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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. wow you ought to update your information eh?

  2. Shellon


    Where are you my friend?
  3. Shellon

    Pianist Envy

    pianist envy. lol
  4. Did you have a nice day? What'd you do?
  5. Your birthday was a nice one....good. Did you do something special, fun, differant?
  6. My friend! Happy Birthday, I hope it's fun and wonderful and will hold great memories. I love you
  7. In finishing school they taught us this acronym. T I P S To Insure Prompt Service Customer service is such a lost art, it's tough to WANT to tip sometimes, but at local beer and shot dives or mom and pop places, we tip well 'cuz it's usually a student or a single mom (not a stereotype, but reality in our area) serving us. If they hold our meal hostage or are generally cranky, I don't tip well, but rather minimal. Servers remember who does and doesn't tip.
  8. Fudruckers? What in the world is a Fudruckers?
  9. Happy Birthday Roy!!! I hope you celebrate, have a wonderful day and feel loved!
  10. I think it's the heat. People are stupid all over. Here we had a goofball run through a grocery story buttass naked, three store employees chasing him. News report said he "giggled in a shrill voice" seemingly enjoying his sunday morning romp through the veggies. Oh yeah, and I mentioned the florida nut for other reasons too, but I can't specify. Ok, I'm done, thank you very much. Exit stage left following proper curtsy
  11. This one is the typical, but not by internet http://www.wftv.com/news/13226116/detail.html
  12. Congratulations Bagpipes :) I'm proud of you!!
  13. HA! Thanks Sudo, it hadn't occured to me that you'd play the song after I added it to this thread, but thank you!
  15. Shellon

    Grant Help

    Thanks WW, yeah, and I've done all that. I have books and links and info on where to find them, but looking at a screen or reading in a book isn't the practical help I need. What I'm looking for is someone to talk straight to me, tell me exactly, show me an actual form, tell me how much it costs, generally, etc. Answer my questions with more than "there is SO much money out there" Thank you Effective June 1, it's an agency that will serve as a 'go between' for clients needing services and the places that have the services.
  16. Shellon

    Grant Help

    I need help with grant information. Not the links to how to get them, I've got all those thanks to herbiejuan and a few others. I've read Grant Writing for Dummies. It can be rather daunting. Many have told me how it worked for them, many tell me there is a ton of grant money out there, but I need some practical information. Those that say 'piece of cake, no problem' please tell me why. I need the 'now what' information, some straight talkin' reality. Is it the old story of need money to get money? I don't want to do a small business loan. I'm extremely close to my Bachelors Degree, my potential partner in this adventure has hers. I can PM anyone with further and better information if you need. Thanks, in advance
  17. The first reporters toupe was too distracting to pay attention to what he was saying.
  18. She's leaving already? sheesh, she can't warm a seat for more than a few months.......dang
  19. Those skirts and blouses.................. :blink: Oh my
  20. Happy Birthday Sogwap
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