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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Venison in the freezer!!!
  2. Bleach is great stuff. I clean my bathroom with it regularly as well as dishes. A little goes a really long way cuz it's diluted and it's cheap stuff.
  3. Shellon

    Taco Bell

    exactly nottawayfer, exactly
  4. The Milgram Experiment always makes me think of any/all of this. http://home.swbell.net/revscat/perilsOfObedience.html
  5. Shellon


    Thanks c man. I'm supporting you, praying with you, excited for you!
  6. Shellon

    Taco Bell

    HA strangeboy Hopefully the $3.96 or whatever the heck won't mean she can't have a University of Michigan cool pencil.
  7. Shellon

    Taco Bell

    exactly strangetom. I've ordered from there once and it had "mayo" on it. I pitched it in the closest trash after looking at it. The coke was not so bad though :)
  8. Shellon

    Taco Bell

    Toxic Bell SUX! And what IS that stuff they call mayo? <_<
  9. I'm sorry for this loss to you and your family 37 years ago. Thank you for sharing it with such poignancy, such heart. A truer word has not been said. If
  10. Shellon

    Cool Clock

    check out this clock http://home.tiscali.nl/annejan/swf/timeline.swf 1st line is sec's 2nd line is min's 3rd line is hrs. 4th line is days 5th line is months 6th line is years
  11. Shellon


    This was what I said in response to your apparent attempt to put everyone into some box. You don't get to take my words out of context as if they apply in agreement to you. What is boring is you thinking you know everything about a subject and not being at all willing to listen to facts that prove otherwise? And boring if we were all alike. That was the boring I meant, read it. Noone's every died from NOT drinking you say huh? Wow, where in the world have you been? Ever picked up a newpaper, read a book, watched a news piece, read a medical journal, had a conversation?
  12. Shellon


    Seems the DSM IV says this problem should be approached from all directions and application of treatment is not only a mental health issue. Complications sure seem both physical as well as psychological http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net/alcohol...lications.shtml Course of the problem would seem both physical and psychological too http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net/alcohol/course.shtml Risk factors, ditto http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net/alcohol/riskfactors.shtml It's not just a choice of 'oh this is cool, I'll wreck my life, job, marriage, kids, finances, woohoo won't that be fun' Town hero? LOL uh huh sure (although that brilliant comment is now edited out) What was said about those that accuse are not the ones living it and couldn't possibly know of what they speak? cman, you do whatever you have to do to get well and take good care of your life. Whatever it takes! Most of us will practice empathy and kindess for you. The rest.....well, pay no attention if you can.
  13. Shellon


    Man it would be so much easier in this life if we all fit into others molds and afore judged boundaries for us. And again, how very boring.
  14. Shellon


    Happy Birthday ! Hoping it's a great and wonderful one for you
  15. Shellon

    10 or more

    Yeah, it takes quite a bit to close the school here. We like it when they do, we get to lie around the house watching movies, eating junk, napping.........it's good. And the higher the grade she gets to in school, the tougher the decision to not send her. The make up load is much bigger now if she misses. I love winter!
  16. Shellon

    10 or more

    We finally got the stuff here. Go to school time it was nuttin honey and I considered keeping my daughter home rather than have to deal with the madness of it all when they released school early after the snow got bad. Adding to the ice underneath it. I didn't. She called at 11:30 school was out early, her friend Nicole had missed her bus cuz of confusion whether to get on or what and could we adopt her and keep her, something like that, til the storm passed. We found Nicole's grandmother home and delivered her there but the drive was treacherous to say the least, if a little fun. Grocery store was maddening when we stopped to get a movie, shelves emptied of milk and bread and water. Michigan is so very beautiful. Home, safe, dry and getting to watch the beauty.
  17. Shellon

    10 or more

    We're ready here in Michigan and can't wait!
  18. Happy Birthday Rocky :)
  19. Shellon

    1973 vs. 2006

    I don't usually want to go back to the 70's til I read this
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