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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. :) You are so right about my girl, Strange friend of mine. She is a gem!
  2. Noni, I don't think there is a 'right or wrong' way to celebrate a holiday. Do what YOU want to do and enjoy the time with whomever you choose. In our family, there is just one child still at home, so it's just she and I. We do the gift thing whenever she gets up and decides she wants to do so. One year was 4 am, another year was 11 am. We don't do a tree unless she wants one. The general theme is if the kid wants to do something, it gets done, otherwise not so much and it works for our family. We have a friend who is a Jehova Witness believer and he shares a drink with me two days before our Christmas and we exchange simple meaningful gifts. That way he can "celebrate" yet not break anything he might be uncomfortable with. As has been said, start with something you can manage to feel great about and next time do that or something else, as you are comfy with it. Doesn't have to be about a tree and gifts and ho ho ho, but what make YOU happy!! Merry Christmas to you.
  3. Joe Fair # 3 on the IndieCharts Way Of Peace http://iacmusic.com/iac_chart_display.aspx...&week_id=45
  4. Happy Birthday Jeff! Have a great day
  5. quite a contrast but so rockin!!!
  6. Oh I know it, Excath! Amazing song huh?
  7. How about a Hillary nutcracker? ThingsYouNeverKnew.Com
  8. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    16 Days 12 Hours 31 Minutes
  9. Life is very good. I remain very thankful for my babies, both are healthy and strong women, both are growing and learning and figuring it out and mostly think they're mom is pretty terrific. We have a place to live, no one is hungry, my very very small group of trusted family and friends support me way past what I deserve. I get to hang out every day with a 14 year old freshman kid at the high school with "disabilities" and they pay me a few bucks to do so. I get to laugh every single day, I get to play every single day, I get to make decisions that sometimes don't work out so great and then I get a do-over once in awhile. I get to walk out of my front door and go where I choose. I think this life is pretty dang good! Since this is in About The Way, I am not sure I fit here, as that experience hasn't altered what is or isn't today, save for the death of my husband, of course. I'm thankful for my years hanging with The Way and I take from it much learning what not to do and how not to treat people. I believe we are where we are supposed to be and we experience what we are supposed to at the time. I would not change anything or any experience I've been afforded in or out of The Way. Yeah, life is good and I'm extremely lucky and blessed.
  10. Shellon

    Ex10's Birthday

    Happy Birthday Girl!! I'm hoping it's a wonderful fun amazingly terrific one for you
  11. You have now donated 4000 grains of rice. That was kinda fun ! I knew one day I'd be thankful for my medical terminology class
  12. LOL strange boy I hadn't opened this thread 'til tonight, figured it was another holiday thing. Glad I did now! Beat you, uh huh and that way even!
  13. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    Christmas fun. Replace roommate with husband/wife/partner/kid if applicable 1.Claim you were a Christmas tree in your former life. If s/he tries to bring one into the room, scream bloody murder. 2.Go to the mall with your roommate and sit on Santa's lap. Refuse to get off. 3.Wear a Santa suit all the time. Deny you're wearing it. 4.Sit in a corner in the fetal position rocking back and forth chanting, "Santa Claus is coming to town, Santa Claus is coming to town..." 5.Hang mistletoe in the doorway. When your roommate enters or leaves the room, plant a wet one on his/her lips. 6.Hang a stocking with your roommates name on it. Collect coal and sharp objects in it. If s/he asks, say "you've been very naughty this year." 7.Paint your nose red and wear antlers. Constantly complain about how you never get to join in on the reindeer games. 8.Make conversation out of Christmas Carols. (I.E. "You know, I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night.") 9.Wrap yourself in Christmas lights and roll around in the snow. 10.Sing: "All I want for Christmas is my roommate's two front teeth..." 11.Give your roommate the gifts from the twelve days of Christmas song. 12.Build a snowperson with your roommate and place a hat on its head. When it doesn't come to life, cry hysterically "it didn't work!" 13.Whip your roommate screaming "now Dasher, now Dancer, now Donner, and Blitzen, etc." 14.Tear down all your roommate's Christmas decorations yelling "Bah Humbug!" 15.Wake up every morning screaming "Ghost of Christmas Future, please have mercy on my soul!" 16.Tell your roommate you're moving out. Santa's buying you a house on 34th Street. 17.Pin a poinsettia to your lapel. 18.Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and eat the best parts first. 19.Put on a fake white beard and insist that all your roommate's friends "give it a yank." 20.Ring jingle bells maniacally saying "every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings." 21.Stand in front of the mirror reciting "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" over and over in your underwear. 22.Smoke mistletoe. Do what comes naturally. 23.Watch your roommate when s/he is sleeping. When s/he wakes up sing, "he sees you when you're sleeping..." 24.Steal a life size nativity scene and display it in your room. When your roommate asks, tell him/her "I had to let them stay here, there's no room at the inn." 25.When your roommate goes to the bathroom, rearrange his/her possessions. Tell him/her that Santa's elves must have done it.
  14. Shellon

    Ho Ho Ho

    21 Days 14 Hours 24 Minutes
  15. Well, cool, when you change the date on your profile, we'll get to celebrate it again someday! Two parties
  16. So great to see you around here more lately! Happy Birthday
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