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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. yeah, all those places as well as your local Senior Center
  2. Happy Birthday Hills!!
  3. Probably shouldn't gripe when it's free but where's the pineapple and ham?
  4. Shellon

    Weenie Roast 2006

    Yeah, Goey did that pic of the cuteness, great eh? I sent him a pic and he sent that back.........I love it! Well, planning when Ron is away is best, then he'll have to be there when we show up. There is rumor he's gonna show up around here somewhere soon.........dunno yet.
  5. Shellon

    Weenie Roast 2006

    Sorry Box Next fall, 2007, Samantha and Charlie are planning a vacation to Arkansas, her homestate. If they are already there, and the 2007 roast can be in Ark., then I will certainly go. And.... I'd bet it wouldn't take much to convince Ron to share his mountain with a bunch of weenies. He's a great host, a great cook, an excellent shot and it's more convenient for many that have wanted to go but couldn't cuz of distance.
  6. Shellon

    Weenie Roast 2006

    Ron might be persuaded to have his Arkansas mountain be the site of the 2007 roast. My kids will already be there and that's a good reason for me to go meet them there.
  7. I would say that being involved in TWI contributed to the death of my husband which was of course the death of my marriage too.
  8. Shellon

    A parent question

    ah, yeah, ok. Thanks strange man
  9. Shellon

    A parent question

    Thank you everyone, I'm excited about her appointment and I hope she's serious about wanting them.
  10. I'm so sorry, yes it's 54! Thanks dmiller My apologies George, happy 54th, sheesh I'll learn to read one day. I got wayfernot's day wrong, your age wrong. Someone is getting old here..... <_<
  11. It's been my pleasure to get to know you more lately and it's so much fun to help you celebrate your 74th birthday. Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
  12. GSC professional care team............ ROFL But so very true that
  13. Shellon

    A parent question

    lol dmiller, I never said a word. When we go to any of her doctors, I work really hard at keeping my mouth shut and just listening; I want her to take responsibility for her stuff, so if it's hers, she'll do what's required. I liked his style of dealing with a kid; very cool. And not only is he an eye doc but a dad too. :)
  14. Shellon

    A parent question

    My daughter, Kelly is 11 years old and has been interested in contact lenses. Last August when she brought it up to her eye doc he said yes she was a good candidate for contacts, but he had two rules first. 1. She had to keep a pet alive for one year. 2. She had to keep her room relatively clean for same year. It's time for her annual exam and she's done both of the above pretty well; the pets are still alive and the health department hasn't condemned her room. And she's still interested, save for a couple of concerns I expected like being afraid they'll hurt, she'll poke her eye out with that thing and 'what if I lose them and you take all my savings mom'. As a mom I'm interested in other parents' thoughts. Does your kid have contacts, have you as the parent been happy with them, etc. I am familiar with the recent cleansing solution mess. Kelly has been wearing glasses since she was 5 years old and will do so the rest of her life at this point. She hasn't been a problem about wearing them, cuz frankly she can't see w/o them very well. She's taken excellent care of them, having fallen asleep and bent them only one time in all these years, never lost them. So, in all that I think she'd do well with contacts and I've done a little research about kinds and types; disposable, etc., but don't see much really. She and her doctor will discuss all that in two weeks when her appt is, as well. When my oldest daughter got contacts from same doctor years ago, they wouldn't let us leave until she could put them in and take them out properly; a practice I liked. I am concerned about her losing them, yes, because of the expense, but I dunno, I think we know our kids and Kelly is pretty responsible about everything else.........
  15. Shellon

    New Pictures

    It is such a fun place and having been born and raised in the great lakes state, I think everyone should do one tirp to the island. :)
  16. Shellon

    New Pictures

    :) Dig those!!!
  17. Regardless of his massive screw up in the business world I am sorry to his wife, kids and grandkids for their loss. This loss is one more on top of so many others in last years, but this one final. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster they might be on.
  18. Happy Birthday!!! A fourth of July baby!!! You are appreciated here at the cafe and it's my hope your birthday is wonderful.
  19. Agreed Danny, my arguement wasn't completely with what they found in the background checks, but that they didn't do them prior. Some of the offenses are minor, indeed, or as you suggest perhaps foolish mistakes make at another time in one's life. Also bugged me that the teachers didn't answer the question honestly on the application where it says "have you even been convicted of a crime...." I just didn't like that they were basically forced to do them, balked about the dollars (during my conversation with the superintendent) and led us to believe they had been done. Now that all that is public in our state, they are saying there is some error. Some are on there that shouldn't be. Does that mean their records have been expunged; I don't know. I do know that this was one of the concerns when they were given a deadline to gather and make public the information. Again IMO it's about honesty. People make mistakes, absolutely. Teachers are held to differant standards and some parents would prefer to know a little something about who is in that classroom. We've one teacher who was recently in an altercation over property lines and he was found guilty. Parents, the board, the community chose to believe him and not hold it against him. It was unfortunate that this part of his life had to be made so public, as you would likely agree. As well, as the article says, the schools can now make the decisions on who stays regardless of their being on that list. We've one parent that calls the police everytime the principal looks crosseyed at his daughter. That's a mess in the making. None of the teachers in our district were on the list, but at least they checked them out, just in case. Our district said they 'knew none would be as we have educators above reproach'. While this may be true in the eyes of those that hired them and pay them, we wanted to see for ourselves, given the way of the world today. Sure better to err on the side of caution than to try to recover, or worse find recovery for a child, later.
  20. Abi, I was glad to finally see this list come out. I blew a nut when I found out that these checks had not been done 'til now when this came out in December I think. Our schools in our town have none on the list; and they did say they did do checks. We'll never know if this was the first time, it's irrevelant isn't it? I put my application and resume into both local school systems and had to sign a background check paper. I have to do that every year for College anyway, but was relieved to see the public schools FINALLY doing it too. Sheesh
  21. Love it, I've done the first thing with furniture and a couple of appliances. Free didn't work, but putting a price on em did. Funny
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