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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I put the product in my car every 2-3 fill ups. Precaution for water in gas, and as dmiller said, keeps stuff from freezing up in the brutal winters we get.
  2. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    LOL ya'll You remind me why I hang out here.
  3. Shellon

    Ruined Piano?

    Hi WW. As I said, the tenant got the crud off using some product I don't know the name of that my uncle, who does our maintenance work told her about. In the meantime, we've rented the house to new tenants, been painting, replacing carpet, decided the original 1963 windows needed replacing, etc etc and etc. We settled with the lady on deposit and got our business with her done and she's gone. We pretty much decided that we'd cut our losses and move on to get her outa our hair and not have to listen to her bi+ch anymore. Man o man can that woman TALK! The piano plays, needs tuning, but plays fine. So, although the keys look worn and some are even chipped, it's ok and we would like to get them replaced. But for now, we've filed it under 'something to do when we've nothing else to do' This has been one of those situations too, where my mother and I disagreed on the tenant from the start. I knew this gal from before she applied and my vote was a resounding NO! but my mom has veto power cuz it's her house after all, her money. To toot my own horn, the stuff I said about her was exactly what happened. However............she did keep the house immaculately clean and took very excellent care of the yard, maintaining beautiful gardens, etc., really making the place look nice on the highway it sits on. And her rent was assisted with state monies, so at least 3/4 of the rent was always paid on time. It turned into one of those things where smaller annoyances were put aside in favor of bigger ones. I live behind the house, therefore living with the crap that I said would happen, but there ya go. Sometimes neighbors suck. Now we've a new tenant, and we'll see.
  4. Have the BEST birthday you can remember my friend!! :wub:
  5. Shellon

    Just another day

    So strange man, what did you DO when you had to clean the chicks potty? I need a visual here Did you have to wipe the seaty sweety or did you also have to clean out the tampon throw away box?
  6. ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for hanging in there and fighting for not only your own babies, but for so many more, so much more. Congratulations Lisa and kids
  7. Happy Birthday Newsman!
  8. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    Oh heck George, I dunno. I assumed the tavern sized was THE size. (no pun intended Raf). I'll ask And dmiller, they've got one old man and a few cigars. hee
  9. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    Ok, understood, Hap. Thank you
  10. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    Ah there we go, thanks grace LOL strange texan I wish you could SEE this cadillac, it's wonderful!!
  11. Shellon

    Walmart Greeter

    The perfect Wal-Mart Greeter A very loud, unattractive, mean-acting woman walks into Wal-Mart with her two kids in tow, screaming obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. The Wal-Mart Greeter says, "Good morning and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you've got there - are they twins?">The ugly woman stops screaming long enough to say, "Hell no they ain't, the oldest one, he's 9 and the younger one, she's 7. Why the hell would you think they're twins?........ Do you really think they look alike?" "No", replies the greeter, "I just couldn't believe you got laid twice."
  12. Only you, Ron, only you would have sprouts growing IN your tomato's.
  13. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    My mistake, not popups, but advertisements to buy stuff, nothing free. I have a popup blocker that I think works well; I don't get many. Anyway, I don't see anything free, but do see alot of places to purchase.
  14. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    Belle, could you PM me to explain how freecycle works? I go there and they send me to places to purchase as well as a ton of fun popups, but I don't see anything free. Thanks
  15. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    Oh yeah, I forgot about freecycle.com I'm not clear on how it works when I looked there, but I'll look again. My dad and brother have put me on this hunt for a pooltable mission and they'd love free. They've also got me looking at how much they'd get for an 87 Cadillac Broughn.
  16. Shellon

    Pool Table Wanted

    I'm looking for a full size pool table and assorted cues. Brunswick, I understand, is top of the line. Doesn't have to be that, but of course in very good condition. The closer to Michigan the better for traveling to pick up options.
  17. Shellon


    AHA! Finally heard from Goey, whew! He's taking care of himself, so nice to hear from him!
  18. Shellon

    save on gas

    98 degrees here in Michigan, heat index 107 misery. HUMIDITY WET STICKY We are moving as little as possible, laughing as much as possible, have had more than a few water fights, watching movies, drinking water like crazy, eating fruit. They say high 70's tomorrow and following days. If they're wrong, they better move. :unsure:
  19. Shellon


    Anyone in touch with Bill? I'm getting worried about not seeing him around lately.
  20. Nope, doesn't work for me, bummer
  21. Shellon

    Parents Wish

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