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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. I, too, am glad you are out of there, Oak. We needed you here, then and now. :)-->
  2. WHOA! I'm sorry I missed this, 'til now. Thank you Dot, Thank you
  3. Hope and John and girls.... :D-->
  4. What Tom? So many shrooms in the 70's I'm easily confused myself.
  5. Shellon

    Oregon loves me

    I've been in Oregon since yesterday afternoon and LOVE it. If I could afford to live here, I'd go home, pack and return. Maybe after I'm done with school.......hmmmm. Found a few jobs that I already qualify for. bigger hmmmmmm. The plane ride for Kelly was amazing. The first flight, she hung onto the hurl bag for dear life for about 15 minutes. By the second flight she was hooked on flying. I got a little claustriphobic and caused a little stir, but I'll tell you about that another time. I have issues :D--> According to the flight attendant. They are still gonna let me fly their airline again tho, so no worry. HA! What they say about the sea air is true; it's very healing. Amazing decisions being made and questions being understood. diggin this. I miss you. For the fun stuff, my brother and sister in law are spoiling Kelly and I rotten. We've been to the Portland Zoo and I got closer to a tiger than should be allowed ( it was an accident, I promise. I was pushed ). We went to the Aquarium and then to some amazing place where the fishing boats come in and we talked a man into letting us use his pole. You ever catch a starfish with your fishing pole? Major awesome! And the sea lion....ROFL that thing was wonderfully funny. I walked around and talked to people. One guy was catching crabs and let me help him unload his trap. Another lady was preparing chum for the fishing boats to take out and I helped her with that. NASTY! I met a man that was sitting at a table on the edge of the ocean writing his life story. He told me the jist of it over a cup of coffee he poured me from his thermos. I have wept, I have laughed, I have eaten meals with a spectacular view of the ocean, I've met people that I have looked for my whole life. On a sadder note, today we stopped at a beach park so Kelly could run and play.(well, that was a good thing) Just an hour before, a 7 year old child had drowned in the swimming area and they had not yet found his body. We stayed and waited with all the others as the officials dived and looked and waited. I had the opportunity to meet the little boys grandmother and hug her for a few minutes as she awaited the return of her grandbabies body. :(--> We stayed about 2 hours while Kelly played and left when she started to want to watch for the little boy too. She didn't need to see that, of course, so we moved on. The family is Korean and the grandmother spoke no english but I did manage to understand her say 'pray'. I will pray for that family and know that some of you will too. This vacation is only 2 days along and I can't even begin to tell you the things goin on in my heart. What is it about that? Getting away from home, differant surroundings, I dunno, but it's been good and the fallout is gonna be much better. Sigh
  6. Shellon


    Ya'll are silly
  7. report em and call credit card company absolutelly check out BBB site. you can post information about a specific company. Also might be able to find out how many others are unhappy.
  8. My baby will be 9! on the 7th of July. 9... can you just stand it? That's half of 18! :D--> Our Kelly, long prayed for, long awaited, incredibly loved. She burst into our lives when we never believed she'd ever show up. The timing couldn't possibly have been any better. She was born 7/7 and she weighed 7/7. This is the person that caused me to believe in the number information. She's sweet, she's funny, she's adorable, she's a brilliant accomplished writer and artist, she's good with a hammer like her daddy was, she's tender and loving. She's crazy about her big sister and she makes this mama so proud. Sounds like a mom talking huh? HA! She's an amazingly wonderful kid. Happy Birthday Miss K
  9. caught slow flying flies by hand and shook them senceless then let them go, ============================================= Oh very cool! I wanna do that!
  10. ...It's fun to think again isn't it?... ========================================= ??
  11. Shellon

    This is scary

    Whoa. Belle, I read your story and was astounded at how much like my life in twi this is. And you haven't even scratched the surface! The wedding, the unannounced visits, the meetings all of it! Bless your heart. Please stay around if you can. When there is more people than just you involved, I understand it can be VERY difficult to make changes, much less close that door. What can we do for you?
  12. For years, I have prided myself in understanding ONE thing Victor said. That Pauls thorn in the flesh was people. I got it right on the questions in the back of the syllabus, too. Are you suggesting he meant 'specific' people, as in the female kind of people and not just people in general? Please don't take the one thing I understood away from me. :)-->
  13. No, Steve, we women have nothing that dangles. Thought this was for fun.
  14. Only men know about toilets? pffffffffft
  15. ...People go into prison straight and come out homosexual. Doesn't that say something about choice? ============================================ oh my gawd, ROFL
  16. Maybe your shrink could call my shrink? They'd probably agree.
  17. They were in Fayetteville, Arkansas, then moved to Texas, I think, when they left twi. They moved there in...maybe, l985?
  18. Kelly and I saw this one on weds. night and enjoyed it. Agreed, Puss makes the movie.
  19. gee, steve, thanks. Also note that 'for those who don't know' is also one of those 'in case ya didn't know it' things. Of course I knew it. Ya know?
  20. Thanks Zix, I am aware of who Ana is and I love her. (and miss her) My only point is that this site is made up of people. Real people with differant personalities, opinions, ideas and mannerisms. I don't for a second believe Ana has ill feelings for this site.
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