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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    Yeah, that's another beautiful one she does
  2. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    In My Arms, for my girls, Samantha and Kelly
  3. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    Forgot how to do whatever it is I'm supposed to do here, but it's Fallen by Sara McLachlan
  4. Shellon

    Don't Listen

    http://hellomynameisscott.blogspot.com/200...-listen-to.html 100 People (not) to Listen To 1. Don’t listen to people who … have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. 2. Don’t listen to people who … try to destroy your dreams. 3. Don’t listen to people who … tell you what’s right or wrong. 4. Don’t listen to people who … tell you what to believe. 5. Don’t listen to people who … have nothing else to whine about. 6. Don’t listen to people who … think they know what you need. 7. Don’t listen to people who … say you’re making them look bad. 8. Don’t listen to people who … nastily try to induce insecurity in others. 9. Don’t listen to people who … tell you that you can’t make it in this business. 10. Don’t listen to people who … who’s imagination can’t encompass what it is that you want to do. 11. Don’t listen to people who … claim “their way” is “THE way.” 12. Don’t listen to people who … haven’t done anything themselves. 13. Don’t listen to people who … cannot prove that they have done what you are trying to do. 14. Don’t listen to people who … put a damper on your natural versatility. 15. Don’t listen to people who … give uneducated and bad reviews. 16. Don’t listen to people who … say that studying and learning isn't cool. 17. Don’t listen to people who … aren't qualified to advise you. 18. Don’t listen to people who … don’t listen to you. 19. Don’t listen to people who … don’t listen to themselves. 20. Don’t listen to people who … say, “You can't do that, just get an education!” 21. Don’t listen to people who … say ALL (insert group of people) are like that. 22. Don’t listen to people who … tell you to change what you’re doing. 23. Don’t listen to people who … tell you the market is saturated. 24. Don’t listen to people who … think it’ll never work. 25. Don’t listen to people who … think you’re out of your mind. 26. Don’t listen to people who … say that manga is a useless hobby. 27. Don’t listen to people who … believe there are only two kinds of people in this world. 28. Don’t listen to people who … are telling you, aggressively, that everything is normal. 29. Don’t listen to people who … claim they’re “not” racist, sexist, homophobic, whatever. (Remember, if you have to tell people you are, then you probably aren’t.) 30. Don’t listen to people who … put you down and try to force you into dead-end roles. 31. Don’t listen to people who … are overwhelmed with jealousy. 32. Don’t listen to people who … tell you that you have to buy a certain kind of suit. 33. Don’t listen to people who … haven’t been right about dang in years. 34. Don’t listen to people who … want to put you down because your passion and enthusiasm scares them. 35. Don’t listen to people who … say you should've bought a bigger one. 36. Don’t listen to people who … think they get paid to make your mind up for you. 37. Don’t listen to people who … state their opinion as if it were fact. 38. Don’t listen to people who … think you're geeky because you ride a recumbent. 39. Don’t listen to people who … use their own personal values to censor other people. 40. Don’t listen to people who … say young people offer no hope for our future. 41. Don’t listen to people who … bare long term grudges on new companies. 42. Don’t listen to people who … say what you do is too strange or too eclectic. 43. Don’t listen to people who … criticize you no matter what you do. 44. Don’t listen to people who … require you to read a library before they're willing to hear your thoughts. 45. Don’t listen to people who … are just after your money. 46. Don’t listen to people who … are just after your time. 47. Don’t listen to people who … are just after your brain (ahem, aliens). 48. Don’t listen to people who … tell you that you won’t make it in this field because it’s too competitive. 49. Don’t listen to people who … who stereotype your school. 50. Don’t listen to people who … try to stress you out. 51. Don’t listen to people who … have nothing but compliments for you. 52. Don’t listen to people who … have nothing but insults for you. 53. Don’t listen to people who … offer you "friendly advice" solely to make you feel insecure. 54. Don’t listen to people who … persuade you to install another piece of software that won't do more than just occupy precious space in your hard drive. 55. Don’t listen to people who … ridicule, demean or spit venom. 56. Don’t listen to people who … tell you not to do something because they don't think you are capable. 57. Don’t listen to people who … tell you what you can and can’t do with/to your body (unless it’s your Doctor) 58. Don’t listen to people who … instruct you which foods you can and can’t eat (unless it’s your Doctor) 59. Don’t listen to people who … say what you're doing will be "too hard." 60. Don’t listen to people who … say the signing of Hakeem Olajuwon was the reason for the Raptors' downfall. 61. Don’t listen to people who … tell you "if you don't go now, you'll never go.” 62. Don’t listen to people who … scream at or insult others for a living. 63. Don’t listen to people who … don’t respect their customers. 64. Don’t listen to people who … seek to silence your conscience. 65. Don’t listen to people who … went somewhere once and think they know everything about it. 66. Don’t listen to people who … dismiss your work as uninteresting or unimportant. 67. Don’t listen to people who … tell you to stop singing so loud. 68. Don’t listen to people who … shovel smoke for a living. 69. Don’t listen to people who … lie. 70. Don’t listen to people who … say something sucks when THEY just don’t like it. 71. Don’t listen to people who … say there’s nothing you can do about it. 72. Don’t listen to people who … don’t think that “Afternoon Delight” is the greatest song ever. 73. Don’t listen to people who … claim that you ONLY have to work smart to be successful. 74. Don’t listen to people who … say it’s just dumb luck. 75. Don’t listen to people who … aren’t listening, they’re just waiting to talk. 76. Don’t listen to people who … answer with the lies they tell themselves. 77. Don’t listen to people who … say you can't make money from fishing. 78. Don’t listen to people who … want to hide in the background. 79. Don’t listen to people who … try to steer your life. 80. Don’t listen to people who … tell you to pick up your rabbit by the ears. 81. Don’t listen to people who … try to pass the buck to others. 82. Don’t listen to people who … tell you that the Brunswick Total Inferno Bowling Ball is too much for you. 83. Don’t listen to people who … have so much anger and hate in them. 84. Don’t listen to people who … say you can get rich by putting a link on their site because of all the traffic they receive. 85. Don’t listen to people who … tell you how cool they are. 86. Don’t listen to people who … never worked in food service before. 87. Don’t listen to people who … say they studied for a weekend and passed. 88. Don’t listen to people whose … sole purpose in life is to stamp out your fire. 89. Don’t listen to people who … say that starving yourself is a good idea as long as it is done in a routine way. 90. Don’t listen to people who … mock you for trying. 91. Don’t listen to people who … can't even get their basic facts straight. 92. Don’t listen to people who … want to lump the law on you again. 93. Don’t listen to people who … tell you that there is nothing wrong with you and that you have no reason to be depressed. 94. Don’t listen to people who … tell you that REAL filmmakers never zoom. 95. Don’t listen to people who … tell you this race is over. 96. Don’t listen to people who … say you’re too young. 97. Don’t listen to people who … baulk at making cheesecake in a pressure cooker. 98. Don’t listen to people who … only offer anecdotes of their own situation. 99. Don’t listen to people who … abuse. And last but not least... 100. Don’t listen to people who … make absurdly long lists telling you what types of people (not) to listen to. Instead, make your own ☺
  5. Happy Birthday, hope you and yours are well.
  6. And the cool part is it's not just for the elderly. Anyone can be served by this program.
  7. My friend since Waydale days, oh the laughs, stories and chickens! Happy Birthday to you
  8. It feels like if there are rules, someone is going to bit ch about the rules. If there are not rules, someone is going to bit ch 'cuz there are no rules. I find it hard to imagine that NO place has rules that any of us frequent on these machines. A place of employment has standard operating procedures, people follow those. A business one uses to buy their product has certain rules. In our society, we have to follow the laws of the land, the rules of the road, the courtesy's of everyday functionality. Why is this place any differant? What is the problem with having a few guidelines and practices to help things flow smoother? Is it that actual word "rules" that bothers some? What if it were called guidelines, procedures, or some other word that fit your mind better? I'd bet someone wouldn't like that, or whatever other word Paw chose. He's gotta do something and yet try to meet the need(s) of you and me and everyone else. Impossible task. I've done the moderating duty; it's a pain! It's all voluntary and as evident here, very little, if any, thanks. Sarcasm, anger, hurt, ugly words flying all over do nothing but produce more of the same and we know it. That doesn't promote changing of the rules according to our sarcasm, anger, hurt or ugly words. Would you want to do anything if it were presented to you like that with those emotions? As has been stated, this is a volunteer-run board. These people work jobs like you, have kids and relationships just like you, but they add hours! of extra personal time in here. I wonder how any of us might think we have claim to be frustrated with the rules, considering it's a courtesy that is provided us. I get that this isn't the point. I wonder, also, if any think the rules were just tossed out there with no thought for the entire board in general? Seriously? I think they were worked on for weeks, perhaps months, in order to meet as many of the needs as possible. If any of us have an aguement to present, what if we do so with more empathy of the bigger picture, with a lens of contributing toward the good and not just to 'have our say' cuz we think we can. Then how helpful is it to express oneself in anger, hoping to make a point, finding it doesn't land where expected then express further anger? Then further still.... There has to be "rules" of some sort where human beings are concerned. Since you or I don't run the place, how about we just say thank you and enjoy the benefits given freely? Simpler, less painful and the Admin and Moderators will sure be more likely to hear our further ideas.
  9. Wonderful! I'll be watching.
  10. <... wouldn't mind a call from Bobby Boy and Dotters uhhuh, that is one phone call I would take and participate in
  11. Box, love how you always keep it that simple. Misery is each of those things, isn't it? Beyond repair, divorce, adultery. We, as strong women especially, can use that strength for good. I understand that your original point or question wasn't directed just at women, but I happen to be one, so can only speak from that lens or my own experience. If I'm in a marriage and it's understood that the really hard work might involve any of those three, I'm going to be 1. hurting and 2. having to make some really tough choices. As you said, God looks on our hearts and I think He expects us to enter into such a wonderful amazing laborious union with our eyes open and our hearts completely ready and willing to take on whatever it brings. The good, the bad and the "oh shi+ what have I done?". Everything. If something as drastic as adultery enters into the threads of that, of course choices have to be made and we live with the results, both parties involved. Or all three or more. Forgiveness is part of the equation, betrayal, pain that digs deeper than some days are manageable, but we've got choices, thankfully. I believe God gets that. :)
  12. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
  13. My husband and I, married in twi, subscribed to the "divorce is not an option" and beyond that, each believed it in our own hearts, shared vows together to express it and we were serious! Probably too much so for our own good some days. But I don't recall believing it because the Bible said so or even because we shared the same passion about sticking together. It seemed, to me, to be about integrity, about keeping my word and not entering into the marriage without information and enough discussion and analyzing 'til I'm sure he re-thought marrying me just for that. (not really) But, just because that was the choice we made for our own lives, didn't make it right or wrong for another couple or individual contemplating the idea of marriage. I understand the Ten Commandments and certainly considered the adultry part of it for my marriage as whether it was one I could ever forgive if it were slapping me in my own face. I like to think we would have been able to recover and regain footing enough to heal from it; thankfully it was never an option we had to take on. But life happens, too, and I think we humans have to wonder about forgiveness and things like "do I love him/her enough to do the really hard work to fix this" or "am I hurt and angry enough to do the really hard work to get this apart?" There are so often children involved in the marriage union. There are other family members. There are so many things to consider that go beyond the anger and hurt and fear and possibilities on either side of the issue. I think God knows our human-ness, knows our stupid and it doesn't shock him much when either of those shine the brightest. Personally, my marriage ended with my husbands death and I then moved on to wonder about the Widow gig and wanted nothing to do with that, too. Having no choice, I spent alot of time trying to figure out the 'now what' part of my life without a partner to finish the walk with me. I felt betrayed by my husband in that too. Surely I could find a way to blame him for intentionally ending our marriage, if I but looked deep enough in the book that said Holy Bible on the cover. It wasn't there. There is always something, differant kinds of hurt, even betrayal, when two people decide to mix their lives together. My daughter is 26, having been in a relationship with her fiance for 8 years now and it's way too easy for them to hurt the other with words, with actions that they don't mean. Or maybe they do. It's a differant generation with differant values and morals. I think adultry is worse in the shock value department, maybe. Again I speak as one who hasn't suffered either that or divorce, but when a divorce is looming, don't each person sort of see it coming then either make the decision to do something or agree it's the better route? In adultry, hindsight is always really sharp, but at the time, the thought of realizing our life partner has shared the most intimate and private of things with another person is torture. Differant degrees of anger and pain, differant places of betrayal and often the cause of the divorce, of course. We don't always do alot of things the Bible, or God himself tells us to do because we're humans and we make decisions otherwise. God not forgiving one more than another, I have trouble believing that most days. My gig is whether or not we can forgive and still do our best to go into the next day, regardless of the wrong, to us or against us.
  14. I'm reminded of the Patch Adams movie when Robin Williams, playing Patch, is in the mental hospital. He meets with his shrink and tells him he's leaving, he's going to be a doctor. The doctor said "that's what I do" Robin's character says "yes but you suck at it?
  15. I was in a pub with something like that in my hand the other night and my brother mentioned his medals. I said "who?" It felt like the whole bar got silent, everyone looking at me............ It's a huge deal huh? Congrats to him
  16. WHOA, L. Prayers with you! Please keep us posted as you have time? Glad you are doing ok now....
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