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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon


    You know I'm crazy about ya !Happy Birthday my amazing friend.
  2. Shellon

    Viral email

    Glad you didn't open it rascal. I'm usually ridiculously anal about not opening stuff but yeah this one got me cuz it said pictures of my grandbabies, and seemed to be from my daugther, so yeah, I trusted it, sigh. A few problems from it, but they were easily fixable, whew.
  3. Shellon

    Viral email

    Yeah, me too cuz it came from my daughters telling me there were pictures of my grandchildren. Shi+
  4. Hi ductape, nice seeing you around here. :) I'm sorry for this loss and will keep in prayers. Shellon
  5. My spouse isn't going to log in here and see me saying anything about him, I assure that. I love this thread. Finally a conversation about practical things that most of us can take part in, what a relief. Martha Stewart Doesn't Live Here
  6. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    :) yes, me too, glad it moved you. I think we find ourselves attracked to songs that fit our lives at the moment and that one does mine. Enjoy your weekend.
  7. Shellon

    Happy Mothers Day

    Happy Mothers Day all you amazing mama's!
  8. Shellon

    Song of the moment

    Beautiful, huh Jeff? :)
  9. I have a family gig going that day and won't be there, Ham, but will think about you, congratulations again. A little fun: http://www.oddday.net/
  10. How was visit, Rascal?
  11. Shellon

    Swine Flu

    http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=2&aid=162623 A very often used site source for reporters
  12. Excellent, Ham, thanks. I'll see about a ride that day, perhaps. Congratulations!
  13. When/Where is graduation? I might enjoy being in the audience I promise not to yell too loud and I can't whistle
  14. Amen! leafytwiglet, I wish all math teachers could read what you wrote here! My 13 year old, in 8th grade, was placed in an Algebra class this year and it's been rough! cuz of the teacher. She had the advantage of a really great tutor who made all of the difference between her doing quite well and me pulling her out of the class. He didn't demean her or belittle her or make her feel stupid and that was the key to her learning the stuff! Not only did his tutoring/teaching style(s) encourage her, but they laughed and did it together, not just him lecturing. I'm forever grateful and even cooler than that, she was able to pay it forward and tutor a fellow classmate. Congratulations, Ham, on your upcoming excitement in your beloved field.
  15. This reminds me of a room mate on shrooms once Stoned Little Kid After Dentist Visit - Watch more Funny Videos
  16. Dot when I needed my twi info for life experience, I called them and they sent me a letter of dates and a list of the classes I'd taken. The rest I dug up in my own boxes around here; certificates, etc. Just a thought
  17. Because as one leadership mucky muck put it, "anyone who survived the WOW field, deserves a medal of honor" That pin, to me, is that. The jacket, I won't wear it; besides it has the name Bob on it, doesn't do me any good, although easier to pronounce for sure. but it might mean something to a dead man's children. It's not about whether or not TWI suckedass or was fuked up, it's about something else to some.
  18. I buried my husband's WOW pin at his memorial tree, if nothing else someone will find it in a hundred year and say "WOW, what the heck is this?" Mine I did something else with, sort of a cathartic ritual type gig, but I loved our WOW experience. It was our first time as a couple on our own and we had a blast for the most part. I have his WOW jacket in a closet, it's a beautiful jacket that I've never worn but maybe his daughter want it. Word Over The World; what a great concept, what a wierd experience, what a journey into something impossible, what a strange place.
  19. Never mind, he reached some settlement, stuff no longer for sale
  20. For Samantha's baby shower, we did a few games that was hysterical, perhaps would be for you and yours. Her mother in law set it up but it went something like this. The person has to hold a doll, answer the phone, hang laundry on the line, chase a naughty toddler (another party goer was the toddler), stir supper on the stove, etc., just like it really is in life with a new baby and stuff still needs to get done. Another funny one was two are blindfolded and they are each given a doll, a diaper and a onsie. The race is to dress their baby first. This one is funnier when men play. A gross but funny one was candy bars melted in diapers and the players identify the candy bar by smell. EWWWWW, yeah, but funnny.
  21. Rockin', newlife, enjoy the visit. What a great time to clear the air on anything you need to, to hear someone else out and see where they're at and maybe put to bed some things you have wondered for years! Maybe just a really great visit with nothing else in there at all. :)
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