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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I'm so sorry for you loss! Welcome back to this bunch. I'm glad you've had the counseling, done the lots of crying and soul searching, but if I can help from my own experience, I'd be happy to. My husband has been dead 10 years and the normal is new but the loss is still daily. If you don't need to talk, that's ok too! You've already learned to take care of you and do what you need to do, as it's unique. Praying and thinking of you. :)
  2. LOL T-bone, I thought similiar things when I considered answering the questions.
  3. Oh he!! yeah, for starters, then the nasty things can move in every other direction too.
  4. I've enjoyed hearing Loren stories over the years. Amazing man
  5. I purchased the kits for most of Kelly's vaccines and she's due another tetanus dose this year. And now she's 2 shots into the 3 required for the HPV vaccine being administered at her doctors office and will be getting the meningitis vaccine in a month too. It is a monumental pain in the a$$ to administer myself, and for school my records have had to be meticulous, but worth it, overall. She was a planned home birth and much assist from midwife and homeopath pro to make vaccine decisions that I never could have made with full knowledge on my own. My oldest, now 25, had the conventional shots of vaccines at doctors office. I notice no differance in either child that would lead me to suggest one form of vaccine administration over another.
  6. Happy Birthday Topoftheworld
  7. Shellon


    Thanks, Chas, but nah. I did for the first day or so, but decided not to because I couldn't figure out how to ask what I needed to know. Just easier to leave it closed.
  8. Shellon


    Yeah, I see it, thank you. Seeing it hasn't been my question I've collapsed it.
  9. Shellon


    I see that but I still don't get it. I can't listen to or participate in the sunday things you all do, so that's probably part of it too.
  10. Shellon


    I don't understand
  11. Hi Tilda, I miss you so big, we've GOT to catch up soon. Let's do.
  12. Kathy, will you please email or PM me about how to listen to these things. I think there are instructions somewhere, but danged if I can find them, and if I recall it was in a couple of places and had to be pieced together. Thank you for whatever you can do.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/leisure/quiz/index.html leisure activity quiz
  14. You must wander in and wander around. It's so much more than just a place to great great iced tea and a sandwich. It's an experience that my 12 year old and I make a point of every 6 months or so and we have to drive an hour to do it. Just to hang and goof off in the place.
  15. How was the party Chas?
  16. Wow! Listening to this brings back so many memories...................
  17. Beautiful!!! Thank you!
  18. I have missed them so much!!!
  19. Wonderful!!! Congratulations to Ryan
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