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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. The Lone Ranger and Tonto stopped in the desert for the night. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, "Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see?" The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars." "What that tell you "Kemo Sabe?" asked Tonto. The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically , it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell you, Tonto?" Tonto is silent for a moment, then says, "Kemo Sabe, you dumber than buffalo crap. It means someone stole tent."
  2. People that tell me what they think I want to hear Anyone! that messes with my children Being on hold People that stare Waiting in line in the speedy check out whatever that line is where the person in front has a full cart. Extra super clean homes Commercials that suddenly are louder than I have the volume set at Infomercials that promise a beautiful body in 30 days while they use people that were never normal to begin with Stores that suddenly move all the products People who pass on the right, especially in school zones
  3. :) Happy Birthday Sudossuda! Have a wonderful day; enjoy having two great days in one, what a treat.
  4. Oh my goodness I am SO VERY PROUD of you!!!!! Congratulations girl! :wub:
  5. Chef, my girls lost their dad one week before Fathers Day in l997. We celebrated anyway, cuz we needed to. Thinking of you on mothers day. :)
  6. HA! Kit I love that one, thank you. Happy Mothers Day to you
  7. Shellon


    What exactly are you wearing right now? Huge sweatshirt and jeans What is your current problem? I can only name one? What makes you most happy? My girls happy and Kailin laughing If you could go back in time and change something would you? yes I would have opened my mouth and spoke up ALOT more Name something obvious about you: I'm short What's the name of the song that you're listening to? "I have never been unloved" by Michael W. Smith Any celeb you would marry? Denzel Washington Name someone with the same birthday as you? Ronald Reagan, Lorraine Yount Do you have a crush on someone? No Ever sang in front of a large audience? Absolutely! What do you usually order from Starbucks? Large Raspberry Mocha Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yes, Whoopie Goldberg Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? Sometimes w/ Kelly Do you speak any other languages? Yes Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo? No Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? Yes Do you ever watch MTV? Just Cribs What's something that really annoys you? fake foot people and Liars Chapter 1: Nicknames: Mary Current location: At my desk Eye color : hazel Chapter 2: Do you live with your parents: No Do you get along with your parents: Yes, my parents are wonderful! Are your parents married/separated/divorced: Divorced Do you have any siblings: 6 brothers ( 3 all my life, 4 came with step parents) 1 step sister Chapter 3: Favorites Ice cream flavor: Chocolate Season: Fall/Winter Shampoo/conditioner: Yes Chapter 4: Do You Sing in the shower No write on your hand No Call people back: Depends Believe in love: Depends Sleep on a certain side of the bed: I'm the only one in the bed, I can sleep anywhere I want Have any bad habits: Of course Chapter 5: Have You Ever Broken a bone: yes Gotten stitches: No Taken painkillers: yes Gone SCUBA diving: No!! Been stung by a bee: yes Thrown up in a restaurant: Yes Sworn in front of your parents: Yes Had detention: Yes Been sent to the principal's office: yes Been called a hoe: just by jealous bitches Been called a stank-foot mongoloid elf-tit lookin' sonofabitch? LOL yes Chaper 6: Who/What was the last Person to text you? text me? What did it say: What did what say? Person to call you: Samantha Person you hugged: Kelly Person you tackled? My mom Thing you ate: Shrimp Thing you drank Hot tea Thing you said "I love you" to Samantha
  8. LOL This story has often been one of my favorites.
  9. Like so many others, I've been thinking of Sandi too. What a gem she was to my life as she trusted me with things in her life and allowed me to share myself and my life and children with her. Sandi's death continues to be another of those things in life that isn't right, isn't fair and again shakes my faith in whatever sets the pace of such things. What a great loss to us here at GS but what joy to remember the day of her birth and celebrate her life. :) Happy Birthday Dovey
  10. Probably a smart idea ck, cuz you'd pass out
  11. Ah psalm does still live here! Nice to see you girl, how's things?
  12. Hi Hope, so nice to see you! I won't say hang in there, cuz as a widow, I know how that just doesn't hold much during the really rough days. I will say you are loved and appreciated and I believe in you! :)
  13. Hi Todd I'm excited to see you this goes for you too! I'd like to check out Hospice as a Social Worker; maybe as in intern next year. The experiences I've had with hospice thus far have been on the receiving end. When my maternal grandmother was dying, we brought in hospice and it was wonderful!!!! When it was time for her to go, they encouraged us as to what to say, do, etc. The bottom line was to do whatever we wanted to do. The best part was that they suggested my then three year old daughter be there if she wanted to. It took alot of conversation and thought on my part to decided if that was good and I came to the conclusion it could be. She wanted to be there, as she knew Grandma Great was dying, and she had spent much time with her as I cared for her 10-12 hours a day. It was a very good experience for her and all of us. I also got involved in Hospice Grief counseling after my husband died, although he died suddenly and we didn't use the services prior. Good luck to you! Please keep us posted.
  14. I'm glad you got some answers by talking about things Roy. I remember that conversation and was glad to see you speak up and express yourself so we could try to understand and maybe offer something that would be applicable to you. :)
  15. So, did you all enjoy the round table discussion we had? I enjoyed doing that with Linda and Abi and Paw; it was fun!
  16. :) lol It's one of those situations where the name is pronounced as it looks. Shell on. But I've lived my entire life spelling it as well as pronouncing it; I'm used to it.
  17. CW, I saw the humor in the article too. I mean DANG! Wouldn't it be a blast to be the reporter(s) that get these stories.....'lets add the grand a day for travel to beat him at home' People are dumb huh? Like he figured he could get away with it, his boss, board of directors and most of all his wife are all a bunch of stupid people.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/05/02/dominatrix.ap/index.html Now this guy is twisted. Not nec. because he's into this sexual pleasure, but that he took the action he did to feed it. His poor wife.....
  19. Hoping your 46th birthday is wonderful Roy!
  20. Crusty pottyface- pottydoodle :blink:
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