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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Dooj, I made the chocolate swirl cheesecake for our thanksgiving dinner dessert. Excuse me, I read, measured and supervised while my 11 year old made it. Let me just say it was wonderful!!! Very very rich and creamy and the only thing that I would do differantly is work on the swirl part. I tried a up and out stir thing as I think you suggested but it was only swirly and pretty on the top. For me it'll take a few practices to get it all the way through the cake. And I couldn't find chocolate wafers, so we used chocolate graham crackers for the crust. Very yummy, thank you. :)
  2. You've got it. First baking day in January I think. It'll be a great reason for us to get together for lunch somewhere, to get them to you. Then let me know how you like them for the next baking. Will keep you posted. And yours will be uncooked, in my freezer 'til we make a date to meet.
  3. Abi, the pastie making is a fund raising project I get involved in every year. We do 4-5 baking days, depending on requests and they are great sellers specifically because,as you said, they can't be found locally, not the real ones. I'll also try to get you the recipe. We make a HUGE amount of the mix and dough, so I'm not sure about figuring it out in smaller volumes. I'll ask the lady that does that part. We can also leave yours uncooked if you'd rather do that yourself. I order ours that way and we serve them with cheese, gravy or just plain. Even Kelly likes them! :)
  4. Abi, we're making pasties in jan/feb/march. Let me know how many you want. I'll freeze them for you until we meet up.
  5. Thank you for the petition link.
  6. Welcome home!! You've got 7 months to rest up.
  7. Happy Anniversary Rascal and her man. 20 years, is it? wooohoooo Happy Day you two and special company even!! I love you guys
  8. LOLOL! Just got off the phone with Ron and Bowtwi. What a blast they are having. All is well, they're outside of nashville, behind schedule, on course they think. Such a treat to talk to them.....sigh
  9. oh heck yeah he did it. And one might only imagine living with it, even for a psychopath. This is another way for him to deal with his guilt. Not to mention the lack of attention he was so used to. Any PR is still PR
  10. Thank you dmiller, that looks like it should
  11. www.writersdigest.com Several contests going on now, deadlines approaching Good way to get started
  12. I have to agree with Sir Elton John as well. Maybe not said in the best way but the idea behind it is some truth. I pay attention to the word 'organized' when it comes to religion.
  13. Man o man what a shame. My mother is a serious stamp collector and I think I saw a little tear fall when she heard about this. "That is exactly why I preach at you and your brothers to never let my stamps get out of control Shellon" And the stamp lost a crapload of value when it was cancelled..........sigh. Probably someone didn't know, just needed a stamp and there it was. Sigh, what a shame
  14. 50% for me. Pitch perception deficit
  15. Shellon

    Eddie and me

    What a GREAT picture of you and Eddie!
  16. Definetly the time of year when hunters are driving the deer and they're crossing the roads. lol the deer had the right of way..........pfffft to that. We have to watch for them constantly, all year, but now is the worst and indeed it's a very good thing your husband wasn't hurt. Hitting deer is what collision insurance is for in Michigan I'm told.
  17. Happy Birthday Robin!!
  18. Shellon


    Happiest of birthdays
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