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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Thank you, hopefully now I can make a meatloaf that can be eaten.
  2. Thanks Dennis, I do like that simple indeed. I'll try it. Dooj, I don't care for veal, can I do your w/ just the pork and beef?
  3. I need a meatloaf recipe. Just a basic one, no frills. I have my mothers recipe but my kid won't eat it and it might be useful as mortar material. A good meatloaf is a treasure, as far as I'm concerned and cold sandwiches with it the next day...... yum!
  4. Happy Birthday Bill, hope your day is wonderful!
  5. Shellon

    Organ Donation

    Not being an organ donor is cool too Jonny, this is America still. We need not do something we don't want to do and it's not for everyone. I had to talk to my kids to see how they'd feel about it so there wouldn't be any emotional problems at that time on top of the obvious ones. My brother died just over a year ago and his wife hurriedly had him cremated, very much against the wishes of his family and children and catholic beliefs that the body should be whole in the ground. Was she wrong? It was her call to make and we couldn't discuss organ donation because of the powerful drugs they'd been slamming to try to keep him alive. I dig it we can choose what is right for us. :)
  6. Left? Left where, when? And why is evidence 'gone' as related to this?
  7. Shellon

    Organ Donation

    Belle, yeah look into it in your state, etc. The link I gave above might offer some help there too.
  8. Shellon

    Organ Donation

    Maybe your skin for burn patients? My papers say give any of me if anything is viable and useful then I go to UofM for medical students. Then what's left of me will be cremated and stuck in the ground where my husband is already buried. Yeah, I'll be dead and I won't care or know, but maybe a kid will see for the first time or someone with horrible scars will have his/her grafting aided, a kidney might save a life. I was recently typed for bone marrow donation for a local man who needs that transplant and there was no match, but it sure felt great to offer. I think it's one of those things we don't like to talk about and then in a tragedy situation we're faced with it. I regret when Bob died, I didn't ask about it, but as Mark suggested, we don't think about those things at that time.
  9. Shellon

    Organ Donation

    http://www.4woman.gov/faq/organ_donation.htm A resource I use often when this comes up .
  10. Shellon

    Organ Donation

    Just my curiousity Rocky, wondering who is an organ or tissue donor. I can not address your concerns with the system, no. Whether or not you should or shouldn't be is a personal choice.
  11. Shellon

    Organ Donation

    Are you an organ donor?
  12. The best way for the kids to want to wear the wierd stuff more and more and really tweek it is for us to make a fuss about it.
  13. Shellon

    Health tips

    Hi socks, I don't understand that statement. Ibuprofen is supposed to be anti-clotting but it isn't effective, is that what you are saying? I take a baby asprin every as per doc instructions for heart myself and Ibuprofen or another pain reliever, depending on what's wrong, for pain relief.
  14. Get your birthday suit on!

  15. Happy Birthday TomStrange! Hope it's a wonderful day my friend.
  16. Shellon


    Happiest of birthdays!
  17. Oh and richnchrispy already mentioned the #10 thing before I did so. I'll learn to read one day.
  18. You don't have to show us all here Kathy. Had I not scored 90% I had no intention of posting my score.
  19. 90% Were two of the answer in #10 the same? I liked the 'you're an idiot' one best too
  20. :) Kathy, it speak volumes doesn't it?
  21. Happy Birthday Craig, hope it's been a great day!!
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