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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Waterbuffalo, the sept one was last years, this year is Columbus Day weekend. :)-->
  2. Oak said: I told him that he had just removed himself from his position of power over me ============================================= WHOA! you are absolutely right! I hadn't considered that! :D-->
  3. but why hide things unless you are afraid of others knowing ================================================ Dam right I'm afraid. Afraid that some pedophile would show up at my door, peek in the windows at my kid, etc etc etc. Sigh, never mind, Roy. Do whatcha want. Post directions to your home, tell where the key is hidden, and where you keep your valuable. My opinion is that it's a bad idea, and I'd hate to encourage anyone to give out information just cuz someone else says we should not fear. Been there, done that, got fuked, no thanks.
  4. I believe their is no excuse to hide things from others ================================================ Are you serious??? Why is 'hiding' my personal information an excuse? Keeping my life private, protecting my privacy, my children and my home private is never an excuse. It's dam smart. Surely you've heard of stalkers, rapists, home invaders, who get their information anywhere they can get it. You want the numbers of all my bank accounts too? And saying that God is going to make things known again has nothing to do with personal information like phone numbers, addresses, private things. Where do you get this stuff?
  5. Danny said: OM you weren't corp what do you know? At least speak of something you know about. ============================================= huh? am I to understand that only folks here that were corps know of what they speak in re: to twi or any of the info here? help me out here, cuz I sure don't get your comment.
  6. This also puts me in mind of the trust thread.
  7. Pat said: But, a jury is comprised of everyday folk who may not appreciate the legal points but will see the ethical side. ============================================= Uh Oh, that comment worries me.
  8. hee hee hee hahaha funny strange man. no
  9. :)--> It was yesterday. Sorry I forgot to add the day
  10. Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Parsley Happy Birthday to you :D-->
  11. Are you serious? You can't really think I should try this all over the place and see if it works everywhere? You TRYING to get me fired? No, I'm gonna back away from the computer and call it a day. ROFL
  12. ROFL man o man Lets not tell paw about this just yet ok? I am really diggin my corner office.
  13. oh man oh man, this is so wierd. I edited Strange man's post! How in the WORLD was I able to do that. Ok, here's what I meant to do.... I meant to hit reply and well, reply. But in my puddin brain tired-ness I just started editing his. I took out the word 'you' after love, and then realized it was not even MY post. GAK! I'm sorry Tom. CRACK ME UP, how come I was able to do that? Can I do that to anyone's post? :D--> This might be fun? (twitching my nose)
  14. :)--> No kitty please, but will pray
  15. Shellon


    Thanks, Krista, it's my pleasure to stand next to other strong women like yourself. :)-->
  16. Shellon


    But the rewards aren't going to get you into heaven ============================================== Thank you
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