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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Happy Birthday !!! Hope it's a wonderful one
  2. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    24 Days 10 Hours 38 Minutes
  3. Alright!!! Congratulations to him George!!
  4. A Charlie Brown Christmas is my absolute favorite
  5. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    26 Days 4 Hours 5 Minutes
  6. For future referance, Vet Schools are great for getting basic care done and/or evaluations. Much less expensive and they can refer if bigger than them. Might be enough to get peace of mind, rather than lying awake feeling guilty or wondering 'what if'
  7. Shellon

    Happy Birthday, RonG

    Happy Birthday Ron! 60!!
  8. right now T!!! click at the top on "live chat"
  9. Thanks Kenneth, I'll enjoy this one!
  10. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    lol tcat, Kelly has started the "when can we put up the tree"? Ours is only 3 feet tall, so not a huge deal, but ugh blech She enjoys it, though, so I don't care when she slaps it up.
  11. A happy birthday dance for you! Love to you, Shellon and Kelly
  12. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    30 Days 15 Hours 25 Minutes
  13. Wonderful thanksgiving day! My brother from Oklahoma was here, our mother prepared a beautiful meal while we kept her wine glass topped off, a great afternoon. Tonight he and another brother and me are celebrating a little more. My babies are both healthy and happy, my grand baby is growing like crazy, naughty, driving her mama nuts. Those are the things I'm most thankful for in my world. New things coming up in my life. Got nuttin to complain about. Today off work!!
  14. Thinking of you Seth, and so sorry for this loss.
  15. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    Cuz it's gotta start sometime, it's what I do :)
  16. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    LOL strange person I really don't like Christmas, if there weren't a 12 year old living in this house, the holiday wouldn't happen. I like you though
  17. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    33 Days 4 Hours 6 Minutes Until Christmas
  18. Happy Birthday darlin! I miss you and treasure your friendship and am most thankful for you! TWO CAKES!!!!!! Shellon and Kelly, Samantha and Kailin
  19. Shellon

    Your desk

    I'm sorry Paw, I must have bumped my head on something on your desk
  20. Shellon

    Your desk

    A friend of mine entered a "messiest desk" contest and I won't be shocked if his desk wins. We're talking old pizza crusts, older socks, piles of..........I don't even know........stuff that is nasty. Cigar ashes all over, how he's not burned the place down is a mystery. Sticky soda spilled here and there, other messy stuff I don't want to think about. He thinks there are uncashed paychecks in there somewhere. I don't think he's emptied the trash in a couple of years, it just sort of runs over and out and down and everywhere. As for me, I give my desk area more attention and care than most other parts of my house, stuff is filed, shelves are tidy. What's your desk like?
  21. Indeed, beautiful, thank you!!
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