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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Remind me to tell you guys about......oh, look, sparkles !

  2. How are you, things are well?

  3. Wow, this subject hasn't come up here in a long time. I'm glad it has because I'm one of those family members that has a loved one buried on their sacred grounds, in the way woods, at the campfire area and it's been a rough road some days since my choice to wave buhbye to TWI, knowing full well that I was also leaving the cremated remains of my husband behind also. I thank Doug, and have personally, for his tenacity and willingness to take the action he took as it afforded my eldest daughter a little more freedom to visit TWI grounds shortly after Doug's legal matters and she was able to, with TWI permission, get some of the dirt from where her dad is buried. Some of the things that have changed, allegedly because of Doug's actions, however, hurt our heart too, but of TWI's decision, not Doug's. They removed the names of the dead from the cabin in the woods wall. Remember those plaques on that west wall? They're gone, which is very sad to us. If we want to travel and make a visit to TWI grounds and pay our respects like a family might at the cemetary, we do have to contact them and make arrangements and jump through some of their hoops, but we, as a family, have decided that it's better than the possibility that we'd flat be turned away. My youngest daughter was only 23 months when her daddy died, so she has no memory of those woods, we were not there when his remains were interred into that ground and she's never visited; therefore it comforts this mama to know that she can visit now if she so chooses, even if it means she has to follow some protocol. I accepted then as well as now that I was making a choice when the Board of Trustees invited me and my mother in law to have his remains buried there. I was not without understanding that, even while in TWI, the area would not be accessible to me and my girls, simply because of distance. I accepted the invitation because my husband loved those woods, period. Well, there was the ease of dealing with the gypsy life of a TWI person; it did give me security of location at the time. When Doug invited me and my eldest to participate in the court proceedings, that put me in a place of decision making, as well and I chose not to ask my eldest to testify as to her father's death in terms of where he's buried and getting to the area, etc. Additionally, my husband's family was still involved at that time. However,the decision(s) weren't made without a LOT of consideration and I supported Doug 100% and was thankful for someone having the guts to try to facilitate change. Yes, one might suggest that anyone proceeding with legal matters could be looking for publicity, but on the other hand, publicity pointed at this issue did some good. I am not sure how I might have considered Doug's actions differently were I not a widow and mama involved.
  4. We were at that meeting, what a blast from the past this brings up, wowzers. (hey, why are we all in bold in this thread?_
  5. Hi Garth, I sure appreciate your sense of humor. :-)


  6. Oh hell yeah, how to put the $ value on all this stuff......yikes. The biggest, for me would be personal loss such as the loss of my husband, his family, my family's respect, my eldest daughter's education, a dream or 30.
  7. Happy Birthday To You ~!~! Hope it's fantastic, wish we could Shellon
  8. Test to put a message here, sometimes not working

  9. Shellon

    Grad Sues College

    See, that's what bugged me most about this article/ this gal. Understandalby, she's young and all that excuse shi+ but what the heck? Additionally, the college that gave me that pretty leather bound piece of paper was a private business college, but there was, that I recall, never any cloudiness of the fact that getting the job was up to us. Pfffttttt she has had a dose of what will be many many reality crappers tossed on her head and she had better just get used to it. And she'd better understand as quickly that suing everyone who pi$$es her off or offends her pretty little head aint gonna earn her interviews. Silly girl Edited to add that thinking about this some more, it wouldn't shock me to learn that several Co's contact her to be the one that served her better than her Educational Institution.
  10. :) Happy Birthday Raf Shellon and Kelly North
  11. Rockin, will you please send a note to the folks that can help me get into you all's army of a million something or other's. I am still getting the abort message but only on that one. Weird eh? Not to mention I'm missing some fun.
  12. Shellon

    Grad Sues College

    Yup, the schools that offer employment assistance do so with the idea that the student is going to comply and do his/her part, I mean sheesh. What a world if I could call the lady where I got my degree and she'd do the work and call me back and say 'you start tuesday, the pay is ___ ' and etc. And yes, in the economic place we find ourselves today it is tough to realize that just 'cuz I have some lovely piece of paper in a beautiful leather case that says I'm college educated, while it might move me ahead on some resume piles, maybe ~!, it doesn't necessarily mean nuttin honey. I get to catch up with a few former college classmates and friends while they're on the other side of the fast food counter taking my daughter's order and thank God they have a JOB ! I find the advantage to utilizing the lifetime employment assistance service at the school I attended is that they when they call a prospective employer to possibly set up a meeting or see if they have what might be a fit for me is that the folks from the school know me. They ride my a$$ about keeping my resume current, they remind me that I'm a professional and need to act like it, they can give a decent referance for me, having gotten to know me as I was in and out of the place doing my school business, they have access to any disciplinary actions, my transcripts, all that stuff. I would love to be on the other side of the ride and call them for employees since I get how it works. But sue them in fault of me not being able to find employment; that's so silly. I'd suggest that this young lady in the article climb down a peg or seven from her high place and dig around for some humility.
  13. Hello? Can you hear me now?

  14. :-) Hi there !

  15. I think about forgiveness ALOT and someone here at greasespot finally put it into perspective for me. "Not forgiving is like you drinking the poison and hoping they die" I knew when I read that in her note to me that I'd be ok.
  16. Shellon

    Grad Sues College

    Maybe she should sue herself, can one do that? HA! Ok, I'm done now, got it all out of my system.
  17. Shellon

    Grad Sues College

    Sues the college cuz she can't find a job.........hee hee Wow, I'm still giggling
  18. Shellon

    Grad Sues College

    LOLOL I think it must be, HA! That pitiful woman is, certainly, in for some rough roads with her attitude, that's what I do know. I was able to find work in Human Service in the school system, but my problem is I don't like human's very much. She's in for some bruises, me thinks. And as Pond suggested, I think there are, in fact, IT jobs out there. She's looking the fool and someone will probably contact her just to be the one to save her a$$. PR is PR.
  19. Shellon

    Grad Sues College

    Does this shi+ really work, dang ! I want my $50 grand back please and thank you. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,536175,00.html?mrp The young lady hasn't been able to secure employment since she received her degree and it doesn't specify enough for me but it sounds like perhaps the institution from which she graduated offers employment assistance. A few thoughts come to my punkin. The school from which I got my degree in Human Service also offers employment assistance, for life, in fact. However the former student has to do a few things him/herself. Stuff like turn nothing down that the Career Assistance Office suggests; minimally don't say anything resembling "ewww, I don't like that one" or flat not show up for the interview. Can I really call my school's office and say, as a potential new employee, something silly like "can you find me the 150,000 a year job with a company car, stupidly wonderful expense account, full benefits and oh, I want the bosses office, otherwise, don't even tell me about the damn thing". Oh wait, if they don't comply, I'll sue em, yeah, that's what I'll do. Like any business, there is going to be a feel for which clients, customers, contacts and/or college grad(s) are really going to utilize the services offered and I'm sure if the nice lady at Baker College understood that I want a job but might not really show up, she'll be less willing to assist me, less willing to risk her reputation with the local employers she's established a relationship with and for cryin' out loud, I can't sue her or the college when I'm not a good fit for the employment or they hire someone who is more experienced, better qualified or nails the interview in ways that assures the HR department of that good fit. We have become much too litigious in our society, if ya ask me and I realize you did not.
  20. I, too, was 9 but I also missed the 1980 ROA Mud Fling
  21. Hi there, were you in Arkansas during your twi times? We lived there from 84-98.

    And you did back room eh? My mother in law, Jean Rutterbush sure has some stories about back room, oy!

  22. I can't help but believe that just the act of putting that thing in place to do what it does would be plenty enough to cause the person to come back around. :blink:
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