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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Oh hell yeah, get a grandbaby! There is nothing like it.
  2. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bowjr! And our love to the best mother in law! Shellon and Kelly North
  3. dmiller and waysider :) Thank you for the considerate apologies. When we agreed to the burial of my husbands remains in the way woods it was a great choice at the time; he loved those woods. Little did I know how life would unfold over the next months. (oh to have that magic ball huh?) However, your comments didn't offend me, I said what I said as an agreement. It's something that my girls and I have discussed and have come to understand and realize that we have no control over that situation and regardless, their dad loved those woods, whatever happens in the future. Having said that I do agree that it would be a shame to have that area destroyed or altered, just for the reason of the families who's loved ones are interred there. As an aside, my eldest daughter visited a few years back and she was able to get some of the dirt from their dad's burial place. This burial was done with pictures taken so we have photos of the exact location around the campfire. Additionally we have a memorial daddy tree and a cemetary plot we've not done anything with yet. So, in that regard we are not without options.
  4. Happy Birthday Priscilla!
  5. Since my childrens father is buried there, I'd have to agree
  6. Yeah, it's available to pray for rain. And we do here too, everyday. Will be praying with you
  7. :) Thinking of you Roy, and your wonderful family
  8. I don't come out as a lesbian 'cuz I hate lesbians, in fact could care less what another prefers for their life. The only thing I probably should not do is make fun of it, 'cuz it's not a funny thing, it's just life. I also don't hate brownies and diet coke. I also hate raisins. I mean REALLY can not stand them. But I also don't offer that I am one. Makes perfect sense to me.
  9. LOL It'll be a party the likes of which even strange Tom hasn't experienced. Then we'll eat every junk food we can get our hands on and down it all with more junk soda I mean, who cares really?
  10. Ah hell, I've been a lesbian for about as long as Sudo and since he has the guts to come out, I will too. Whew, what a relief to get that out here, Sudo you are right, it IS liberating! Bowtwi, wanna spend the night? I'll make a huge pan of brownies and get a case of Diet Pepsi.
  11. Shellon

    Help Men!!

    Given that this thread was an invitation for mens input, I'll be brief. A vehicle with that many miles on it should be considered if the price is a steal only and a certified well reputed mechanic has given it a complete check up. And the 1994 year would concern me too. Just a woman's opinion. :)
  12. Dot, that always reminds me of Freuds Psychosexual Stages of Development Theory. As wordworlf began to explain. But then again Martindale always put me to thoughts of 'what in the world must that man's childhood have been like?' The Five stages according to Freud The oral stage The anal stage The phallic stage The latency stage The genital stage Additionally Maslows Hierarchy of Needs might enter in here as well. Freud, especially, suggests that our actions are based on childhood trauma, lack, excess.... And my saying that VERY minimally explains it. Basically he suggested that if a child gets 'stuck' at one of those stages or doesn't get the gratification it's supposed to provide to a child, it effects his/her entire life. I'm more inclined to keep it much simpler and offer that Martindale had power and control issues, saw women as less and espoused to the belief that if his life somehow sucked, it must be a woman's fault, certainly someone else's fault, anyone's but his own, but his copout was to blame someone with a vagina. One women caused some problem so all women will do so as well kind of thinking. Carl Jung would be my theorist or choice because he chose to look less at the medical journals and more at the human being and the obvious. The person isn't the problem, the problem is the problem.
  13. A happy happy birthday to Kelly's favorite Disney guy and my friend. Here's to a great birthday Andy!
  14. Shellon


    Box said stiffing...........giggle tee hee
  15. :wub: Happy Birthday Krys!!
  16. Shellon

    Happy Birthday, Raf

    Happy Birthday Raf :)
  17. http://www.thebostonchannel.com/investigat...173/detail.html BOSTON -- Team 5 Investigates discovered that health insurers are giving doctors incentives, sometimes in cash, to switch patients to generic brands......
  18. Pond, Catcup established her credibility here LONG AGO and has always always been forthcoming about her life, her education, her purpose and intent here. What are your credentials in your field? What is your profession, whom have you served, where have you facilitated change and assist? What qualifies you to judge whether or not catcup is credible? She has ever spoken honestly and in an educated, experienced manner. And you? Please post your transcripts and resume and referances. While you're gathering all that together can we please resume the thread of import that actually serves a purpose?
  19. Yup, all states have programs, one needs to dig and ask around sometimes. In Michigan, we use MIChild, which is a low cost insurance program just a step up from Medicaid and parents like it better because it still provides the coverage but they don't feel like a 'loser' as they pay 10$ each month. I use it and it covers everything for my 12 year old except orthodontics; some states cover even that. If my daughter wants glasses frames not on the list, I have to pay the differance, as well as her newly desired contacts, but it's a good program. Additionally Medicaid programs are good, use them if needed. WG, your daughter might eventually be denied services and fall off the rolls for 'noncompliance' if she continues to not show up for appointments with her worker, not sending in the paperwork, etc. Sometimes it can take a year plus before they'll let such a client back into the system. I have a client now that was pizzed off about not being able to get any services and when I called around to their worker, case managers, etc., I found that they'd not shown up for meetings, refused to comply with proof information, was generally beligerant when contacted. There isn't much I can do for them either at this point. And indeed, their children are the ones that pay the biggest price. It's sad but so common.
  20. Excath, you owe NOONE any explanations, reasonings, nothing! That kind of shi+ is unbelievable and you have no reason to feel guilt, shame, remorse and clearly no cause to feel you have to respond to such cruelty. Easy for me to say huh? But really, you can tell those that challenge you or suggest anything other than support to get thee behind you. Amazing they even consider piling abuse on top of abuse and expect anyone to swallow. They've earned my pity. But any attention is attention to them, just fools.
  21. Blowing off fellowship after opening stuff done and taking everyone bowling just 'cuz, and NO WITNESSING at the bowling alley. Not taking ABS that night so everyone would have some $$ in their pockets. Smoking the good stuff after fellowship as soon as the tattlers left. Taking our fellowship to the circus/carnival/rodeo/zoo. Deciding to announce "close your Bibles" and just talking. Meals together. Announcing we're going to the game/concert/event of one of the kids' instead of doing fellowship. Calling parents and inviting them to stay home with the kids if they'd like to, or offering to stay with their kid while they came to fellowship or some fun night we'd planned. Loading up to go see a new baby. Letting the kids go play while we did the boring stuff. Just a few
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