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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    C2 taser

    This is information I gained when I looked at one and the information is still the same except for better colors coming out according to this. It's small enough to fit in your pocket, and we don't know about how it will be used,'' said Fred Wilson, director of operations at the Alexandria, Virginia-based National Sheriffs' Association, which is considering issuing guidelines to members about how to confront civilians wielding the weapons. ``There is concern out there.'' A Taser stun gun fires probes connected to thin electric cables to deliver a jolt of electricity that causes temporary paralysis. The probes aren't supposed to penetrate, instead making contact with the skin or clothing. The electric signals confuse the body's nervous system. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home http://news.softpedia.com/news/The-Taser-G...ock-46573.shtml
  2. I thought that was him sitting in pfal! oh oh oh wait, he's got an explanation. http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/Movies/04/...r.ap/index.html :blink:
  3. Happy Birthday Hope!
  4. I know that name.........can't think where. Hmmmm
  5. I've been driving a 1995 Saturn wagon since 2001 and have liked it. It's needed exhaust work twice and recently a huge catalytic converter project that killed the budget, but I'm not sure that's unheard of after 12 years of use. Other than that, general upkeep, regular mechanic checkups and oil changes and it's been a great car for me. And I love the material it's made of for Michigan winters where there is alot of salt on the roads and not one spot of rust on it. Also the old commercials about how a saturn can take a hit from light stuff like a grocery cart or the stupid concrete poles at the gas tanks? It's true. Good cars I think. I have considered getting something else but just keep staying with my saturn. I also had a Taurus in l994 and liked it fine; took it across country from Arkansas to Michigan twice with no problems. But of the two I've liked the Saturn best. Good luck either way!
  6. This book was assigned me for Ethnic Literature class and although a struggle to read until one gets used to it, it's a lovely story! Janie has had an interesting, struggled life, but wait til the surprise ending! A great read for women especially.
  7. My 11 year old and I loved this movie! Then I bought and read the book and enjoyed it even more. Will Smith and his son did fantastic jobs in their roles, I thought and it was one of those 'right there with them' movies for us. I also did some research on the actual man this was written about and it gets even more fascinating. His story is such a great one and the portrayal in the movie is wonderful! The real Chris Gardner appears as the man who walks past Chris and Christopher at the end of the movie Actual homeless people were used in the film, and paid as extras The homeless people who worked as extras were paid a full day's minimum wage (which is $8.62/hr in SF) and given free catered meals as compensation for appearing in the film. For some it was the first money they'd made in a while.
  8. Happy Birthday Coup, hope all is well :)
  9. Shellon


    Happy Birthday!!
  10. So, what's it going to be ductape? Poo or get outa the mens room will ya? <_<
  11. Happy Happy Galen! :)
  12. Since I'm the one that said my child saw the pictures, I'll address this. My child does not read around here. Nor did I say she did. She came up behind me to say goodnight just as I opened one of the threads and saw it. Some of us have kids that hang in same room, come up to our desks, I wanted to warn them.
  13. Gawd, my 11 year old saw some of it. My back is to my office door and she'd come to top of steps to say goodnight just as I opened one of the treads. After some discussion with me, she's bleaching her eyeballs
  14. DO NOT open anything that cloudyeyed2 has posted! If you do, make dam sure your kids are not standing behind you like mine was.
  15. Andrew I remember that 'braces off' day, it's glorious!
  16. Ductape, if you can't see that you are of value here, then it's worse than I thought. Put on your big boy boxers and get busy with the business of doing what you do here. My friend
  17. Amen to what you see is what you get. Don't get any ideas that you'll change the other person, it 'aint gonna happen. Too many couples hook up and decide to share a mailbox and think that just because when they went to the others' house and it was a mess they'll suddenly want to be tidy tiny or neat ned in a shared space. Don't kid yourself about anything, be realistic. And talk about stuff, please. Laugh.....alot! Work hard, play hard. Set fighting rules early, not after a whopper and one suddenly realizes that one hurt and they want to change things around to make it less painful the next time. Finally, remember women are crock pots and men are microwaves in almost every aspect of life. That's not a bad thing, just important to remember and expect. You two aren't 19 with stars in your eyes, I'd bet you'll be fine. :)
  18. Congratulations! Happy Retirement to you!!!
  19. Shellon


    They did not, rascal
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