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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I don't understand. I get that the obit upset some but I what is an obituary supposed to say, that the person sucked? Mine would say "Shellon had a big mouth, advocated too quickly, and took a long time to shut up most of the time. She was bi*chy and brassy and got fired for losing a mans prosthetic leg but kicked the administrator on the way out the door" I would love for it to be something like that, honest, real, factual, humorous. No, what it will say is something sweet and full of nice crap about what a wonderful mother I was (my kids might argue but they'll put it in there) how much I loved them and my friends, my love for education and books, stuff like that. When my husband's memorial service was happening, it was about how wonderful he was, and he WAS but he was also human and the months and months of people telling me good stuff and how they missed him eventually tickled my gag reflex. That's our society. People weren't going to approach me and say "Ya know, Shellon, I hated your husband, he built me a crapazz house" We say and write nice things about people cuz that's what we do. It's supposed to be a tribute, a testimony to the deceased and comfort the family and loved ones. The realities are better left in memories, so as to not cause undo or added grief to the survivors.
  2. Shellon

    Banning Booing

  3. Sushi, it's been two weeks since my visit and still loving your gravy, now will you post the recipe?
  4. Happy Birthday Psalm!!! Hope it's a wonderful one
  5. I know, right Tilda? She grew up right in front of our eyes somehow.
  6. Shellon


    My 11 y/o daughter is being sent home early from camp this afternoon cuz of our impending ice storm. That's sure to cause the storm to not come.
  7. Shellon

    Puzzled ?

    MILF: Abbreviation for "Mom I'd like to F**k." Popularized by the movie American Pie.
  8. Excellent book: The Gift Of Fear by Gavin De Becker The man teaches how to use that sense, to listen to our bodies tell us when something is wrong, how to avoid getting into fearful situations in the first place, how to "read" others and how to get the heck away and what to do with the fear and information if you can't. Required reading for both of my girls.
  9. LOL Hap, that's almost exactly what I said to Charlie, although he asked me for Samantha's hand back at christmas time. I thought 'you've got a child together, you have lived together for five years, you're a little late, yes?' But I love his desire of tradition and respect for me in that regard and I said of course, yes. He's a really good man, he's a hard worker, he's tender and kind to my child and their children and my personal favorite: he's not afraid to say what's on his mind. He fits right in around here. I'm proud of them and happy about them deciding to get married.
  10. And the engaged couple about the same time
  11. LOL strangetom Samantha isn't going to see this since she doesn't hang out here anymore, which is why I replied in her stead. The question is what color is MY hair since I just spent the weekend with her. Picture is her last summer on her roof cleaning gutters wearing her GSC tshirt before school and all the hair changes started.
  12. On behalf of Samantha, my first born, thank you for the birthday greetings. Kelly and I have been at her house since yesterday am and we've had a great visit with her, Charlie and Kailin. We went to dinner last night to celebrate and Charlie got down on one knee in the restaurant, produce a beautiful engagement ring and asked her to marry him. She said yes. Again, thank you for her birthday thread. Her mama
  13. Smart man you. It's crucial to take care of oneself and do what YOU want to do. Keep in touch eh?
  14. Thank you, everyone, for such wonderful birthday wishes and greetings. This birthday has been kind of bitter/sweet for me, but it's been a really nice day as well. It all started in class last night when I got in front of the room to give a presentation on Social Work Case Management. Suddenly my classmates started singing. Bellowing would be a better word. :blink: These are friends that are all graduating this june, a year ahead of me, so it was emotional; we've shared birthdays, anniversaries and life events for a long time. I got sang to by a Boyscout troop from Arkansas, called at 1:30 in the morning by a good friend, my girls extended love and wonderfulness to me in their usual ways with cards and funny-ness. My son in law even called me! I tried to get my 22 month old grand daughter to say happy birthday and got "appy nama" which made my eyes leak. Tcat (remember her? :) ) called and we got to laugh and chat and catch up. Box called and we laughed some more. My brothers called and, yup, you guessed it, more funny. My dad stopped by and it was great to visit with him. Dinner at my mothers and finally, Kelly played happy birthday on her trumpet that Nellie gave her. She secretly worked with her band teacher to learn that just for her mama. I'm very lucky and I thank you for sharing it with me!
  15. Shellon


    In today's news http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...00.html?cnn=yes
  16. Shellon


    I budget about 60.00 per week for our groceries and try hard to stay at or under that. More in the summer when we're home all day. With just two of us here, it's not terribly expensive except that one of us is in puberty, the other one in menopause. HA! (Kelly's gonna so not be happy with me if she knew I just said that) . But I digress...... Lots and lots of salad stuff, alot of soups and casseroles; easy things that can also be very good for us. Meatloaf, sushi, mealoaf. We save alot by fixing a large roast and then eating sandwiches from that for a day or two. Very little dry cereal, almost no junk food (except for the occasional bag of chips on the bad days ) Also we shop at Save-A-Lot store where the differance is huge, really great savings. And we have to have a treat once in awhile. Another savings is to cook large and freeze. I freeze in Kelly sized containers that she can pop in microwave for days when school work is nuts. Otherwise it's just too easy to run for fast food or other starchy things.
  17. Happy Birthday to you Seth! Hope it's a happiest one.
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