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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon


    I saw on old fondue set at a thrift store and wondered if many still do this?
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/06/19/missing.woman.ap/index.html
  3. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    :) I took that gravy to Samantha and Charlie's and they loved it too!
  4. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Yup, Sushi dropped trou in front of us, showing off his spongebob
  5. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    LOL :unsure:
  6. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Nah, my feelings are not hurt, really. sushi and I have goofed off about his pots and pans for, I dunno, a couple of years now. The pan was a gag gift because I accuse him of being snooty about his cooking pans. The first time he made his amazing gravy in my kitchen, he used my cheapo stuff, so this time he brought his own and he was more comfortable using his own. My feelings are not hurt at all, it'd take ALOT more than that for Sushi to offend me. And the pie, it was from a local restaurant. Suda and I wanted something raspberry for Sushi's birthday cake and we stopped in for lunch and they had the pie on the menu, so Suda asked if we could buy a whole pie. The owner made one for us the next day. So, back to top of the line cookware........... :)
  7. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    What sushi doesn't mention is the amazing home made raspberry pie or the little birthday party we had where we even sang to him. I wonder what kind of kitchen tools that sweet lady used to make that pie. Dang, I'm glad I didn't get the complete set of crappy pots and pans, he might have taken out one of our beautiful wildlife as they flew out the window.
  8. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    You threw it out the window?????? What did you do with the sponge, I wonder
  9. Shellon


    Amen to those daddies who didn't have to be. My husband was one of those for Samantha and it's a joy and words could never ever communicate that.
  10. Shellon


    Happy Fathers Day to you too Shaz :)
  11. Shellon


    And an extra for those dad soldiers that can't be with their kids today.
  12. Shellon


    We do the white roses here, in memory. Nice tribute to a man who was a wonderful! daddy
  13. Shellon


    Happy Fathers Day to you wonderful Dads! Take a day off and hang with your kid (s) and enjoy some recognition. Happy day to you single mama's who do the daddy stuff too! In 1924, President Coolidge recommended that Father's Day become a national holiday. President Johnson designated the third Sunday of June to be Father's Day in 1966. It was not until 1972 that President Nixon instituted Father's Day as a national observance. Did You Know - Roses are the official flower on Father's Day, red for fathers who were still living and white for those who have passed on. (www.history.com)
  14. Shellon

    My Exciting News

    Congratulations dooj! Wonderful for you !!!
  15. Shellon


    The brats turned out really good and we didn't do a thing besides grill them. Sushi took care of that and we threw some kraut and really wonderful horseradish mustard on them. Yum!
  16. Shellon


    Mo, We're praying around here! Shellon
  17. So tell us, Sushi, what'd you do, how was your birthday?
  18. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    Always into Celtic stuff, AC/DC anytime, Contemporary Christian alot of the time, Flute or Piano in the car.
  19. Shellon


    :blink: Dang, now gotta re-think supper
  20. I've got this Unless he'd rather have this
  21. LOL Tom, our own sushi is particular about his sponges. He makes the best biscuits and gravy in my kitchen and something about next time having a better sponge, I don't know, I wasn't really listening
  22. Happy Birthday my rawfish gravyamazingmaking funny tall kind one of the few who get me friend! See you in two days, I'll sing to you! :blink: What do you want for your birthday? A new sponge maybe? We love you around here Shellon and Kelly
  23. Shellon


    Good idea T, one of the recipes said it was a sin to put a brat on a hotdog bun, cracked me up. Apparently there are certain buns for these things. I do like the tortilla idea though, lighter indeed.
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