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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Our thoughts and prayers at your loss Jeff. Shellon and Kelly North
  2. Hope it's a wonderful day !!! This is a few of us happy birthday dancing
  3. Shellon

    It's Groundhog Day!

    What do you get when the groundhog sees his shadow on a log? -- -- -- -- -- 6 more weeks of splinters
  4. Vickles, I've struggled with your question as well as whether or not to post here, rather than the little bit of PM that I did. So much good has been added here that anything I might add would be impotent except to remember you are loved and valued and important. To God? I think so, yes. But it's not my choice or decision to determine your God or your fellowship with same. I do know that for my own personal life, there have been enough of those moments when I doubted big time. Why would a loving and good God not DO SOMETHING when my children's father dropped dead at age 35 when they were but 15 and 2 years old. That is my biggest and I yet struggle with that, only to have to accept that it is what it is and it wasn't anything to do with God, I've come to understand. For my own emotional health, I had to go to the source. I had to hollar at God and ask him the really tough questions that I absolutely did not want the answers to. And a little boy told me that God can handle it if I'm mad at God. It was circumstances and other things that didn't fall into place when they should have or how they should have. It wasn't God's fault; took me awhile to get that, as it will take you whatever time you need to find what is right for you, alone. Why do babies die? Why do really really bad people get to live and walk free when the good ones don't. I don't know. In some form, I like that we can talk about this, as I'm taking on some changes that might be very good and because of it, other things are coming up that I had stuffed away very neatly thank you very much. But the new life things are great and exciting and there are no sure things and that's the exciting part. The healing part is that for whatever reason, and it doesn't matter at the end of the day, I'm seeing some other things clearer and brighter. I can't argue with that too much It's time, maybe for you, also. I can pray with you and for you to my God and expect the prayers the way I always do. Remember, too, that we enter stages in this life that stir the nice tidy life we've arranged and come to find comfortable. A friend told me yesterday, when I asked about 'how do you know you're doing the right thing', he said "you don't". I love that because it's the total opposite of the canned "you just know". It takes courage to get up some mornings and then more courage to keep going through that particular crappy day and some are much crappier. But I think the important part is that we do get up. Sometimes, too, we just need to express, to vent, to say it and then the answer might be there. More often it's no where to be found, but at least we know what the question is. Right? Only you can answer this for you; that's the coolest part. I'm here if you answer them here or never mention it again. :)
  5. I appreciate this too, rawfish friend, and you know some of my thoughts on raising the little buggers. My kids will tell you I'm a pretty tough parent and indeed I take very little crap. However..... I maintain a sense of humor, keep the communication open and like WW, it depends on so many other variables. I guess I'm a little of each too, though, at the end of the day. I think kids are the coolest people in the world and parenting has been my best accomplishment; I love it. It's also the hardest job in the world huh? I have amazing kids, if I do say so.
  6. Eight days oh my gawd!!

  7. Happy Birthday Golfie
  8. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that's gooooood!!
  9. Shellon

    Happy Birthday Mo

    Happiest of Birthday's Mo! My hope is that this birthday is the greatest yet!! Love ya Shellon
  10. Dang, Hammeroni, what have we been busting our humps for all these years to get a legit degree, huh?
  11. I'm sorry about the tragic death of your friend, what a shame. I won't try to minimize his feelings or his death by offering a bunch of phychological stuff or my own experiences. I do agree with your suggestion that other things might have been going on, but of course that will never be completely known. The point is that he was so very deeply hurt and affected by those words and be believed them!!! Enough that he chose a permanant solution to a temporary problem; but it wasn't temporary to him. This is the perfect example of the hold and the control and the abuse and the loss.
  12. wouldn't it be great if everything on the computer had a tutorial that made sense like that one
  13. oh now THAT'S sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! What a darlin
  14. :) I'm thrilled for you two! The Salt Covenant was the best part of our wedding ceremony, so beautiful and meant more to me than any of the rest of the ceremony. Even more tender than our vows, and they were beautiful! Sigh.......... Good luck to you!
  15. Did you get to have dinner quietly? No kids, relax?
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