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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon


    insurgent said: Those 2 and their entire families, from what I hear, are the same cold hearted, callous, a$$ kissing, money loving wannabe ministers sucking on the cold hard ti**ies of the head twi(t). ============================================== Whoa, tell us how you really feel. ROFL
  2. Shellon

    Michigan Weather

    It's been snowing all night. Had to scrape ice off car this am. Door handles frozen shut. Still snowing, with little hail tossed in for fun. Temp is 17 Tcat, you still got guest room? Oeno, welcome to Michigan weather, where if you don't like it, just wait a minute and it'll change. April 27. Snow. Sigh -->
  3. Shellon


    Golfie said: Forgive them for they know not what they do. Goey remined us, "love your enemies" that drives them nuts oe else they might change and get blessed =============================================== I thought about this statement further. I can forgive alot in regards to Bob's death now. I would never have expected that BC or LC to take me aside and say something like "you know, we are going to trash him after about a week or two, lie to you during the entire process and you should get you and your babies out of twi now!" Both men and many people after did what they were taught to do, what was expected of them to cover their own behinds. This is not to excuse them, their words or actions, but to understand that the alternative, for them, was not possible. Forgiveness is not a problem, except for those that were my children's family and choose to deny their existance. That's another thread isn't it? I can forgive the BC and LC for having mouths that spewed composte, have no balls, cower to a ministry that holds their guts hostage, are cowards sure. That's been done.
  4. Shellon


    Thanks Golfie, the LC was and still is, Bob M**ni*an. The Branch dude was Paul. I always and still feel sorry for him. My husband was a good man, but no more good than others. I don't believe he earned more rewards than others, earned em quicker or suddenly got something differant when he died. I think he would have enjoyed the father of the year plaque tho. :D--> This issue does not get to me, really. I just remembered it in the middle of the night and found it interesting in my process that it'd come up suddenly. I was in twi for about 16 years, with 14 of those years being fully aware that it was feces. I never took everything said, taught, read, suggested seriously. This might have been a line when words were needed for the widow, a courtesy thing.
  5. Shellon


    Golfie Ya know, it might be easy to agree had the LC then not turned him into creamed soup to the entire state of 'believers'. This was a man that knew my husband for all of about 5 weeks, and these people that sat there having to listen to his puke...some of them never met him. Maybe that's what this is about for me. People saying my husband had, didn't have, whatever, rewards. Maybe it doesn't matter
  6. Shellon


    Wordwolf, I don't know, but I do know that only a short time following this time, the LC of Florida TRASHED my husband in a meeting. Spoke of how he didn't believe God, failed to be a good husband and father, lost the fight, let the adversary win and kill him. I don't know if he also added that he'd lost any rewards because of all of the above, I was not invited to the public thrashing.
  7. Shellon


    When my husband died seven years ago, the branch coordinator of the Orlando, Florida area said something to me that just occured to me last night. I was not considering my husband's rewards as taught by twi, I was not wondering if he'd earned rewards, none of that. Maybe it's one of the standard generic comments to be made to the widow at a time like this. He picked my children and me up in his big black car to be taken to the memorial service and after we got to the LC home, he motioned me aside. He said (and it's so clear to me now, altho I had not thought of it in these seven years) "Your husband has every single reward, he's got them" Now, I do remember forcing some kind of smile and saying 'oh good' and moving on with this event. And apparently putting that comment somewhere in the basement of my brain, not to surface again until about 3 this morning. When I think of rewards, I of course consider the information twi gagged us with and I go with the simplicity of a man I loved who was an incredibly wonderful father, a great husband, a hard worker, a good and loving son and brother, a kind neighbor, an honest decent man. But of course he wasn't referring to any plaque my husband might be presented at some retirement party or father/husband of the year banquet. The teaching on rewards, from twi, apparently were, to me, more of the fecal matter that I stuffed into my 'I have no idea what you are talking about' catagory and left behind. Rewards? And how would this man know if my husband had 'all of his rewards' or not?
  8. Wayfernot, how's come we haven't heard of your nuptials, etc? Excited, tell tell, what's goin on?
  9. Like pulling healthy teeth from an Osmond, with a pair of chopsticks. ============================================ GUFFAW LOLOLOL
  10. paw said: As long as you are not allowed to go to the weenie roast, I won't go either in support. ============================================ You like me, you really like me. Love, Sally
  11. sheesh, never work for poop, but I will work for money someday. Strange man, indeed
  12. Paw said: I won't be attending this year's weenie roast since Shellon isn't attending. ============================================= WHAT? say it isn't so!
  13. Howard Allen said that he turned down the offer of ordination because "reverends have to bury people". =============================================== The picture I have of him burying the remains of my husband and the lies he spoke to me verified to me that this would not be his gift.
  14. scroll down a little miller, and type in the white line what you want him to do.
  15. LOLOL My instructions were to skip, run in circles, stand on head.When I told him to urinate he peed on the couch!
  16. I dug out the 18 pages of the first script I started last night and reread them. The script still sucks..... =============================================== Maybe not zix, maybe it's good!
  17. Am familiar with Terry Rossio; reading his stuff and his advise in Writers Digest. This was a good one! Thanks Zix
  18. :)--> Our voice of reason Oak! So often you say what others are only thinking, wishing, wondering, or hoping. Thank you
  19. A class mate turned me onto www.iespell.com Extremely cool.
  20. a bunch of useless ....ants who work for Rev. Rubber Butt. ============================================== :D--> hee hee
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