I really don't mean to appear unkind, but why do you keep saying that, as if your 'story' is somehow differant, better, worse, bigger, more painful or something and you hope we'll follow you around waiting for it.
I hope you've read enough here to see that we're all just people, no better or worse than another. Each story is unique and interesting and any are worthy of a book not because of TWI but because they are good people, hard working people, interesting people.
There are several books in the works, some already out, others coming out, others cathartic only in the writing, but will never see a Barnes and Nobles. Put yours together and publish it, but please don't insult us with pats on the head as if yours is better and we should salivate with anticipation.
I'd enjoy getting to know you better, whether I ever read anything with your byline or not.