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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I watched this clip, but I'm missing the movie it's from
  2. Shellon


    I don't know about all that Sudo, just looking for a recipe for butternut squash soup
  3. Shellon


    Anyone have a recipe for Butternut Squash soup?
  4. What is Wikipedia? I get that it's an encyclopedia and it is someone's definition of twi. And.....? I don't understand it beyond that
  5. Lifted, I wasn't applying to anyone specific, whatever applies to me or to you. I have developed very few cyber friends that I invest time and emotions in. For some that would be more applicable. And as has been stated here, some relationships can't be "fixed" or even attempted at. It's not the same for everyone all the time.
  6. What if we are unkind to another and never get a chance to say we’re sorry, never get another moment with them, never get to repair damage done to a broken spirit, a broken heart. Blows to ones person bruise and cut and linger until they disappear, albeit not forgotten. What about blows to one’s emotional well being, verbal damage that lives in another’s memory often longer than a physical hit? Maybe a lifetime. Suppose we say ugly things to someone we love and we never get a chance to repair that, never get a chance to apologize or explain. In our world too often we forget to notice the good, we sometimes forget to look at the behind the scenes information. If you’re in an ugly mood and snip at me, doesn’t it behoove me to consider that it might not be me at all? Maybe you’ve had an awful day, maybe you’ve got things going on in your life that are laying heavy and you took it out on me. Maybe the boss chewed your hide and I happened across your path. Why can I not ask you something like “hey you ok?” and invite you to share what is really going on? How many of us have said or done something unkind or outright ugly to another human being? Who among us has severed a friendship and allowed the estrangement to go on and on, into months and years, then heard one tragic day that the other person is dead? The grieving is for the living, the sense of tremendous loss and pain is suffered by those that loved and now remain. Then it’s made greater because we must address the reality that the last thing we said to them was of an unkind content, or we never told them we loved and appreciated them. Are we so stubborn as to not be unwilling to be first with “I’m sorry”? Consider the loss of laughter, or life shared, of memories being missed. We don’t get to celebrate others’ victories, or comfort them in their losses, we miss out on lessons they might teach us, or experience they might share that could enrich our own lives. Because of biting words spoken or hurtful things done that neither have the courage to address and try to understand. We’re all human beings, we all say and do things that are going to hurt another; it’s reality, it’s this life. Be the first to deal with it, be the bigger person, extend a forgiving hand and heart, and then really listen. Don’t find yourself wishing you had and knowing you’ll never get the chance.
  7. Shellon


    [quote HA!!! That reminds me of one of our Lady posters here at GSC, who went shopping with the TV remote in her purse *sorta accidental-like/ on purpose*, since her husband wanted to stay home and watch TV! I forget who did that now, but it was hilarious when I read it here!! hee hee hee
  8. It was played at a wedding I attended recently, a beautiful one indeed! Not a dry eye in the place as the mother of the bride dedicated it to her little girl and they made a little ceremony of the mom trusting her baby girl to this man who now would cherish her. It's not just about daddy's giving their little girl away anymore, unless of course the couple wish that. Anything can be done now and it sure opens up great things for everyone. The parents of the groom are now getting the attention they deserve as well, which is great!
  9. Ha, yeah, the bugs are kinda nasty and if one doesn't find enough for a meal on a picking outing, they are way too expensive to buy now. This last spring they were going to 60$ a pound, GAK! But oh so good when cooked like my mama does em. Smelt too, a lifetime as a child going smelt dipping with my dad, coming home with barrels of them, getting the scissors and cleaning them, then supper! AH! So wonderful. And pheasant, squirrel, duck..........yummy when we knew we'd also hunted them ourselves.
  10. Some of the yummies my brothers and I grew up on and still cook for our own families Meat 'n tators. Usually a pot roast with mashed tators and a veggie Venison, a Michigan staple! :) Goulash, made with elbow noodles, ground beef (I use turkey for my family), tomato's, green chili's, onions. Often served with boiled tators. Fried chicken! Liver and Onions, although I can't seem to get my own kids to eat it. Wilted Lettuce Cucumbers and Onions in a great vinegar liquid Smelt Morel (sp?) mushrooms Chicken and dumplings Home made pies
  11. A Song For My Daughter Marc Cohn Just once upon a yesterday I held you in my arms You grew into a little girl with lovely childhood charms Now it seems I only turned around And I see you by his side Oh, I can't believe my eyes today My Daughter is a Bride I guess somehow I always knew This day would soon be here Still I wonder as I look at you What became of all the years And no words could ever quite express The way I feel inside Oh, I can't believe my eyes today My Daughter is a Bride All the laughter and the teardrops The sunshine and the rain I would relive every moment, Dear If I could bring them all back again But now, My Love, the time has come To send you on your way So I wish you every happiness And the blessings of this day And I hope the love I've given you Will forever be your guide Oh, I can't believe my eyes today My daughter - Oh, I can't believe my eyes My Daughter - Oh, my angel and my pride My Daughter is a Bride
  12. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    I realized while sushi was cooking in my kitchen again today that I don't want his gravy recipe. I like that he has it and makes it when we all get together.
  13. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Sushi has his snooty pan lid back!!
  14. www.loveinc.org where I interned and still volunteer. They partner with churches to meet the needs of low income. My daughters teen church group cleans the yards of aged and/or infirm one weekend a month I participate in the local Methodist church's organization, we fill bags with paper products, cleaning supplies and women's personal items for domestic violence survivors who are setting up in their new home. My Eastern Star chapter cares for nursing home residents and seeks out and assists families of our soldiers. At the local elementary school, we participate in Christmas help for local families. That's a few things I stay involved in, there are many others.
  15. Yeah, I care to For me it's a place to hang out and learn, maybe teach something, listen, maybe say something. It's a place to observe the human condition in every way possible. We laugh here, we cry, we fight, we understand, we misunderstand, we love, we hate. Sounds like a family to me. I hang in the chat room alot which is my social activity where I don't have to get a sitter or dress any certain way and I can leave when I've had too much. And I don't need a designated driver. We live in here, we experience real life, we have even experienced enough not so real life, we've grieved losses together, we've celebrated births, new jobs, marriages, changes that effect all of us when it effects one. Most of us came here to deal, to accept, to disclose, to understand, to search. Some of us come here to heal, some of us come here to assist in the healing process. We're this strange and wonderful dysfunctional family that somehow functions.
  16. Shellon


    I find this mans approach a little insulting. For all he knew you already have a lovely condo and other things he assumed you'd like to have as a bonus to his company. His approach was pretty ballsy and assumptive (is that a word?) in my opinion. As a single woman who spent some time years ago considering re-entering the dating pool, I asked a few men how it works and they said it's basically the same as it always has been. When a women enters a bar alone, they take that as a signal she's interested in picking up a man, they take it as a 'yes' before they even ask the questions. And it's about facial expressions, body language and wardrobe. It all communicates much to everyone in the bar. I don't know that anyone, male or female, can any longer go to a bar and just sit and people watch without it being assumed that they are looking. I get that you really were only doing that and I wish it could be that way; I'd do it. Things are much more forward now huh? Remember the bad old days of the simple 'hey baby' or 'wanna see my artwork?' And also, many men do not wear wedding bands. HA, this dude wasn't very good at what he thinks he's doing since he folded so quickly when you mentioned strengthening his marriage. I guess I wish it were simpler. And with the games people play to gain ones trust in order that they might do serious bodily harm it is frightening. I, too, am glad you didn't buy his story.
  17. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Cool! Hope the creek doesn't rise
  18. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Got the junk moved Now, what about pans?
  19. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Ah, gotta be specific in here huh? The truck doesn't run It doesn't walk either
  20. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Oh yeah and sushi will you help me move some stuff? Just a bed, three shelves, two desks and an old truck.
  21. Shellon

    Snooty Pans

    Sushi, my dear friend, I still have your snooty lid in a safe place, take a saturday afternoon drive and come get it please.
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