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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Nope, miller, you are not the only one. I have a couple of thoughts on the whole story.
  2. Radar said: We were then required to turn them into our branch/limb coordinator ============================================= Yup, us too and then they'd get critiqued and we most times would have to write em over again. :(--> yeah, from our heart, alright, sure.
  3. Burglary suspect snuggles up to sleeping victims OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma (Reuters) -- An Oklahoma couple were surprised when they woke up and found a drunk burglary suspect asleep in bed with them, police said on Thursday. The couple from the south Oklahoma city of Ardmore called police, ran out of their house and watched officers arrest the man who was still sleeping in their bed despite the sirens and commotion, police said. Dan Johnson, 24, was arrested on the scene in the incident that took place on Sunday and was charged with burglary. Officer Chad Anthony said in his arrest report that it took quite an effort to rouse the suspect from a deep slumber. "After about two to three minutes, Johnson stood up. I saw that he was very intoxicated," he wrote. The report said Johnson was found with a cell phone belonging to one of the victims in his pocket and $4 in cash, also apparently stolen. Johnson is suspected of kicking down a door at the residence and also trying to gain entry by using garden trimmers to pry open a door, the report said. Police said the couple told officers a man they did not know had fallen asleep in bed with them. Johnson and the victims would not comment on the incident.
  4. I regret that I will not be attending the GS third annual weenie roast.
  5. A two-year-old Saginaw County girl is recovering after her pet rabbit bit off the tip of her right index finger. Animal experts say last week's incident should serve as a warning to be careful around the furry creatures. A rabbit's two big front teeth are designed to cut through wood. The girl's mother says the three-year-old rabbit bit off the toddler's finger at the knuckle after she reached into its cage. The piece of finger couldn't be reattached. Mark Wachner is director of the Saginaw County Animal Care Center. He says rabbits are relatively safe household pets, but their owners have to be careful. The girl plans to find a new home for both of her pet rabbits.
  6. Interestingly, John, the dude is walking from the stage when he made the commment about moving into the promised land on May 18, '97 as well.
  7. Oh duh, sorry You just said that you'd let us know. I'm gonna learn to read some day. :)-->
  8. Have you decided on or found anything yet?
  9. as long as you don't eat it later... ========================================
  10. Temple lady said: It is predation carried out in secret in broad daylight. It is a predation that relies on the fact that the human body is wired to respond to certain sensations in certain ways. It is employed by persons who use that knowledge to cause their victims to feel dirty and unclean and responsible because their bodies did respond. They then use that guilt to foster bonds of steel which make their victims acquiesce to even more abuse. They engender within their victims the endless questions and thoughts of “If only…, I I hadn’t… I shouldn’t…I should…., wasn’t strong enough…, good enough….. They then stand before the courts of men and talk of their illness-their uncontrollable urges--turning themselves into victims of some unseen malady that explains away their guilt--leaving their victims not only with the guilt and shame that they already feel but with the knowledge that somehow or another their abuser really isn’t an abuser but as much a victim as them. ============================================ Mo, of all the text books I've read studying this disgust, of all the case studies I've cried over, of all the conversations I've had with highly qualified (?) individuals and therapists that treat these victims and the perps, I have not before read, seen or heard it put in a better way. Your words being the reality, instead of the clouded over, cleaned up version that make it more palatable for an audience. Refreshing to finally read a truth, a voice for these kids; all kids who have been trapped in this horror. For the kids who were raped by a perpetrator yesterday, molested by a trusted family member or friend last night and have to get up today, sit at the breakfast table with his/her attacker or see them across the street. On the bus or walking to school wondering if anyone will ever help them. For the kid who told his/her story to the grownups, suffered through the process and one day step off the same bus only to see their attacker drive down the street again, sitting in the pew across the aisle,in the next childrens fellowship at a Way International event or sitting at the kitchen table again. :(--> [This message was edited by Shellon on March 18, 2004 at 5:17.]
  11. Following this thread has brought me to flash back giggles. I attended a finishing school in Milwaukee in l978 where we had to know all this stuff. I hated this part. As I recall, I got a C- in that part of the program and was labeled a 'fashion rebel'. :D--> hee hee We had to know how to dress for which level of corporate whatever, how to mix the jewelry and bags and shoes together 'properly'. Then we had to do our hair and make up every day for class; no exceptions. I think some people get it and enjoy it and others don't. Kinda like decorating or other talents one does or does not possess. I can attend any function and dress properly and know which fork to eat what with. But, for my day to day life, it's jeans and sweaters or black. Black slacks and jacket with a simple blouse and black boots as much as possible.(black is so slimming isn't it?) I see some color in my closet, but always grab the black stuff. Or the comfy ripped jeans and baggy sweater. ahhhhhhh! Make up? Sure, but minimal. Hair? As messy as I can mouse, gel and muss it up to be. I would never fit in a highly corporate, fashion design required employment situation; it just is not me.
  12. I forgot to add that I love you two very much! :D-->
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