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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    Color Test

    I'm w/ dmiller on this one, I can't seem to get it. 0% each time and it says 'a truly shameful performance' Select the COLOR of the word, not the word..........hmmmmm Is this math? Ok, wait................maybe
  2. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    Yeah, a six year old a a perm. marker is a bad combo. This mom and I have disagreed on numerous issues of parenting, which is another talk show. We hadn't gotten over there to deal with the keys yet, but she called this morning to say that she did get them cleaned off. She used something my uncle told her about (he does our rental plumbing, electrical, etc) that she couldn't recall the name of, but says they're clean. We're meeting a guy there this afternoon to measure for some new windows, so we'll check out the keys. I'll see if I can play a tune on it. And will ask Uncle Mike what he suggested she use that worked.
  3. Shellon

    Flea advice

    Diatomaceous earth is the only thing I'd recommend too. And for after you're done with your current problem, tea tree oil to keep 'em away.
  4. Any other ideas to get to see it?
  5. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    Indeed, the piano might be worth nothing. To me it's my childhood memories, it's ditching the piano teacher, it's recitals with my brother, it's expressing myself through music, it's a light and silly fight with my brother to get the thing just because he wants it. It's about my maternal grandmother. When I cared for her until her death in l999, until the last few months, we'd go down there and she'd play for me. It's about a filet knife that my brother accidently left lying on it's top and I found at age five, cutting my eye. It's about the time I pushed another brother off it's top cuz he was too slow in the superman flying game. It's about the 9 stitches and the guilt. Our dad picked it up at an auction somewhere around 1964, dragging it home hoping someone would pound out a note or three on it. Apparently it was a mess, requiring alot of cleaning and tuning and repair. To me, it's a good part of my growing up. And it's about the tenant lying. The piano means nothing to her, but she didn't have the guts to admit her child had ruined it, which would have made it so much easier had we had the option to say something to her like 'oh crap, ok' and stop over and see what might be done to fix it and work with her to pay the repair. It's really not about the instrument itself.
  6. Thanks sky and rhino. I was curious to read it not so much 'cuz of twi as an my great aunt who was a nun. In 1991 or so after several years of consideration she left her order and struck out on her own in the free world. She was 81 years old! I think it's a really fascinating story, but then again she was my beloved aunt. After she went through their process, divorced God and jumped through other hoops, she was outa there. But she had nothing; less than nothing, really. A church that she'd been attending during this exodus helped her get into a tiny little apartment, furnished it for her, etc., loving her through this transition. With some re-working of some family money and her church family supporting her, she lived happily for another 16 years. She, like the ones mentioned, had no money, no retirement funds, no medical assistance. I think my aunt is an exception, not the rule, since she had loved ones to assist.
  7. Hi skyrider, where'd you read about this, I'd like to read the article. Thanks
  8. Mothballs http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/07/27/mothb...reut/index.html
  9. Amazing the things we did in the name of The Way Ministry. I, of course, mention my husband often in this regard, but I also was never so stunned in my life as when the LC of florida trashed the man's name and stand before his God after he died, using his "lack of believing" as an example to those that sat there. Amazing, truly amazing. I still, nine years later, am shocked at this. I shouldn't be, but I would have assumed that such a dreadful and final consequence would clearly not give them food for more foolishness. For me personally that was the final straw, I knew then that I had to get the heck outa there.
  10. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    Thanks boys. Yeah, the more my mom hunts around the more it looks like replacement will be the way to go. We can't use any product that will require water and given that it appears to be permanant marker, it's likely soaked it up. The chick's 600$ deposit is getting eaten up fast! Dennis, yeah that was the look on my mothers face when we discovered this disaster. HA, my mom is one of those sweet kind ladies that her tenants love cuz she's such a darlin, but .... her off and whooo boy, even I got a little nervous.
  11. Oh lordy lordy, I probably should NOT get started on this one. I've often considered the times we brought someone home that we'd just met that day and let them stay at our house. With our daughter!! The times we picked up some soul on the side of the road, fed, clothes, gave money to. Got evicted once cuz of that kind of behavior but that's another thread. And, well, you know how I feel about the way we 'believed' for health. My children's father is dead because of that one.
  12. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    HEE HEE HEE Brilliant Ron! In fact after the initial shock of the rainbow on the keys I didn't sit to play our beloved piano, nor did the gal looking at the house. As angry as my mom was, we may never see her again. Yeah! Tattoo the little booger! LOL
  13. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    My mom and I have six rental homes that we manage, usually without much more than the usual wear and tear damage. The home I grew up in, right next door to me now, is one of the rentals and in it sits an OLD piano that my brother and I took lessons on and played alot. It's never been a problem to have it stay in the basement. In fact often the tenants or their guests have enjoyed playing the instrument. Until now. The unit is available again for rental on August 1, so we've been showing it, of course. One prospect lifted the keys cover to admire and asked if she could play a little while her partner wandered the house. Every single white key was painted with marker; permanant no less! My mother blew a gasket while I could only stare something like this: :blink: The moving out tenant stumbled all over herself, causing me to believe she knew about it and hadn't had the guts to tell us, now was busted. Her 6 year old precious had been coloring, apparently. We'll deal with the security deposit issues, but in the mean time we are wondering how in the world we are going to get the once beautiful ivory clean without ruining it. I'm assuming we can't just scrub them and if we try to remove and clean them with a product, we might compromise the quality, not really knowing what we are doing. My youngest brother and I jokingly fight over which one of us gets that beautiful piano. Should I call him and tell him he can have it? It's a shame to see such a beautiful instrument ruined. Any of you talented folks know anything about perhaps salvaging this mess?
  14. Happy Birthday Hope and John and girls!
  15. Shellon

    Grandson born today

    Congratulations Grandpa and Grandma!!! Welcome Ethan
  16. Shellon


    Happy Birthday bb
  17. Shellon


    Happy Birthday Topof
  18. Reminds me of a recent docu I watched called 'From Rags to Riches" about a homeless guy that found I think $100 grand; he got to keep it and they followed his life. Interesting story
  19. Happy Birthday Andrew!!!
  20. Ok, got that fixed, but I can see I won't last long in this game. I've not got this kind of patience. Found a key that unlocked a closet and somewhere got a screwdriver. Clicking all over the room, nada
  21. I clicked on your link, got to a black screen with a bunch of choices, clicked on the huge MOTAS but that only took me to something about chatting while I play. Which one do I click to do the rooms?
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