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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. MO!!!!!!!!!!!! :D--> Get over here and give us a hug
  2. OldiesMan said: Taking the worst of beatings, crimes, rapes, etc. and using examples like that and trying to compare that to parents biblically correcting their children with the rod, just doesn't wash. It doesn't apply, we're talking apples and oranges. Nice try though. =========================================== Wouldn't it be easy if I could try to compare apples to oranges or "wash" something to convince you or anyone else that doesn't get it. Sheesh, sure make life easier wouldn't it? Apples, oranges, tomatoes, grapes. Fruit is fruit. Abuse is abuse. Whether done for 'biblical teaching' or cuz a kid breaths the same air as the abuser. To the victim, it's abuse, period.
  3. Abuse Anywhere. For my final paper in Crisis Intervention Class I jumped through a ton of hoops to interview a young man in prison. I sat across from this 'boy' of 19 and asked him where he wanted to start, what did he think started his spiral of crimes. He said nothing, gave his attorney a nod. The attorney pushed across the table to me an envelope. I withdrew three photos. One was of him at the age of three. His little body was beaten so badly he said "even my mother didn't recognize me" at the hand of his father. The second photo was of his sister at age seven, this same beating incident. Her head had patches of hair gone where daddy had pulled it out, her left arm was pulled totally out of the socket and both her eyes were beaten shut. The final photo was of him when he was six, following the rape by his father, assisted by his mother who held him down. I feared insulting this man by asking what precipated these abuse occasions, but he seemed to already know my curiousity. The rape by his mother and father was because he didn't clean his room. The face into hamburger beating, he was told, was because he soiled himself. His sisters beating was because she changed the channel when her father fell asleep watching tv. He awoke to find her sitting next to him on the couch watching cartoons, instead of the channel he'd been watching. When he was 17, the neighbors called police because they thought he was killing animals. They did nothing then either. When he was 18, he raped a nine year old little girl His current sentence? 15 years for assault. His current hobbies? Beastiality I asked him what he wished would happen to him, what might precipate changes in his behavior. He considered this for what seemed like ever and answered with one word; Nothing. I asked him what we in the 'helping profession' might do differant for the next little boy or girl living this life. Again uncomfortable silence. Finally he looked at me with eyes that both frightened and astounded me and said "Believe them when they tell you about the abuse". Extreme instance? Perhaps. Or maybe not. Do you wonder about his mother? She's alive and well living nearby, he never accepts her requests for visitation. She received no punishment for asssisting in her son's rape or abuses. How about his father? He's re-married, served three years PROBATION for the rape of his son, nothing for the abuse incidents of his children. He and his current wife have just applied for and are training to be foster parents. His sister? He has no idea if she's dead or alive. "If she's luck, shes dead" he said.
  4. I told someone that this final show would be on NEXT sunday. Sheeeeeeesh, did they miss it cuz of me?
  5. Interesting that many many people are but one paycheck from being in these people's places. Scarey stuff.
  6. hee hee Chuck. I HAD to look! Couldn't not look. I instantly thought of a great kids book called "Walter, the farting dog". :D-->
  7. :)--> Thank you everyone! My birthday was so very wonderful! Got to spend it with a dear friend; it doesn't get better than that.
  8. Is there an Atkins For Dummy's book out there? Seriously, I have looked at the books several times and only served to fall asleep. I need a better 'diet', but sure can't understand how this one can help my needs. All that meat? ew! Good lipids, bad lipids, all the medical stuff too. zzzzzzzzz. Seems like it depends on who you talk to as far as how this thing works.
  9. missing you in the chat room daryl
  10. Monday February 16 :)--> Happy Birthday Wacky!
  11. Reality TV, all of it. (cept fear factor) :P-->
  12. ROFL and ewwwwwwwww Thanks Hope; finally some way I can contribute to this thread! :)-->
  13. CW, how proud I am of you for putting this stuff out here publically. :)-->
  14. Coolwaters; couldn't have said it better myself.
  15. two cats: LMAO love those. Hi T
  16. I'd have to parrot many of the others in this one. TWI was both the best thing and the most dumb thing I ever did with my life on this planet. However............. :)--> A pretty darn decent marriage. Two amazing, wonderful daughters. The good parts that I'd never have known. Yeah
  17. :)--> Mark. Thanks for telling your story! Life is pretty cool and wierd and messy huh?
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