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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Hi Roy, I just fixed the word church; twas bugging me, was it you? I left everything else alone. :)
  2. Shellon


    Thanks ladies, this is what I'm talking about; talking about it! I'm not against discussing things and arguing about them, hashing and re-hashing. (what a wierd word) I don't believe in the 'can't we all just get along', either and I sure wouldn't hang around if that were the case. The april day I speak of is when the lawsuit was announced; indicating that something was finally going to happen to DO something. I get that we all have differant lens with which we see TWI and GS. How boring it'd be otherwise. We each have our own bias's and life things that effect how we approach and present. What I don't get is the ugliness toward each other when it happens. Some things are really painful and do indeed need to be addressed, regardless of how painful. If you offend me and I then offend you because you offended me and then you come back and offend me cuz I offended your for offending me.............. :blink: That's what I'm talking about. It's the one upmanship that speaks poorly to me. The grandiosity of 'well I'm right cuz I said so and you need to shut up and agree that I'm right and I'm going to keep saying so no matter what it costs'. I guess I'm naive to think that adult people can discuss things with some form while using their manners. That's not real life and it won't happen, I know that.
  3. Shellon


    The physical muscle that beats in our chests to pump blood through our bodies. Without it, we are dead. The heart that resides within us that allows for us to love and be loved and think kindly is the heart I'm interested in this morning. When you reach to the heart of someone why is it that you take the risk and put out your own heart of giving? Why is it you open up your own heart to receive when another offers theirs? We were once a family within a family that was presented to us as The Way International. We shared on some level, we loved together, we laughed and cried and raised babies and lived actual lives. However we got there, for whatever reason we stayed, we did. The arguement is not the point. We can't go back and do it over, change one day of it and no amount of wishing it were differant will make it so. How is it that we were all in the same place, hearing the same words, playing the same game with the same pieces got to this place? The place where we fight about a man who made the choices to start a ministry and allowed it and himself to get so dirty. The place where we've forgotten what our original goal was when we left. What was your goal, did you have one, do you remember it? Do you remember what you felt if you considered what you'd say or do when you might run into old friends? That's perhaps changed over time as you realized you would/could find old friends. Did you expect that you'd do such battle with them or others that walked the same road as you? I want to understand what the anger really is. Is it rage at a man that performed such life altering behaviors as to never be healable? Is it rage at a man that has fallen from his position of power and control and now lives a life totally differant? I want to remember the joy we felt that day in april not so many years ago when the first domino of his fall was touched to begin a process the likes of which we may never see again. What is The Greasespot Cafe here for? I used to know, but I don't see it anymore. What was the original idea? To provide a place to rest and know peace to those that had been so broken and left for death? Wasn't it also to be a place where those still entrapped within the walls of our old stomping grounds could find the courage to come and find strength to make decisions? Could it have ever been a place for us to stop and think, reflecting quietly on thankfulness of freedom? I can only speak for myself when I say that Waydale and Greasespot, although didn't save my life, they did afford me to be quiet and decide 'what now' and take the time to really be sure and then it's been supportive as I take action. I no longer know why I'm here and I'm not sure what to do with that. It's clearly not because of any unique healing process, and it's not because of any special love felt lately. I'm asking what someone that is still trapped in TWI sees here. Is it the same in-fighting and accusing and arguements with never an answer that they live with now? I understand that this forum is not only for them; it must serve the needs of many and I'm not suggesting that we not disagree. We excuse ourselves if we bump a stranger in the grocery, we apologize if we offend our neighbor. I'm wondering why we treat each other with such ugliness in here, considering how we all (most of us) came from the same place, have so many things in common and really need and deserve each others support and care. I know how very weary the journey makes us sometimes. Wouldn't it be nice to have a place to come home to, to rest, to recharge, a place to put our oars for awhile. It looks to me we've lost sight of the purpose of the original fight. This sea is no less raging than where we were.
  4. This continues to be a subject that will be talked about as long as many more generations live because of this exact thing. What are we going to do with our perverts. Cut their balls off. Fry em. Shoot them, then cut them, then fry them. A pervert/molester/abuser knows that s/he can spend the little time behind some bars or in some rehab program easily while the rest of us wish and hope and while the powers that be discuss and review laws and hmmm til the offender is released. Those that have been so violated get it, those that have had a child or other loved one so violated want to be the one who pulls the switch, just for starters. This idea of sending them to war is not a bad one. As medic said, they'd clearly find 'rehab'. Hopefully the enemy fire would find them. But our laws being what they are, I'd expect they'd be back on our soil in a year or two, angrier, feeling more powerful and in need of control. Last week in Oklahoma, a man who had apparent plans and implements to torture and cannabalize, killed a 10 year old little girl; a neighbor in his apartment complex. They are giving very little information, but enough to realize he raped her after her death and attempted to remove her head. He's given some statement that includes this child kept telling him she was sorry. She was sorry. Check out this story, look at the face of that sweet child. The man is being described as one who friends and family would have never expected this from, a hard worker, a nice young man, guy next door. Textbook. As a civilian, I can't possibly presume what it's like to go to war, what fear, what activity one must witness and take part in. But that's another good point; why do we get so concerned with what an offenders life might be like in the punishment s/he might receive. Someone asked how American it is to force an American to war. Hmmm I don't know, but I also find it sad that we Americans spend so much time and money worrying about an offender that forced a child to do the things they do. Forced them into a car, forced them into a room, forced them to be touched, raped, assaulted, forced them to beg for their life in terror we couldn't possibly know, crying for their parents. Forced them to do things their young minds don't know anything about. As long as we continue to loose sleep and time worrying about how these phucks 'feel' and what their lives would be like during the punishment they get, we will continue to see this horror go on. I can't get the visual of that beautiful little girl telling her attacker she was sorry out of my mind. Can you see it? Send him to a war zone, send his foot across a mine field, tell him it might have live shells, might not. See if he begs and is SORRY. Let the other troops know he's raped a little child, give them details while they're missing their babies at home. Unbelievable.
  5. TWI taught me how not to treat people. That has been an invaluable skill. No degrees or classes or books will ever show me lies and deceipt and corruption and harm to human life like they did.
  6. We don't get to see you around here much, but if you pop in, here's hoping your birthday is wonderful!! When you get a few minutes, come around for a cup of something. :)
  7. Of course you can't actually kill a devil spirit, but as we all also know, it's another term used by twi that makes no sense.
  8. I was aware of the bomb checks, building inspections, gun carrying leaders. Sheesh, I am one of the most paranoid people I know when it comes to checking things out WAY more than they probably need it, but lordy lordy, I always thought this silly. Our LC opened his brief case and a guy in our fellowship (twig way back then) saw it and freaked out. When it was explained to him that devil spirits sometimes showed up at twig, he seemed to appear as tho he felt better. Somewhere between the 3rd song and the boring lecture, this guy said he needed to get his Bible out of the car that he'd forgotten. He got in the car where the Bible was (or wasn't) and left. Smart man.
  9. Shellon


    Hi Tomstrangeperson Nope, not a point at all, just tossing in my sense, er cents.
  10. Shellon


    That might be the best example of the poverty and bossiness in Michigan I've ever heard. hee hee Having moved from Michigan to Oklahoma and Arkansas to hang out with a cult, my husband worked in concrete construction and he'd enjoy and hope for more yankees to apply for the job(s). They just worked harder, we assumed, cuz there was actual money to be made. It was a concept a yankee from Michigan wasn't much used to.
  11. Seems this guy has a bad habit of this kind of behavior. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/07/homeland.arrest/index.html
  12. :) Happy Birthday Galen
  13. This freak that gave all his info to a person he thought was a 14 year old girl needn't have worried if he got caught and he knew it. Sex offenders don't have to do much time, maybe he needed a few months vacation.
  14. Michigan is proposing some changes as well. I can't find the link, but I think Abi posted it recently. Abi?
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/04/homeland.arrest/index.html DHS spokesman arrested in child sex sting: Brian J. Doyle faces 23 charges
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