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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Amen, exactly, which is why I thank you
  2. Have a great birthday Herbie!
  3. We're thinking of your daughter and her co-workers and Melinda's family during this horrible loss in their lives. How tragic for everyone.
  4. THAT is why I have three tomato plants growing in the middle of my yard that I didn't plant. Thanks WG
  5. Shellon


    Happy Birthday dooj
  6. Aha~! You've said what I'm saying in one short sentence.
  7. LOLOL yup, the does my butt thing again. When women quit asking that stupid question, the world will be a much more fun place. We know men don't want to hear it, can't answer it and it's just dumb. I've been a widow for nine years and given my idea of an honest man, I'll be a widow forever, I know that, accept it. I've said that a relationship takes alot of work and that's not understood either. The work in this one is the women makes herself not ask that age old stupid question and if she does, the man has the guts to say 'quit asking me that stupid question' See? It doesn't work, period. Men think women believe men are idiots. Women think men believe they are bit ches. If ever one looks at the other honestly, both would see neither is true. It's just easier to hold to the stereotypical expectations; much less work. yup, doesn't work, I know. Ok, back to your regularly scheduled discussion of what is sexy
  8. George I know men don't believe it and that doesn't matter to me. For me, and it's rare, I know that too, I prefer honesty. Not the 'honey I love you smoochie blah blah puke me a dozen roses' crap. That doesn't last long enough to carry a relationship past the first 3 months or so. I will never enter into any kind of relationship unless the dude has the balls to tell the truth, every time. That's sexy, to this woman. The physical stuff fades fast over time. I've started this 'truth' stuff before and it didn't fly then either. Me, it's the truth about everything, or it's nothing. Doesn't fit society, I know that very well.
  9. To me, it has nothing to do with physical appearance. If a man has the guts to be honest, that means more than any of the other.
  10. Shellon

    The Countdown

  11. :) Happy Birthday Sushi!!
  12. Naw, Shaz, not worrying, I was just pointing out that I'm sure the general public is unlearned about this disease.
  13. Interesting quiz on this link, Shaz. I failed every question and would bet many would get many incorrect. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/06/09/...in1698407.shtml Quiz in on right midway or so down.
  14. Thinking about you Seth A few months ago you were awaiting an appt with new docs, did they finally get you hooked up? Kudo's to you, as many many many men don't take any action, prefering instead to hide and suffer.
  15. Shellon

    The Countdown

    Or if one were to have sat at my supper table this evening.
  16. Not yet, Tom, not yet I didn't
  17. $5 to 7 MILLION for the rights to pictures of a celebrities baby???? What has become of the world? Who are these people, they are no freakin differant than you or me. Oh wait, they will donate the proceeds from baby pics to the less fortunate; that's it! <_< It's just a baby, everyone has babies every day. My babies were beautiful, so were yours, come on. Unbelievable http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Movies/06/...reut/index.html
  18. Happy Anniversary!! :)
  19. Whatcha gonna do for your birthday? I hope it's a wonderfully happy one, my friend.
  20. Oh, and now Dawn and Chelsea are going with us. How big of a house can you get?
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