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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Thanks Roy! We can use all the tips and ideas we can get huh? Appreciate you!
  2. ROFL I love the 'without warning' part
  3. Loved the Mayo cake growing up. My grandfather, who lived right behind us and shared meals, hated Mayo and we loved telling him the cake had it in it. The small pleasures of life...............yummy cake, this.
  4. Shellon


    Paw, I am still not understanding how I be sure GS gets the 'credit' Do I sign up for that when I go there or something?
  5. WG, I dig what you said, and stand next to you on that stuff. I don't regret and what good would it do? Should I regret that I had 16 really fun and wonderful years with an amazing man? If I had left twi I would not have had those years and our second daughter; how can I regret staying? I don't regret the stuff I was afforded to see and learn and do in twi. I don't regret the things I learned NOT to do; they are applicable today. I don't regret the people I met who enriched my life, added something to it's emotional value or made me think, what's bad about that? This life unfolds as it does until it doesn't. Without twi I wouldn't be hanging out here with some strange amazing funny people.
  6. Shellon


    :) Just a little something for a few posters who keep wishing there was something interesting here for them.
  7. Shellon


    arousing or holding the attention wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. Examples include listening carefully to what someone is saying while ignoring other conversations in the room (the cocktail party effect). ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interesting "Interesting" was the fifth episode of British sitcom The Young Ones. It was written by Ben Elton, Rik Mayall and Lise Mayer, and directed by Paul Jackson. It was first aired on BBC2 on 7 December 1982. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interesting (Young Ones episode) avoid beginning sentences with it is interesting to note that or interestingly. If what you plan to note is not interesting, don't note it. www.iolani.honolulu.hi.us/Keables/KeablesGuide/PartThree/Letters/I.htm
  8. Maybe it's the paint fumes, maybe it's something else but I can't understand why there are over 50 pages on who/how/what/when/why to forgive :blink:
  9. If it's a cavity/hole that needs filling temporarily there is an amazing product called Dent-temp out there. That stuff is ..........wow! It comes in a teensy little blue container and you roll just a little bit of the paste into a ball and fill the hole, let it dry at least an hour and that stuff is concrete! If you use this stuff, make sure the tooth is as clean as you can possibly get it first ! Cuz once it's in, it isn't coming out until your dentist removes it. Also if you think you have an infection in the tooth, I don't recommend this stuff cuz it'll trap the infection in there. It's available at the bigger chains like wal-mart, etc. in the area where they sell wax for braces, stuff like that.
  10. Hey girl, Happy Birthday! I think of you so often Shellon
  11. Wow This "little girl" was trying to do her job, maybe paying tuition, who cares. If she were the manager, I guess maybe I could see getting all up in her koolaid, but as the young woman just trying to do her job, I don't see it. We never know what it really going on, no matter how much we know about their job or doing it better, we can't know the whole story. If I'm much older and trying to get good service from a young person, I sure am not going to help him/her learn by setting them to tears. I am one of the first to complain about how crappy customer service is anymore but I think we get more done when we don't kill the messenger. Sometimes we need to just be quiet and listen.
  12. This brings out some great points too! I sometimes find myself a little resentful about where I am in these areas. I can not bring myself to blame TWI or another person but it still gets to me from time to time. When we moved here I rented a house without seeing it because I wanted a roof over our heads, but I never did like it. Then we moved into our current house two years later and again it was not a place I liked but time, money, etc., factored in and I took it. We've been in the same house for 8 years now and all the same reasons apply. In TWI we moved so much for so many reasons and were never able to take the time to find a home we liked, it was of necessity and crunched time that we signed a lease and moved in. I prefer to keep thankful that we had a roof over our heads and no one went hungry, but sometimes............ I, too, go towards the 'someday'. When it's just me I'll take the time to find a home I love, when money is better I'll move to someplace that feels like home. I've landed a pretty good job that is across the street, is the same as my daughters schedule and pays ok, so I wouldn't want to mess with that either. As parents we do whatever we must do for whatever reason. This area is a GREAT place to raise a kid; it's safe, small, the school is pretty good. My eldest was in some unsafe school systems and we lived in some pretty unsafe neighborhoods while in TWI so this relief is welcome. Also this house is where my maternal grandparents lived while I grew up so there is that neat added bonus. But it is just a structure and not my preferance. I believe that in this life we do what we have to do and the 'resentments' are there, going to be there. Life goes way too fast and I'm beginning to wish differant things because of that too. Someday............
  13. Almost missed it again!!! Happy Birthday my friend! :)
  14. Yeah, I came home. Sort of because of TWI, but not completely. My husband died while we were still in TWI and a year later, I realized I needed some unconditional support. Family seemed the logical answer. Mom and Dad kind of stuff. It wasn't the reason I left TWI but it all fell in one pile together. I needed to get back in college, get where my kids (16 and 3 then) could have people that would provide what was needed in support form. We also needed some quiet to grieve and and figure out the 'now what' stuff. I never ever! planned on returning to the little town I grew up in and it was tough to deal with feeling like I was going backwards and my parents and I had to deal with me being an adult, widowed, a mom, a grownup. My choice was exactly right! They've supported us, kicked in where their were voids, been there like only family can.
  15. Ha T ! Well exceptions can be made, sure. :)
  16. Shellon

    Happy Easter

    Indeed, Happy Easter. I get to hang out with both of my babies for a couple of days, it doesn't get better than that!!
  17. Shellon

    Looking for Items

    lol, or should be, right? My mom took them away from us plenty. And my brother still has a scar on his forehead from when we would swing them and turn loose. :unsure:
  18. Happy Birthday OE!!!
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