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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. A book I've been reading that most of us can relate to in too many ways http://www.jakecolsen.com/index.html
  2. Here in Michigan we've not been debilitated by this winter, thus far. We got Jan/Feb type snow early, in November and it's not quit. Four school days off so far, lots of sliding, slipping and some stupidity wrecks on our greasy roads. My daughters car sat in the middle of her road, stuck, for several hours til plowing and pushing could happen, that kind of thing. (not that I'm suggesting my daughters driving is stupid :unsure: ) Personally, the only problems I've encountered is finding someone to plow my long driveway that I can afford, who will actually show up, having to walk to work a couple of times and my furnace going out 'cuz of snow build up on roof and wind. It's just part of living here but we've been fortunate in that we've not been hit with ice storms; those are, indeed, different circumstances to live with. Right now it's snowing hard and another 10 inches are expected. Sigh, so beautiful but it's been alot really fast. We just stay in and read, watch movies, hang out and hope we don't run out of the really important stuff like coffee and toilet paper.
  3. Malignant Self Love is an excellent read. ! Thanks for bringing it up, Dot.
  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Roy
  5. Happy Birthday Thomas, I hope it's been a great one. :)
  6. Happy Birthday Ron :)
  7. Happiest of days and a new fresh thread for this year started too, cuz you deserve it! :)
  8. Here's to a fantastic birthday! See you next week; we'll celebrate properly.
  9. I tried it too Abi and am not overly impressed. We did September and Octobers just to try two differant orders, specifically the senior box cuz of the ease for me to take to work for my lunch since they're pre-made and ready, fast to toss in micro in teachers lounge. They are......ok. I'm glad I tried, so I know it's not for us.
  10. Shellon

    Santa Clause?

    31 days, 12 hours, 40 minutes, and 41 seconds left until Christmas!
  11. I've watched this three times now and it's on in background again. I compared the whole thing to TWI but more as a mother and I understand why my parents were so worried about me during the 16 years that I hung out with TWI. Would my husband and I have drunk the kool-aid? I doubt it, but sadly I can't say for sure. That scares me more than a little Most painful parts of the film has been the parents, the children, the siblings telling of losing their loved ones to this tragedy. The one scene where the mama is trying to hang on to her child and they are, as forcefully, trying to pull the child away..... That story I very much understand.
  12. From the moment we met in Arkansas in 1990 until this day I've respected and loved you and been so very very thankful for our friendship. Happy Birthday! Shellon and girls
  13. From the looks of this particular Scat, he'd been in the berries recently. That's probably where you'd find him again if you want some in the freezer. Some of the bear meat that is
  14. Shellon


    Happy Birthday Chas
  15. Hmmmm.......... I knew Dale and his family in Connecticut but what I hear is that voice Charlie Brown hears when grown ups talk.
  16. Shellon

    teenage acne

    ProActive is what my teenager uses and that stuff is AMAZING! It's a daily maintenance, which is a pain for kids, but worth it. Then after some time, one or two might pop up, depending on stress, diet, etc., but not for long. $19.95 for a four step process and that lasts about 2-3 months, so really cost effective too. I recommend ProActive to everyone, it just works. I know of only one who it's not helped. Gotta mail order it, so that's inconvenient. We are on the auto delivery, that's the convenient part once the result are so obvious. Try this stuff!
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