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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Me either Strange man I was in twi from 82-98, I did all the classes up to Craigs Advanced Class, never went corps, we were Coordinators when it suited them, not when it didn't. Danced their dance until I could scoot out the ballroom door. I have two daughters, a half dead fish and a blind hamster.
  2. LOLOL!!! 14 year old daughter smoking at the dinner table in front of her kids..........guffaw
  3. And oh my goodness the time it saves. The recipient doesn't walk away wondering if they were just told to go to hell and the one making the suggestion doesn't walk away wishing s/he'd said go to hell. Personally I recommend it, if for the time savings alone. HA! So, it's a regional/cultural thing eh? I thought I was just rude.
  4. Dig it! What a treat to hear; thank you paw
  5. Exactly, and I'd like to thank the poster who called us damaged for reminding us we're so wonderful!
  6. The human tongue can do WAY more damage than any physical weapon and it behooves us to consider how what we say might be received. Indeed everyone has triggers; some bigger than others. When I read the words to which you refer about the 'damaged people' here at greasespot, I found it rude too, but I also felt shame for the person who believed it's ok to say such a thing about those s/he doesn't even know. How embarassing to allow such a thing to fall out of their keyboard. How boring would life be were we all as well put together as some believe we should be. Were it not for the chips and cracks, where would be the character, where would be the charm? Those chips and cracks are hard earned; we deserve them. This is life! I worry about a person who so judges our lives and allows their mind to think we should somehow be what we are not, just because they say so. Dang, to be carbon copies, all the same pattern, all the same voice, all the same opinions.....ugh. There is probably a cult somewhere that would love to have that attitude in their midst.
  7. Shellon

    Christian Schools

    unfortunately, Tom, no there are not and the two that were worth considering even though quite a drive, are closing. It's going to come back to she and I doing the best we can with what we got and supplementing it with side things like programs she can get involved in that offer what she needs. At least we've done our homework and can know that we tried. The public system she's in now isn't bad, but it is frustrating for a kid like Kelly who needs more and a mom like me who needs to be very involved in her kids school. We've had great practice this year finding new ways to get there, rather than straight in.
  8. If ya weren't supposed to cry, God wouldn't have given ya the stuff to do it with. Let that stuff out, it's good! Men ARE supposed to cry
  9. Shellon

    Christian Schools

    After spending this week listening to her, watching her when she talks about it and checking it out further, my decision is no. I'm not happy with the public school she's in, but at least she does well there and after spending her day visiting, she's happier about her own. So, it's cool, we'll just look for other avenues of getting the extra things she needs.
  10. ricky, hearing what's going on would be a refreshing change. Being told it's raining when it's really pi$$ is something I, for one, am very used to and sick of. Amazing how complacent one can become when one is hearing the same drivel over and over. I have doubts that anyone really knows what is going on. I've not read it here, or anywhere, yet.
  11. Shellon

    I Love Bagpipes

    Happy Birthday bagpipes
  12. Shellon

    Christian Schools

    :( ? are you expressing sadness for braces, she didn't like the school, they taught too much religion? Whatcha got Jean? :) give it up
  13. Shellon

    Christian Schools

    Whew, what a day! She didn't like the school. Said all they did was about 1/2 hour of math and the rest of the day was spent on talking about Jesus and the Bible. Lunch was good, and recess was fun. Oh, and noone was mean to her; a welcome and refreshing thing from what she's used to. So.....Don't know, but now it's my turn to visit I guess and find out if it's like that every day or if just monday's are sleepers. A trip to the dentist might have answered the question for me though. She's headed for braces in about 6-12 months. No cavities though, yay!! Remember when our parents waved in our direction in the morning and we went to school and noone really knew what we did all day.
  14. Shellon

    Christian Schools

    Yes, the social part keeps coming up, but it's not a concern in this decision. Kelly is involved in activities in the church she attends such as GEMS, as well as Girls On The Run, in addition to other organizations I belong to that include the children. Whether or not other families might allow their children to play with mine.....I don't care about that. I understand that for many it's an issue, but it's not for us. I've spent much time today talking to other parents who have their children either at the school she's visiting or want their child there and so far the worst thing I've heard is that one child was refused when he wanted to sculpt the same figurine again. I'm hearing things like strong parent/teacher interaction, leaders prepared in the community via the school, high scores in Odysee of the Mind (sp) competitions, forensics and drama in middle school, strong emphasis on physical activity and sports, did I meantion 16 students in the entire grade, field trips to hands on museums and cultural events that involve music and dramatic expression, a grading system that challenges instead of just labels. Kelly did some testing recently and although I hate those things, it told them that she needs what I've been hollaring about; structure, challenge, advanced placements, classes for gifted and talented (more labels, but I guess they have to call it something) We have no charter schools in my area. I'm digging this one so far. Will see what she has to say when I get there to pick her up. Thanks
  15. Shellon

    Christian Schools

    My daughter is a guest today at a private christian school. yikes. :blink: It's a school I checked out occasionally as the public one made me a crazy mama, but figured with my bias's it would be better to hang in there where she is. Not to mention coming up with the tuition. Then they "heard" about her, meaning scholastically ie: her grades, community involvement, etc. and after remembering talking to me, invited her to spend a day. What I like about it: 1. Class size. Her entire 5th grade in public school is about 140, private is 16 in the entire grade. 2. Core values that actually hold the child accountable as well as the teachers and admin. 3. Prayer before classes in am, praise and worship throughout the day and Bible studies. 4. Discipline measures are strict. 5. They offer, in fact require art, music, health and community involvement. Granted, the bias issues are for me to work out in my own head, but I'd have to be very involved (another requirement of child being a student) so that would afford me to deal with said bias's. Tuition is paid through a variety of differant ways and it means I have to get involved in a church of my choice, which provides some of the money. Other ways to cover cost is my hours volunteering, private donations, sliding fees based on income, to name a few. I'm anxiously awaiting her return this afternoon to tell me what she thought. The didn't invite me to stay there past introductions and walking with her to meet her 'student buddy' and hello's to the teacher. :unsure: I don't know. I am very very unhappy with the public schools system, it's not a secret, yet I can't expect there will not be issues as well in a private christian system either. I'm just wondering if the things to deal with in a private christian school might be more easily dealt with and have some actual resolution, which would be really refreshing. Do any of you have your kids in Christian School(s)? I know we have a high population of homeschool parents here and I spent much time considering that too, but I know that it won't fit us. Signed Nervous mama
  16. Shellon

    dr phils test

    34, exactly correct
  17. Shellon


    Exactly!! We each heal at our own rates. What is painful to you might not be to me, depending on coping skills, upbringing, etc. Maybe that's it; I like to see people invest something into others lives, show an interest, a care and concern. So many here do that, some go above and beyond that, others would like to, others couldn't possible care less than they do now about my life, yours or anyone's beyond how far they might reach. It's foolish of me to expect that just because we had TWI in common that we might carry that over into an ex-twi place. There is no way to measure what we're worth, I'd forgotten that. I do believe that validating my story or yours would be a very good thing, indeed. Just listen, that's all the need is sometimes. I tend to look at things in a much smaller sphere. If we tackle what is going on right now, we can then address the next thing. I find this to be more effective in my own life because most of the time looking at the huge picture is too much and I'll flat walk away instead. The one at a time attack works everywhere in my life, but I get it that it doesn't fit here. Greasespot cafe is a really wonderful place, it meets a need or twenty. Thank you all. The ride has been a doozy eh?
  18. Happy Anniversary. Here's to six more
  19. Hey! Where are you all? I jumped out and there was noone there! Going now to clean off all the icing. Sigh Warn a girl next time will ya?
  20. Shellon


    Sure Roy, feel free to share and thanks for links that I will check out at another time. I'm familiar with the Pathfinder site; it's one I enjoy often.
  21. Sure, I'd help the man, never in my home or anywhere near my children.
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