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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I would add to the other things the idea of not doing too much for awhile. Perhaps follow the 'one year' of getting your thoughts together, relax, rest, take the time to recover from the loss in your life. Sometimes jumping right into a new spiritual setting might tend to throw one off balance when life isn't ready. Some need that though. Read things with no index or table of contents, watch the kinds of movies you like and haven't had time (or permission) for, go somewhere you wished you could, have conversations with those you've missed. It is very unique, very individual. For me and my family, when we left twi, it had only been one year since my husband died, so we were really not even in good enough shape to do the twi leaving. Then I started college in 2 months, new community, friends, etc., it was a crazy ride, but it also was cathartic in that it was SO differant from 16 years of twi structure, and I did have my parents nearby. It was mine, that was the best part. Good luck on your journeys!
  2. Happy Birthday To You! Enjoy your 73rd birthday as much as you did your 51st
  3. Shellon

    Busy day

    Congratulations, good luck on the rest of the ride.
  4. Thank you Lucy, she sure is a cutie! hee hee hee that was hysterical, I'm gonna use that line Alot
  5. Have you been writing anymore, Phil?
  6. Shellon


    :) understood, hollar if need
  7. If a place of worship, whether it's in or outside, castle or cave, if it works for you, then it's good. For some that could be with one or two others, or others might fit better in a larger setting, like a revival. It's all so very personal and private what one has with their God or whomever they want to know better. In my own life, I don't get it from large groups, but you might. My thing is just me and God and it works. Might not for you.
  8. This stuff was always kind of confusing huh? To me anyway, although I guess the only thing I every really understood was the marriage and children part, my own personal little family gig. I didn't turn away from my parents and brothers, although I did do some really ugly and mean things to one brother and my mama for a few years, behavior they've forgiven me for, thank God. I see it as that song my eldest and I sang every time she had to move to yet another new school. "Make new friends but keep the old.." in applying it to household of God. Those household members might not always be there, lets play the game twi dumps on our plates until we have to figure out the rules to the next one they make up. Immediate family, meaning yours, parents, grandparents if we're fortunate enough to still have them, our own kids; that's family, that's household, that's the love of God. I stand so thankful for my parents and brothers and am so proud of them and how they hung in there while I was in twi, knowing I was messin' with something that wasn't a good thing, but they stuck in there anyway, welcoming us every time we visited (sadly VERY little), didn't push, didn't ask a bunch of questions, they just loved me, my husband and our children. That is family, that is God, that is household. As my own children grow up and as one has left and has her own family, I get it every bigger. She does things, sometimes, that 1)worries me, 2) I think is really stupid, 3) makes me wonder if she's really my kid. But it doesn't matter, she is mine and that love is unconditional. Even during some really! rough times when we were estranged for several months, she always knew this was home, period. There are other means of family, too, aren't there? I belong to a writers workshop group, where we get together and share our work, laugh, chatter about our kids, etc., and after about 6 years we feel like a family. Sometimes this place feels like a huge dysfunctional fun crazy wierd family. Other
  9. Shellon

    Proud of the family

    OH! Now, see that is what's life is all about! Congratulations and mucho grande luck on your new journey and on having such an amazing family, indeed. Wonderful
  10. Happy Birthday Excath!
  11. Hi newlife! I have been away from twi for 10 years now and for me it depends on the one to whom I'm speaking as well as whether or not they need to know. In the beginning I wasn't clear on whether to wear the experience as a badge or a bandaide. Putting the information together for a project to bypass several of my college classes was difficult and cathartic at the same time. The professors didn't really care, even if a little fascinated; they just wanted proof of living some of the information in the classes I was asking to get out of. When I started seeing a therapist, it took three to find the right fit, and in hindsight, I accept part of the responsibility for that, as I just couldn't figure out what was wrong and what was right and what I needed, so grief counseling was finally the fit. My situation was unique in that I was dealing with the death of my husband as well as finding my footing out in the "real" world. I agree, it's not something that most people want to hear about and we do have to temper it with other information and/or reality. Sometimes people respond with "oh" and suddenly have to go and locate something they lost 3 miles back in their lives. One friend is in the same degree program I did (psychology/human service) and he has interviewed me several times, as well as taken me to class for his visual aid. THAT was wierd, but helpful to future therapists, maybe. My parents and brothers don't like to talk about "that time in Shellon's life" either. I'm home, safe, its in the past, that's what matters to them. And in some respects they're right. One brother is fond of saying that I have never experienced anything bad in this life, I don't get how tough things can really be. A friend I grew up with is fascinated! with the story and calls often to ask more questions. But she is unique, too, in that she's a writer, a published author, so she's a lover of great stories. She doesn't "get" it, but she's cheap therapy! :) She also says things like "I can't believe YOU got involved in that". But she's right. Another thing I consider in considering telling my story is that people, in general, think of cults as Jim Jones, Manson, selling flowers at the airport, living together in ratty building growing good dope and who really is the father of the children. That alone gives people cause to pause and raise at least one eyebrow before they look at their timepiece and remember an appointment somewhere else. Or those that act like they might catch it if they stand next to us too long. The human condition is like that, I think. If we don't understand it, we can be afraid of it. Acceptance takes time and attention and the willingness to really hear the story. Job interviews can be tough too, huh? For me I stayed home and raised babies, so I can fill that gap of time with that reason on my resume. I have said a time or four "I found myself involved in a religious cult' and the human resource person's eyeballs said "we'll call you, don't call us" pretty fast. Then again, some of the experiences are good, when I can say that I have 16 years of experience coordinating events. Maybe, newlife, we each have to find a place for our own past in this regard. Maybe we can re-word a few things for those that we choose to invite into that part or those that think they got the invitation even when they didn't. It's all so unique and individual, isn't it, and yet the same, but perhaps the only thing that's the same is the name of the organization. I wore my Greasespot Cafe tshirt when Kelly and I were wandering around last night and, like almost always, someone asked "what's that site?". I usually say something like 'oh, a site for above average genius people who like to sit around talking about life events' Not exacly the whole truth huh?
  12. Shellon

    Herb information

    Yes, Masterherbalist, thank you Box, I can now PM her Thank you, also, Jim
  13. Shellon

    Herb information

    This might should be in friend finders, not sure, but I'm looking for our poster that goes by herbalmaster (?). I'm sorry if not saying it right. I've an emergency with my mom and need that kind of help, would appreciate hearing via PM or email at shellonnorth@yahoo.com Thanks!
  14. Paw said: on the thread about Kristens book.So, Whitedove and oldies, you two are just going to start the same stuff here? Come on...........
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,370121,00.html :( apologies, I hadn't noticed that there was already a thread about his death.
  16. Is this seriously a thread about what happend "to" Lingo? And more arguement about the same ol' feces?
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