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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Welcome Benjamin! Congratulations!
  2. Shellon


    Happy Birthday Chas!!!
  3. Thanks Abi, I was just reading the LSJ on the verdict. Sometimes I wish Michigan had the death penalty. But alas, if she stays in prison for the rest of her life, then at least she's not with kids.
  4. Yes, dmiller, agreed, tis why I said I don't think Jim is involved anymore. He was however and there are interviews done by him, and other things that provide a history of the man of whom we speak.
  5. http://www.ex-wayworld.com/ Another place to get history and past information. I don't guess he's involved there anymore, but it is alot of his work.
  6. Roy, you just keep doing what you do so well dear.
  7. Transcripts from the show I mentioned. The show opened with Karr's recording of what happend to this little girl with him pleading with someone to help, intersperced throughout the show with video or audio of him saying it was accidental, etc. Now the implication from him is that he had nothing to do with it. It's mind spinning to say the very least. The computer lost had information about his alleged attacks on children, not nec Jon Benet and somehow it got "lost" so they couldn't proceed forward with prosecution of alleged crimes. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0610/16/lkl.01.html
  8. This guy being interviewed by Larry King tonight. He's lying through his fidgety eyes and sweaty forehead. They lost the computer with all the evidence so it doesn't matter. Atlanta, watch your babies and he wants to teach again. Never convicted of nuttin, so he might.
  9. Wow this was resurrected from many months ago. February might roll around again and we can celebrate mine and Seth's birthday's again. I keep telling hawk that I haven't seen that guy in over a year, don't dance and won't hunt snipe with or without bags or ties. Thank you for the wishes
  10. Shellon

    Southern Heritage

    I've lived in Midwest, New England and South. Never had the pleasure of western areas. Give me the Southern United States any day. It's where I hope I'll return one day.
  11. LOLOL Oh man! Listening to that story still cracks me up.
  12. It really was my pleasure to help, Paw. Tons and lots of laughs! I enjoyed it.
  13. What is the nature of her legal need? I've got an idea or three, but if I call and ask, they'll ask me for more info to tell if they can help. PM me if you wish to elaborate. Are you sure you want her phone number here sog?
  14. Shellon


    Halloween around here is done only because I still have a kid at home, she's 11 and still into it and still wants me to take her trick or treating. Her costume this year is some kinda bloody doctor creation. I expect her interest in having me go with her won't last but a few more years, so I enjoy it while it lasts. She's already made a bunch of her annual home made decorations for our windows and hanging from the ceilings throughout our house. That's the extent of our decorations and we always carve a pumpkin for the front porch. Our house can't be seen from the road, so we never get trick or treaters. We still have candy in the freezer from last year. Eating the stuff isn't our thing,she just likes getting it. :)
  15. Belle, do you add the vanilla and kosher salt in at the start of brewing the coffee?
  16. Happy Birthday Tonto :)
  17. Cleansing Stream Flashbacks of colon cleanses :unsure:
  18. You might call the Company, OE, and ask them for their information packet. I've done this with a few things without problems; worth a shot. There is probably an 800 number on it if it's not too old to be worn off or at least the name and then the number can then be gotten from directory.
  19. Shellon


    82 Days 15 Hours 49 Minutes
  20. Shellon


    :) Happy Birthday
  21. I wonder if it'll go back up after November? Not that I care today if I can pay 2.04 at the corner, but it's curious.
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