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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. They pull this shi+ cuz of Power And Control, it's the high, the rush of making others feel like dog crap so they can, themselves, feel NOT like dog crap. It is, indeed, the schoolyard bully route and it's 4th grade behavior that only serves to make the bully's look like pu$$ies and weak men, period. People like that hide behind their fear and insecurity and scare tactics, peeking out from time to time to see if a potential victim might be living their life happily and they can't have THAT, oh no. They stick their faces into others' business to avoid their own. They insult and injure cuz it primes their own pump of self defeat and sorrow. The more they're fed, the more they feel full, but like an addict, it's short lived and they continue to look for the next high. Take a good look at your own self and own the ability to recognize that no matter what they say or do or think, they're wrong and nothing they say or do or think can make them right. It's not about TWI, it's not about words here, it's not about who did what to whom when. It's about them thinking their shi+ doesn't smell, them understanding that nothing they can do or say will help but they just have to give it one more try. Then it works when their victim shows the hurt. That's what they lust after, crave, fight for, desire. Give it to them and they have their victory. You, me, we can fight and argue with them til at least we puke, but they're not gonna care, truly they don't care. They would bi+ch if you gave them a new rope to hang themselves, cuz it's orange instead of black or 2 inch diameter instead of 4; it won't happen. They don't care. They don't. Pawtucket set these forums up for a purpose that he's made massively clear, there is no misunderstanding or confusion about what the mission here is, there is no lack of clarity on what is and is not allowed to go on. It's so much more than fair and just and honest for those that have some sort of reading ability, hearing capacity or understanding. We've been over that for ever and it's still the same, the few who refuse to understand that won't change it. Keep saying "hey cut it out!" and they hear "hey, we like your abuse" They do.
  2. Shellon


    It's also not all about the President saying it, he just is such a public figure, example setter, etc and so on and blah. And yes, he should set the tone, example. I also give him that he's got two kids in his house; a tween and a younger one and he hears all the slang, the "cool" words that comes out of kids' faces. He's human and he spoke something he shouldn't, he apologized, and I'll bet some other public figure will say something that everything freaks about. We can't say harass as her a$$ anymore, either, 'cuz someone is gonna be sure the referance is to someone's a$$. It has to be Hair Us. Sigh.........
  3. Shellon


    Agreed, using any of these is rude, inconsiderate, unkind, unnecessary, thoughtless whether one is the President of the United States of America or you and me. The english language is full and colorful enough for us to address one another with ones that are not even suggestively insulting. Same with "dude" used by the teenagers, mostly, to put emphasis on whatever it is they're expressing. Meant to insult, no. Irritating, yes. "That's so Gay" is yet another I hear from kids alot which is just ridiculious. "This homework is so gay". What the heck is that? "This homework is colorful"? or maybe "This homework is homosexual" Either way it's just a term, to them, meant to express and I get that. But the gay student next to them might not and s/he should be considered. I don't see anything wrong with using decent, pleasant conversation when we address each other or communicate and it should be taught our children, rather than the massive breakdown of the language and it's poor usage. I understand, each generation has their trends and everyone easily picks up words that communicate. But if it's demeaning to another, insulting, thoughtless, etc., then it's wrong. I used the word retarded once. We had an aunt who was......well, different. I didn't know she was just.......welll, different. I asked one of my brothers if she was retarded, to which he replied " Sis, you with your degrees and talent are more retarded that Aunt Lola" I got it. It's a respect for others thing, a 'kind to your fellow human' thing and should be unacceptable.
  4. Happy Birthday my friend. Enjoy your 73rd doing something you enjoy. :)
  5. Shellon

    Website love

    Not a dam thing wrong with that, in fact it's SMART! This is people's lives we're talking about and their children and everyone future. Men should do the same exact thing when considering their love, local or internet makes no difference.
  6. Happy Birthday Shaz! :)
  7. http://www.juliensauctions.com/auctions/20...talog-list.html
  8. I don't know, according to this list, dropping out isn't always equal to failing anything. http://www.millionairedropouts.com/million...e_Dropout_List/
  9. Having worked in a high school for a year and a half as well as the mom of a 27 year old daughter, I think the attitude is more of "fark you, get out of my space" if this age group were witnessed to. There are too many other things to occupy a young mind and the time of a young person; much less boredom that leads to that angst, although I understand fully that it does happen. I would think, too, that since the younger of your question, those teens still at home, many haven't enjoyed constant parental unit at home, there are some that would walk right in to a place like twi 'cuz of the family need. Like when we got involved, everyone did so for different reasons, at different times in their lives or tragedy's or needs. There is so much more information available today, I like to think the majority will check things out and be better informed for their decisions. If my 27 year old wanted to go "back" to twi, there wouldn't be a thing I could do about it but she'd sure have more info. If my 13 year old wanted to check em out, I'd sit on her but also have the access to show her why.
  10. Hi, Mike, thank you. Nope, still winter here, although we did get a break the last couple off weeks from the serious cold and snow.
  11. Agreed, purpledays, and to see how papa showed that it's not always heavy and serious, but can be funny and simple. God with a sense of humor
  12. Loving the book. Bowtwi sent me a copy, then I sent my daughter a copy, it's really good. I love that he was willing to peek at the invitation and even though his first visit back was at first traumatic, then very strange, the point, for me at least, is that he went. Courage in such a time of grief.
  13. yeah! forgot about Publix, thanks. We don't have that store here, but was able to turn someone else on to it that does have one. Good we can pass on ideas, resources, any one or all of them might be useful to someone.
  14. Home made bread? oh my goodness, I miss bread!! Going to have to plan a ride very very very soon.
  15. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) in an earlier post and before mentioned Angel Food Ministries ($30 for about $70 in foods - a great variety and available in many parts of the US) in a comment, then I realized that perhaps it would be helpful to list all kinds of resources in one location. Partnership for Prescription Assistance - for help with prescriptions. Most drug companies have programs to help provide prescriptions to persons who cannot afford them. Your doctor and pharmacist may not know or remember to provide this information to you. Feed America - to locate a food bank in your area (in case you don't qualify for SNAP/food stamps, and cannot afford the food from Angel Food Ministries or they're not in your area). In Cincinnati, the food bank to which most of the area churches donate is Freestore Foodbank Modest Needs - provides self-sufficiency grants, back-to-work grants, independent living grants. Habitat for Humanity - if your family, or a family you know, is in need of decent, affordable housing. Centers for Independent Living - consumer‑controlled, community‑based, cross‑disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities and provides an array of independent living services. National Domestic Violence Hotline Site or call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) United Way - offers access to many kinds of programs The Salvation Army - also offers many programs. Their web site says that 35 million people were helped by The Salvation Army in 2006, and of course, they're getting more requests than ever before. The American Red Cross - provides assistance after a disaster - from feeding, shelter and financial assistance to listening, guidance, advocacy and counseling. Catholic Social Services - - -I couldn't find a National site. Catholic Relief Services Society of St. Vincent de Paul - provides food programs, emergency financial assistance, emergency transportation, rent/mortgage assistance, shelters for the homeless, shelters for abused, thrift stores, free pharmacy services, counseling, referral services, embracing the lonely, forgotten and alienated, services to anyone in need. Jewish Family and Children's Services - provides assistance for food, shelter, medicine and other life-sustaining essentials. Helping neighbors in need during these times is the highest priority. Every situation is different, and JFCS works with each individual and family to develop a plan that is tailored to their needs.
  16. :) beautiful baby boy. Yup, nothing like a baby in the house!!
  17. Thank you, everyone, for the lovely birthday greetings. Strangeman, my birthday was yesterday, the 6th, one day after Leo's, which will help me remember the little fellah's birthday. Each of your thoughts and words are very appreciated, it was a really wonderful day! :)
  18. You finally made it to 40! Hope it's a fantastic day :)
  19. Keeping your all in prayers, Raf. Shellon and family
  20. :) oilfield, how are you? I'm not sure if I can elaborate on this one, but my mind first went to parenting. "Cuz I'm the mom" kinda thing. It doesn't usually work but it makes the grown up sound so grown up doesn't it? Maybe it's like the stuff we ask them such as "do you want a spanking?" Ummm, yeah, can I have three, the kid might let fall out. Or asking a 3 year old 'how many times have I told you to quit poking your sister in the eye with the screwdriver'. Even the parent asking that has no idea how many times. Once was plenty past enough times, if ya ask me, but it's a stupid question regardless. Why are some warnings on products? We're told not to use a curling iron internally. I assume it's because some fool did and sued the company for the excessive damage to their unmentionables, so now they have to cover their own. And the White House has to use corded phones for security reasons, yes. Baby monitors and such can't pick up the convo on a corded one, for example. And if there is a power outage, the corded one is still gonna work, too. Not to mention it doesn't have to be charged when the damn charger is no where to be found. I'm curious about so many things, as well. Why are hotdog buns in packages of 10 and the hotdogs are in packages of 8. :unsure: www.shellonnorth.com
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