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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Sometimes parents will play the code word with their children in order that they might find out how things are going, it's not uncommon at all in twi, or wasn't when I was hanging out there. Especially when it's a twi/non twi split. I wouldn't be surprised to find that the non twi dad and the child have some kind of communication when they speak on the phone or in presence of twi folks. Example: My child is at a friends house and I call to check on her, but don't want the hosting family to feel I'm implying they aren't taking care of my kid or I just want to find out how it's going. Before hand I tell my kid that if things are well, then say 'a book'. My prearranged question is "did you forget anything?" If things are going not so well she's to say 'my shoes'. Whatever, but there may be a court order that says mom can't ask about things during the visits. The judge can't very well cite her for asking if her child forgot something. If the kid answers 'a book' then I can go from there. Very common in twi, of course an organization that thrives on secrecy and false fronts. If that's the case here, 'ram, ram' might seem wierd, but it's possible that it's the chosen word for them. Another of those 'we'll never know for sure' things that twi is.
  2. Now Nic and all the babies are moving with us too. Just like the old days, babe, when everyone followed everyone else, whether they wanted to or not.
  3. Hi Imbus nice to see you again
  4. Happy Birthday Allers
  5. Ummmm I had a five year plan......................
  6. Shellon


    Hi Mo! sigh...........I loved loved loved Oregon.
  7. How do we convince Charlie and Kelly? :unsure:
  8. 5/31/2006 - Molester Ban INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- A half-dozen sex offenders, including convicted child molesters and rapists, are suing Indianapolis because the city has barred them from being near parks, pools and playgrounds when children are present. The plaintiffs contend a new law violates their rights to vote and attend church, and prevents them from freely using roads that may pass within a thousand feet of children's play areas. An attorney for the city says officials plan to defend the ordinance, saying what's most important is protection for kids. The ordinance includes an exception that lets sex offenders visit the pools and play areas as long as they're with another adult who has not been convicted of a sex crime. The six are being represented in federal court by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana. (Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
  9. :) If you think you are going to Arkansas w/o your mama you got a nothing think coming baby. Wonderful pics my beautiful child.
  10. Apostle or Lord Wierwille :blink: ROFL hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee GASP oh my GOD! Raspberry Mocha Coffee on the screen funny. ROFL ahhhhhhhhhh LOLOLOL sigh ===================================================================== oh and.......ck, it shows your original post was edited by me. It wasn't, my apologies, I hit the wrong button. ===================================================================== LOLOL ohhhhhh my
  11. Roy, you truly are a greasespot gem. :)
  12. Shellon

    Helpful Hints

    Hi Galen I don't care cuz I aint eating the fish no matter what it smells like.
  13. My work for the last 8 weeks has been as an intern in an agency that is a clearing house between the client and their need(s). Not employment, necessarily cuz I had to pay for it, but practical application anyway. Three weeks left til my required hours are done. I took it for two reasons. Well, three. 1. I had to do an internship this quarter. 2. The places used most to meet the need of the client are churches, so I knew it would be an opportunity to deal with some bias's therein. 3. I talk to the clients only on the phone, so I get to practice what I've been studying, but don't have to do the eyeball to eyeball yet. And don't have to deal with the abuser directly yet; just his/her victim where I can do that most good without the abuser getting in my way. There is just me, the Intake Coordinator and the Director. Both very sweet ladies, very kind and welcoming to me. The director is very quiet and serious, all business and all busy. We see her fly by our offices alot, usually giving instructions to us or more often "follow me to my office will you?". Typical director of a very busy agency, she's in and out all day, on the phone alot. Because she's so busy, we get to make most of the decisions about what to help the client with and what we have to deny. She's the one that kicked my a$$ when I gave rent money to a lady that I would have seen abuses the system had I only read her file. The intake coordinator is funny! She's my direct supervisor and we have a blast most days. She's a preachers wife so the stories we get to share back and forth are often funny, sometimes sad and always enlightening. My office is right next to hers so we yell alot back and forth. She tells me she loves me almost every day, says she's waiting for me to say something besides "thank you" in response. We all cry together when a mama calls with no diapers or formula for her baby, a dad calls with a story about his son being in the hospital and they need meds or after care. We shed a tear often and then we dig in and find diapers and formula for the baby and call around and find starter meds for the boy, or anything else we can get from donations. What these two women have taught me is that I can do it, I can also speak to ministers, preachers, pastors, whomever has a 'religious' title without an attitude and I can even talk to my clients about God without feeling like I'm witnessing and needing to bleach my mouth. I just can't say I love you to my co-worker/supervisor yet.
  14. Shellon

    Helpful Hints

    It doesn't take very long to copy and paste something interesting over here. :)
  15. Shellon

    Helpful Hints

    These are from Farmers Almanac • Use a strand of uncooked spaghetti to test a cake for doneness when a toothpick isn’t long enough, or if you don’t have any toothpicks in the house. • Use a hot knife blade for cutting fresh breads and a wet one for cutting soft cakes. • Try dampening a cloth with club soda to clean stainless steel appliances. This method will clean without leaving spots or streaks. • Metal cookie cutters double up nicely as unique napkin holders for special dinners. If you want, spray paint them to match the decor. • To help stop meatloaf from sticking to the pan, put one or two strips of bacon in the pan before the meatloaf. • Remove adhesive from stickers on glass by rubbing vegetable oil with a soft cloth or paper towel, then wash. • Stuff newspaper in shoes - the paper absorbs odor and perspiration - also keeps shoe shape. • Foggy mirror? A blow-dryer will clear it! • Frozen fish can be thawed in a small amount of milk in the refrigerator. This eliminates any fishy taste. • To get the correct measurement of shredded cheese, pack lightly into a dry measuring cup. Do not pack tightly. • Pan size is measured from the top, not the bottom. • Put used steel wool scrubbing pads in a plastic bag and store in the freezer to help prevent rust. • Trouble putting the lid on a plastic container? Run the lid under hot water for 20-30 seconds and it will close easily. • Fruit will be more flavorful if ripened at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator. • Glass tabletops will sparkle if you rub gently with lemon juice or with vinegar, then dry with paper towels and polished with newspapers. • Substitute for sour cream - mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup buttermilk. Blend in a blender or food processor for 2 minutes. • One lemon will yield about 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 tablespoons of juice. • To cut dried fruits, marshmallows or gumdrops, dip kitchen scissors frequently into hot water. • A medium-size clove of garlic equals 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder. • You get twice the amount of orange juice from a orange, if you hold it under hot water before you squeeze. • To remove meat juices, scrape with dull blade. Pre-soak in cold or warm water for 30 minutes. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric. • To remove mildew stains, moisten stained spots with a mixture of lemon juice and salt, then spread the item in the sun for bleaching; finally, rinse and dry. Follow up by laundering as usual. • To freshen your laundry and prevent your iron from sticking, you'll be surprised by the improvements in ironing that a little bit of salt will make. A dash of salt in the laundry starch keeps the iron from sticking and gives linens and fine cottons a glossy, brand-new finish. • Popcorn left in the cupboard? Place 1/4 cup of popcorn in a brown paper lunch bag. Fold the top over a few times. Place paper on its side and microwave on high until the popping slows. • Brew your coffee with bottled spring water; you will have better tasting coffee and no mineral deposits. • To slice meat into thin strips, as for Chinese dishes, partially freeze and it will slice easily. • A roast with the bone in will cook faster than a boneless roast. The bone carries the heat to the inside of the roast more quickly. • A fork should never be stuck in meat while frying or grilling as it punctures the meat and lets the juices out. Use tongs. • Instant potatoes are a good thickening for stews. • Juicier burgers: add one stiffly beaten egg white to each pound of hamburger. You could also make patties with one tablespoon of cottage cheese in the center. • Bacon that has been fried and drained can be frozen in foil; reheat in toaster oven to crisp. • Dip your fingers in water to prevent meatballs from sticking to your hands. • If the drawstring of your sweat pants keeps slipping through the casing, try this easy solution: Sew a medium-size button on each end of the drawstring and it won't slip through again. • Baking powder will remove tea or coffee stains from china pots or cups. • Anything that grows under the ground, start off in cold water - potatoes, beets, carrots, etc. Anything that grows above ground, start off in boiling water - English peas, greens, beans, etc. • Canned cream soups make excellent sauces for vegetables, fish, etc. Celery with lobster, black bean or onion with cauliflower, tomato with lamb chops. • Use vinegar and hot water to clean dried on insects off the windshield. Doesn't leave any film. • Keep disposable wipes in your car. Clean up spills, dirty hands and they keep the inside smelling nice. • When moving to a new location, unpack your computer and let it stand at room temperature before using. • Yellowed perspiration stains can really ruin T-shirts and dress shirts. Add 4 tablespoons salt to 1 quart hot water, and sponge the fabric with the solution until stains disappear. • Moths will be repelled by strong smelling mothballs. However, herbs will do the same thing and smell better. Lavender, wormwood, cedar or patchouli along with a small amount of rosemary, cinnamon, cloves or tansy will work well. Mix any combination and place in the toe of a used stocking. Tie open end and hang in closet or place in a drawer. • Moths do not eat wool - they eat the food stains and perspiration left on clothes or blankets. Keep wool items clean and stored in sealed plastic bags or containers. • Bloodstains can be among the toughest stains to remove from clothing and fabrics. Soak the stained clothing or cloth in cold saltwater, then launder in warm, soapy water.
  16. Shellon

    Mystery Solved

    Chicken and egg debate unscrambled Egg came first, 'eggsperts' agree LONDON, England -- It's a question that has baffled scientists, academics and pub bores through the ages: What came first, the chicken or the egg? Now a team made up of a geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer claim to have found an answer. It was the egg. Put simply, the reason is down to the fact that genetic material does not change during an animal's life. Therefore the first bird that evolved into what we would call a chicken, probably in prehistoric times, must have first existed as an embryo inside an egg. Professor John Brookfield, a specialist in evolutionary genetics at the University of Nottingham, told the UK Press Association the pecking order was clear. The living organism inside the eggshell would have had the same DNA as the chicken it would develop into, he said. "Therefore, the first living thing which we could say unequivocally was a member of the species would be this first egg," he added. "So, I would conclude that the egg came first." The same conclusion was reached by his fellow "eggsperts" Professor David Papineau, of King's College London, and poultry farmer Charles Bourns. Mr Papineau, an expert in the philosophy of science, agreed that the first chicken came from an egg and that proves there were chicken eggs before chickens. He told PA people were mistaken if they argued that the mutant egg belonged to the "non-chicken" bird parents. "I would argue it is a chicken egg if it has a chicken in it," he said. "If a kangaroo laid an egg from which an ostrich hatched, that would surely be an ostrich egg, not a kangaroo egg." Bourns, chairman of trade body Great British Chicken, said he was also firmly in the pro-egg camp. He said: "Eggs were around long before the first chicken arrived. Of course, they may not have been chicken eggs as we see them today, but they were eggs." The debate, which may come as a relief to those with argumentative relatives, was organized by Disney to promote the release of the film "Chicken Little" on DVD.
  17. Happy Birthday Vickles, I was glad you got my note. Hope your day has been great.
  18. Shellon


    :) Have fun baby. Love to J and K for me and Congratulations to Chanelle and Ryan Be careful
  19. Ok, disregard. I deleted the Itunes thing and now I can play music, dvd's, everything I used to be able to do. Thanks again!
  20. Kelly's 11 year old friend sang "Think Of Me" last night at an arts shows at their school. Not a dry eye in the house, this child sang it so beautifully I've not been lucky enough to see it yet, no. Thanks Cowgirl!! Now how do I hear it? It tells me to save it, which is all well and good, except for then I dunno where it is. Tried to put it on Itunes whatever that is but that's not worked since I got it. Any ideas?
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