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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    Looking for Items

    It's with regret that I say that we've had to cancel the class reunion. The registrations we've received have been of an impotent number, certainly not sufficient to cover the cost of facility, food, etc. We've moved the deadline for registering twice, still not enough interest. Just the cost to the two of us co-chairing it has been more than enough. Those of you who shared your 70's items with us, thank you!! We'll be returning your things within a week. :)
  2. This is a neat site that I've found very useful. Following is their 70$ grocery list for feeding 4-6 people, menu suggestions, etc. http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/70dollarmenu.htm I've just got me and my daughter, so I shop more like this one http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/40dollarmenu.htm The options of meals aren't always what I want. For instance I don't serve much bready stuff, but it got me started on cutting back and working with leftovers, stuff like that. I offer two options on our menu,though, 'take it or leave it' so I can't/don't leave much wriggle room. We do shop at Save-A-Lot about once a month and try to stay away from the grocery store in between the monthly shopping. All the usuals apply. Don't go shopping hungry, don't take kids, don't fall for the specials unless they really are, use coupons and shop on double coupon day (SaveALot doesn't do coupons). We love the farmers markets here and I can't wait for them to get busy again. Other tips I've collected: Left over veggies? Dump them in a pasta with any kind of sauce you have lying around, maybe some chicken needing eaten. Especially good here since I carry my lunch to work. Bulk is good only if you'll really use it. Ditto sale items. A small amount of leftover fruit can be made into a smoothie or topped on a little ice cream to make it pretty. Even the smallest amount of leftovers hanging out in the fridge can be loaded into a 'junk soup' or 'fridge stew'. Kind of funny, to me, but my grand daughter is three and her mama could NOT get the kid to eat anything besides rolls. Period, not eating, no. She started garnishing the snotfaces meals with a little piece of parsley, even her morning oatmeal or cold cereal. Bingo, the kid loved the "tree" with her meal. Ditto a piece of fruit sitting next to a boring plate of chicken perks it up, grabs the eye. In the rare event we go out, we order one entree and split it, huge savings and since my almost 13 year old is a picker, we often have a take home bag who's contents get dumped into something tomorrow.
  3. ((((Psalms, husband, Isaac, Ben)))))
  4. We don't have Aldi's here, but it's equal that we do have is Save-A-Lot Good deals, same set up
  5. I've some added thoughts now that you've posted this most recent information. 1. Be ware of the woman who won't communicate, who 'runs' when times are tough for another, such as when you needed help after your surgery. 2. When your husband isn't working, they seperate themselves from you? How is that honest? How is that good to teach kids? 3. It doesn't sound to me like communication between the adults is happening much at all and that is a huge recipe for disaster, eventually. Kelly went to stay with a friend of mine in February, got stuck there in a blizzard, has a B L A S T !!! When she was finally able to get home, she cried, wanted to go back, it was a very tough moment for both of us. At this friends house, she didn't have to do chores, didn't have to have a bedtime, didn't have to do a damn thing. Of course when she got home, there was chores and homework and mom. The material things they might offer your son are all good and well, I get that. But the lack of communication from the adults is the damage in the making. And the teenager in the house with dad and the two clashing, that I understand too. You said you have to change some things and I'd agree and know it's very very very hard. As I've stated, the dilemma as to why this decision was considered in our house was 'cuz of teenage stuff and a 'break', and it would have been wonderful for awhile. But long term, no, which is why she stayed home. It's tough to parent and sometimes painful, we know that. And what about when Ben is this age? Some of our questions are tough for you, I'd imagine. But it bears consideration and the thoughtful, careful time you're putting into it now. But the poor communication with them worries me in a huge way....................
  6. Welcome, Ghost, to diversity! I have to grin a little at your list of what/whom you will tolerate and/or not. This is a community of every personality, dynamic and attitude one might come up with. Down to earth, yup. Arrogant, sure. Preachers, uhhuh. Religious, yes again. Fun, completely. Interesting, no kidding. Insightful, no doubt. Most days the diversity is really the true beauty of greasespot. Enjoy your stay, it's a good place.
  7. Psalm, there is no way anyone can totally advise you on this one to the end of your decision and I get that you know that. Experiences, ideas, suggestions are what you're after. Every family has unique dynamics, needs, issues, strenghts and weakness's, hence what might work for one quite possibly would be a disaster for another. I can and will pray with you on this most difficult decision. My eldest had an opportunity to move out and live with another family at about your son's age, she was 16. It was absolutly NOT for academic purposes, but to get she and I apart, to give her a place to grieve the death of her father, to give her some differant space. She took about 30 seconds to say YES! <_< I spent many hours, days, weeks! tossing the idea around, trying to do what was best for her, for our entire family. I chose to not do it. But having said that, please hear me when I say that was US! Not necessarily you and your situation. I can not say if I'd have done it the other way if it were for her academic betterment; I just don't know. The offer, as it were, caused me to stop and consider so many things, to really take a hard and painful look at some needs. It wasn't a fun ride, as yours isn't. You will make the right decision, you have to know that. You're his mama, that's your job. And if you are entertaining any thoughts that you're a lousy mama cuz you're giving this serious thought, cut that out! Who's to say, besides you, your husband, the boy? God speed and bless your hearts. Prayers here!
  8. Shellon

    8 Years

    Roy, that was.................wonderful!!!
  9. Shellon

    8 Years

    Will there be cake?
  10. Happy Birthday! Hope it's been a great one
  11. Shellon

    8 Years

    Thanks Roy, love that one!!
  12. Welcome! I've wondered about you, prayed with you, hoped you were well; I'm glad that is true Shellon
  13. At the bottom of the product page there is often a place where other customers rate and give information about their satisfaction or not of the product.
  14. This is the affidavit http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/images/04...z.affidavit.pdf The investigator believed that given the immediate danger, there was no time for adversary hearing Given how often everyone hollars when they leave the kids and should not have, this was a smart move.
  15. Shellon

    Atheists Corner

    Cool idea, Seth!
  16. I can't add much more than bowtwi just said except for one question. I gather from your post that this story is readable elsewhere here and I'm sorry to have missed it. My question is whether or not this is your first knowing that her mother knew Wierwille, this hadn't come up before? I ask because that is usually one of the first things people speak of. Not always, but often, since it is, for some, a huge deal. Maybe it just didn't come up, maybe since she's young, she didn't see it as a big deal and maybe it's not. It shouldn't be, but is to so many. If the relationship is important to you, then it's important to keep the dialogue going and, as has been mentioned, comfort and tenderness to her. Things are what they are until they aren't anymore and she has to decide what she wants to do, for her. I wish we could just tell people we love "knock it off" but often resentments follow; maybe not sooner, but often later, certainly eventually. You've been given what is likely enough information on the organization from here at Greasespot Cafe and talking personally to others and hopefully doing your own research. There are also relationships, even now in twi, where one of a couple attend twi functions and the other does not. It's a very private choice for she and you alone. You and she have to find what each can live with and then figure out how to make that happen. I, too, shall pray with you and your families.
  17. You're very welcome, danteh, nice truck! Others would post it some other way, I'm sure, this is just what worked for me and you
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