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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    Looking for Items

    Ah, as expected, got an email and everything we needed is on it's way.
  2. Shellon

    Looking for Items

    It's time for my 30th high school class reunion and I am hunting for some things. 1. Princess Phone 2. At least one pair of men's platform shoes 3. At least one pair of women's platform shoes 4. Plain men's slacks 5. A prom suit/tuxedo, Leisure suit, remember those orange and powder blue ones? I still have my prom gown, so we're good there, it's an UGLY orange foofoo thing. 6. Some Tiger Beat Magazines 7. Clackers, remember those annoying things? 8. My mom still had my posters of Bobby Sherman, David Cassady and Leif Garret.............swoon! 9. I found some bonnie bell lipsmackers, a jar of Noxema, some Sweet Honesty, Agree Shampoo, Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific Shampoo, and some women's personal items. 10. Paper Dolls I get that some of this stuff would be special to you, collectables even. We'll take good care and return when done. We've found a ton of 70's music, a ton of pictures, some menu's and a even a doll from the 70's; the one we all wanted named Crissy Please PM me if you're willing and able to share. The items are needed by June 1 and wouldn't be returned until July 10. Thank you
  3. Shellon


    Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's a great day! Shellon and Kelly North
  4. Shellon

    shazdancers bday

    Happy Birthday!!! How are you? I miss ya!! Shellon
  5. It always makes me giggle when someone ASSumes what pawtucket or moderator(s) do, but have yet to ask them directly. Ditto assuming why an action was taken by pawtucket or moderator. Greg, ask them. Get the answers you seek, you might be surprised how something really went down. There is always three sides to any story, remember. Your side, the other side and the truth.
  6. Shellon

    snowed in!

    Oh yeah, remember that blizzard, was a Senior in High School and it was a GREAT money maker driving around on our snowmobiles getting supplies for neighbors, giving a few a ride, etc. Love it Love it Love it. For us this year it's been the awful COLD that's kicked out butts, not the piling snow. My daughter and her fiance are in Ft. Wayne area to see a fight, WG, and said it's much like her own city has been here in Michigan, but she's got front row seats to see blood sweat and teeth fly, so she doesn't care, then staying overnight. Might as well enjoy the snow, it'll be gone too soon
  7. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    Time........ Beautiful song wd40, thanks!
  8. Shellon

    Psalms Birthday

    Hey there, happy birthday!!! Hope it's a wonderful one, filled with love and happiness for you. Shellon
  9. Please type an X after the answers that best describe your situation. Here are the questions: 1.) Think back to the last time you got ill. When you first became ill, where did you first go to seek quality information about your illness? (Please choose one answer) a. Primary care practitioner b. Healthcare specialist c. Hospital d. Public library e. Health library f. Internet g. Friends, family, or other individuals h. Other (please describe) Midwife at an a GYN clinic 2.) In the course of finding out about your illness, where else have you gone to seek quality information? (Choose one or more answers) a. Primary care practitioner b. Healthcare specialist XXX c. Hospital d. Public library XXX e. Health library f. Internet g. Friends, family, or other individuals XXX h. Other (please describe) XXXMidwife at a GYN clinic 3.) Have you ever discussed what you learned on the Internet about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Choose one answer) a. Yes, I have discussed what I learned on the Internet with a health professional b. No, I did not discuss what I learned on the Internet with a health professional. No but I did take a print out to her c. I did not use the Internet 4.) Have you ever changed healthcare professionals based in part on a negative response to the Internet information about your illness you discussed? (Check one answer) a. Yes, I have changed at least one healthcare professional in part because of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed b. No, I have stayed with my healthcare professional(s) in spite of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed c. No, I have only had positive responses from healthcare professionals to the Internet information we discussed d. I have not discussed Internet information with my healthcare professional(s). 5.) Is there anything else you would like to share about seeking, finding, or discussing information you have found about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Please type your response below I am seeking a GYN that is qualified to do a surgery that I need done and love that I can check licensure, history, malpractice, etc about my health care professionals on the internet.
  10. http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2008...25-survey_N.htm Survey: Americans freely change, or drop, their religions
  11. On behalf of Sami/Jade, thank you. She hasn't visited us here since May 2006, says 'maybe someday' I sent her happy birthday's from here and she said 'aw, thanks' Her birthday was good, she had to work in the salon and again this evening at second job, but her fiance and daughter made her favorite supper, her sister and I sent flowers, her 22 months old daughter drew something on the living room wall that I'm sure says "I love mama". Life is good, thank you
  12. I do still have my Bible, given me by my husband on our WOW year in 1986. It's a treasure that is, indeed, all marked up, worn looking and precious to me. I have not had any inclinations to rid my life of it, probably because of some childhood instruction on ones care of the Holy Bible, as well as the memories it holds, the dates listed in it, ie: my baby's births, husbands death, quotes from good people or events recorded that I somehow need to look at from time to time. This same Bible was also used by Professors in three psychology classes at Baker College where I was a student. It was intriguing to "study" it, the notes and the added pages for classes, etc. It spoke to psych students and offered great peeks into manipulation and where one's journey might let them wander. I hope my children will enjoy the sad looking beaten up thing as well. I don't imagine anyone else (other than psycho cology students) finding profit in study from it, but it sure holds some interesting stories of me and who I am. I do admit, however, to not having any interest in it for the first 3-4 years after I said goodbye to TWI. It sat in a box, albeit nestled in silk, and I'd look at the box from time to time. Now, ten years later, it's still out for my enjoyment and heart memories and for my girls to wander through once in awhile when we speak of daddy or where life has taken us. We're all so unique in our lives, I love that!
  13. Happy Birthday my baby girl. 26 years ago today you came into my life, setting it on a course that has never been dull, always been exciting, alot of the time scary, most of the time funny and you've taught me about blending the simple with the extreme and somehow you make it work. :) You are one of the funniest, most generous, sweetest, strongest women I know! I'm so very very proud of you. If you weren't my daughter, I'd sure want you to be my friend.
  14. Happy Birthday Tech Dude
  15. ok, now we can let this thing fall away and get on to the important things of gsc. Thank you everyone, very much, for the wonderful greetings!
  16. lol Seth, we made it another year huh? See you next year, same time same place.
  17. Box, thank you for this thread for my birthday, you're a gem, ya know it? Thank you, everyone, for the happy wishes. It's been a really busy and eventful birthday that will be long remembered. I keep threatening to change the date because of the snow blizzard we get every year and this year did not dissapoint. I drove my daughter to meet a friend and the driving was that white knuckle, shoulders clenched mumbling prayers, making sure the trees stayed on either side of me 4 hours adventure at 35 mph. YIKES. I have a four day weekend with no child at home and out of state company coming and I'm so looking forward to relaxing and just hanging out. LiftedUp, I took the Shell logo as an avatar, as can be seen, I love that. The warmth at greasespot in celebrating ones birthday always makes me :) Thank you!
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