w/o the cuss words; at least not out loud.
  9. You'll apply your usual grace and manners and do your job and show him what a great example you are of someone who had the balls to face midnight.
  10. Ok now, THAT'S what I'm talking about. Having so much in common with people that freakin get it! (Well save for one with bad attitude) For me I've developed friendships that have sustained me on the good and crappy days, laughed until I woke up my kid and the neighbors kid, cried 'til there's nothing left, shared lives at every stage of grief and healing and breakage. Babies have been born, lives have been lost, jobs have been explored, gained and lost, ya'll have suffered with me from the very first day I walked back into a college classroom in l998 <_< and hung in there with me as you silently prayed to God to spare you one more of my 'I can't do this' stories. Many of you have sat up with me when my eldest was driving me mamanuts, disappearing into the nights of fear that only a parent can understand, sitting in chat with me while your eyes glossed over with exhaustion waiting for her to call or come home. Then rejoiced with me as she found her footing and made great decisions with her life. Ya'll were praying and waiting as she brought my grandbaby into this wild ride a year ago. You've hung in with me as my youngest explores her own boundaries and world. She's only 10, so who knows where she'll take us. :blink: That's friendship, that's love! Nowhere else on the planet can people come together and share the intimacy of their lives with such strength, such servitude, such love. Greasespot has an on/off switch which is why it makes for a safe place to hang out. But it's so much more than that isn't it? It's socially comfortable to relax together, think about anything in the world, push the envelope into ideas that are uncomfortable yet necessary to discuss and teach each other that bottom line, it's ok and most likely will continue to be if we just tie a knot and hang on. Thank you for that in my life.
  11. Shellon

    Moving Day

    I might to be moving soon. Maybe. Possibly. Remember twi moving days? :blink:
  12. Shellon

    Cat farts

    LOLOL Ron, you walked into it again didn't you?
  13. Happy Birthday! It's been a rough year for you, I know, and hope you can enjoy this day celebrating your life. Love ya, Shellon
  14. Happy Birthday! You're such a youngin still. Hope your day is wonderful the 25th
  15. Happy Birthday to a fantastic teacher. Hope it's been a great day!
  16. Yes J, understood, just another of my attempts at humor. I need new material
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