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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. absolutely no reason to apologize, the back and forth conversation is just life.
  2. Shellon


    They're still in Arkansas.
  3. Waterbuffalo, thank you but Linda was correct. What I should have said was an individual with a diagnosis of manic depression.... and so on, or one diagnosed with, etc. :) The way I worded it put the label on the person rather than the person with the illness needing help and treatment.
  4. bagpipes Nah, no mators or puter throwing My apologies Listener, it's a habit I'm developing, that isn't a good one, of shortening all the psychological stuff. And DSM IV is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the psych world babble bible and diagnosing criteria manual. I wouldn't know how to be with out it now, and I'm not practicing yet.
  5. My friend! Happy Birthday. You are loved
  6. Happy Birthday! Where ya been?
  7. Sometimes the individual really doesn't fit into any of the axis of the DSM or any other test or experience. That does not make a diagnosis of 'the client exhibits symptoms but nothing founded' And often as the doctors search and search for a name, a reason to prescribe and there does usually have to be valid title to give drugs, they miss it for all their looking. Additionally, the professionals often forget to ask the person. PTSD, for instance, comes across as so many differant 'symptoms' as to be confused for any or all of them. Sometimes, also, it has to be caught in it's cycle. A manic depressive, for example, or bipolar, depending on which professional is using which term, cycles and if s/he is in a manic cycle, they'll seem productive, promising, cooperative. This might bring about a diagnosis of 'nothing significant to report'. Then maybe tomorrow, or next week, they'll hit the depressive cycle and they might not be able to get out of bed long enough to be assessed again. Or worse, the client has come to be familiar with their own cycles and have learned to accept what is and doesn't believe anyone will help anyway (noone has before) and they just function until it progresses into a mess that might have been prevented. Funds and services being what they are it's most difficult to get a proper diagnosis. But this thread is about twi and treatment or lack thereof huh? It's so easy to label and toss out the depression reason for disobediance. And since leaders of religious organizations are "capable and able" to counsel their flocks, they can get away with it. Blame is high on the list of things that also keep the person from seeking help that is trained and experienced as well. It's their fault, they are bringing it on themselves, they aren't working hard enough, they aren't listening....blah blah. It's also a sad sad shame.
  8. ha dmiller! brothers eh? Part of why I didn't compete further is because my right eye is nearly blind and I had to patch it to shoot and since that often didn't work, my brother would stand behind me and hold his hand over it. Not safe and not qualifying, but what fun. But oh my goodness, such joy and greatness for our ex70shouston.
  9. I love this! I competed in high school and never placed higher than third but enjoyed it so much! HA! This is wonderful! yayayayayay!
  10. And then there are the ones who are blamed for being sick after they die.
  11. A birthday toast to my partner in chat, Science tests and who shows me how old is done. Happy Birthday Kenneth!
  12. Have a wonderful birthday!!!
  13. Congratulations to your daughter and very cool she arranged to get that Degree on your birthday!
  14. Happy Birthday mister!
  15. Speaking of quitting and using patches, never EVER smoke while you have a patch on. It's massive nicotine overdose. My husband had his fatal heart attack while, I found out later, he was sneaking smokes during the wearing of the nicotine patch. I can't prove it contributed to his death, but please don't try and find out.
  16. My friend is finally 40! Happy Birthday
  17. Shellon

    Dog Heroes

    When my daughter Kelly was three years old, she spent the afternoon with her grandfather, my dad. He has a dog named Lady that is one of those really great golden retrievers, a sweet gentle faithful soul. She and Kelly had become dear and close friends, Lady being an excellent balm for Kelly after the death of daddy. Kelly and Grandpa were out in the yard, feeding critters and checking out the new baby piglets. Kelly was not to go into the adjoining field because she was so little and she couldn't be seen in the grass and weeds. Curiosity about a rabbit got the best of her and she wandered off. Next thing grandpa knew she was screaming bloody holy he!!. Lady, being on four legs and grandpa on only two, took off towards her precious Kelly with grandpa moving as fast as he could. A neighbor dog had her to the ground, standing over her, snarling and salivating, probably ready to attack, we'll never know, thankfully. Lady took on the offending canine, grandpa scooped up Kelly and took off for the house. The only damage to the child was some scratches, Lady took a good beating from the fight, needing some stitches in her hind leg. Something changed in the dynamics of so many things that day and we are forever grateful for Lady's love for Kelly and her willingness to save the child's life. Even now, eight years later, their bond is sweeter, they run and play and talk and share things. When it storms, Lady runs from her house about a mile away to be with Kelly, when my dad and step mom were building their new home, Lady came over alot, sometimes she'll stay for the day, sometimes just a little while. I believe Lady is just checking up on Kelly, really. When we visit, Lady will give me an obligatory hello but it's Kelly she wants to greet and wander off with. I owe Lady something I could never repay.
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