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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. The chat room IS still fun. Ya need to stay more than 3 minutes. And gotta do more than pop in with a differant name every time and then leave instantly. It's people! No two of us are alike and there is no telling what might happen, but it's usually pretty great. Friendships might be forged, hearts might be calmed, questions might be answered, someone might laugh. Someone might weep. Another might spend some time relaxing after a shi++y day. Support and encouragement might be given. hmmmm, sounds like real life to me. This is bad?
  2. Dante, your little town sounds lovely. Another year perhaps? If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise......... :)-->
  3. quote; .....and our ministry is stronger then ever ============================================ LOL ! uh huh yeah, sure. denial is such a comfy warm place.
  4. Passing of the Pasties. HA! For me, it was three simple words. avoid avoid avoid Change the subject, suddenly have to do something very important, whatever.
  5. posted May 28, 2004 18:54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there. Im a newbie and scarcely know anything about "Way International"..... .....but about "The Way" I know very little. Maybe I can learn something about "The Way" from you. James ============================================== Yeah, James, what's that about?
  6. I'm very proud that I kept my marriage vows and protected my children. I'd do it all the same again; no regrets.
  7. I stayed because I was not breaking my marriage vows and I was not willing to risk losing my children.
  8. Paw, I'll buy three so you can maybe throw in a can of speghettio's? I want a family picture in our GS shirts.
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/South/05/25/fif...s.ap/index.html :)-->
  10. I'm not understanding the title of this thread. Did he rape her?
  11. I watch this show. It reminds me of TWI more than any show I've seen or book I've read, thus far. The bossiness, the control, the set up of the organization, the venom, the attitude, the lies, the everthing about it. The psychological abuse and power, I guess, is what I relate to. Sometimes I sit and watch it and think, uh huh that is just like this or that person. Didja notice how tickled the dude was last night with his new bed? Something so simple.
  12. Shellon

    New Jersey

    Sushi, please peek at your private topics. I sent ya something. I goofed. Please read. :D-->
  13. Thinking about this some more.....What differance does it make why we are here. We are. We need this place. We enjoy it. That's enough for me.
  14. Wonder1 Said: All I see is bashing, slamming and cut downs ========================================== Thats ALL? You are not looking then. You see no humor, no kindness, no great stories, nothing that gives you the slightest hint of people just being people? Life is messy. It's not always pretty and good and nice. This stuff we have here is real life, day to day life. How boring would it be if there were never any disagreements, debates, discussion.
  15. Sudo asked: .......then why pray for it?? ============================================ I dunno either some days, 'cept it's fun to talk to God. :)-->
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