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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Sadie, I understand your ire, but I am not saying MJ is a social worker. I'm asking her, because I can't remember what she told me, it was quite a while ago. Working in Social Services isn't an accusation of guilt, I'm just curious. :)-->
  2. MJ, were you once, or are you still now, certified, licensed or at least employed in a Social Work field? I have forgotten, but thought you said so a few years ago.
  3. I can only assume that it answers alot of questions about my shi++y connection. Would also explain why my cable tv service had been cutting out. None could explain any other reason when they came and tried to fix my problem.
  4. mj.......What cult were you in? sigh, I'm so sick and tired of this bull****. We come here to share and heal and learn and talk about things that happened. What the hell do you know about my life, rascal's life, anyone's life? Whatever happened to you in twi, share it, I will not judge or presume to understand your daily pain. We were all in the same mess, or so some say, yet each was unique. Extend the same courtesy will you? And please!! don't assume to know why someone did or did not do something. Were you there? Did you hear the threats, see the lives? This box of blaming the victims is getting pretty full and sickening.
  5. The phone company repairman was at my house this morning to fix an on going problem. After he was finished repairing wires, he asked me if my computer worked. I answered 'ummmmm no, but noone seems to know why' The connection wires are shredded, barely hanging on enough, apparently chewed by something. Whoda thunk? The reason the cable dude didn't notice that the FIVE times he was here? DUH!
  6. ....Although I sinned against God while in and promoting TWI and deserve what has happened to me =============================================== Huh?
  7. Shellon

    The Afterglow

    Hills, read the 'can't post in silly threads' forum and you'll see that noone can start a thread there, it's not just you. :)-->
  8. It occurs to me that I don't understand how I got on this list. Crack me up.
  9. Ok, have talked to everyone that I know to talk to about my computer problems and it's been determined by the powers that be that I have "serious operating system problems" Whatever the he!! that means. --> The Charter guy even had the balls to laugh when I explained what's been happening. Gee, thanks alot. Some other Charter dude will show up between 8:30 and 4 this weds. which of course means at either 8:10 when I'm taking my kid to school or 4:15 that afternoon.
  10. Can't be girl from oz, chinson's daughter or shellon because the king title would never fit us ladies. The best man for a job ....is a woman
  11. ...Time to sharpen the pencil And clear another wall. :D-->
  12. Grizz said: Had she once stepped forward ... ============================================== Amen brother, I have considered that more than many times. She knew, she knew, she knew~! As a woman, it's hard for me to find a place to put this; she knew other women were being abused, used, threatened, terrorized. She did nothing. TWI taught us that what we allow, we teach is ok. I have to wonder about Donna now that her 2 daughters are grown up and a teenager, respectively. Will she hide it when one of the alleged rapists of twi go after one of them?
  13. I have a letter from Craig that says simply "Glad you realized your error and are making efforts to repair" This was in response to a letter the LC forced me to write about being a bad girl and telling on a dude that was "allegedly messing around" with kids in our fellowship. HA! Talk about hyprocritical. And yup, the dude is still messing with kids, still in a 'leadership' (gag) position. That's a whole other talk show, tho, isn't it?
  14. Beautiful! What a treat to hear your music. Thank you :)-->
  15. Alright now, this is more like it! This thread reminds me of what GS and WD before it were designed to be for. Thanks for bringing it back, especially Chas's comment to the lurkers to wipe the eye buggers out and stand up and look around. TWI claim of no respector of persons is of course bull feces. It is who you are and it's also who you know. Of COURSE Craig has input into twi, even if it's just suggestive, when he visits his wife and kids and then Donna says to Rosie 'oh, Craig mentioned something and it's a good idea'. For my experiences, I tried three times to get the flock outa there, but my husband was not at risk for being told he had to go with me, any of those times. He was well cared for while I wandered in the wilderness of doubt and pain. Whereas other couples, it was as many other stories; one left they both had to go. I believe this was so for us because two of my inlaws lived with Wierwilles. A part of me always wished they'd kick us out, or at least someone would grow the testicles to tell the truth and dig out the suitcases. It never happened, of course and they still are inslaved within and licking the pig shi+ off the boots of the liars. When things happen that muck up the workings,when they get caught, they just get better at hiding it. Donna and Rosie are not going to be so obviouse anymore. Yes, of course she should be thrown out, as should many many others. It 'aint gonna happen until people start yelling and don't shut up. If you look at it lately, people seem to have gone back to sleeping peacefully again. The smoke got so thick for awhile that noone could see the screens. By the time it cleared, it was old news and whew, they could relax again. "Glad that's over!!" The whole thing is crap, we know it, they know it. The embarassing part is when it blows again and more lives are shredded. And it will. That is what we are here for right? Right?
  16. rascal said: I hate that picture.... ============================================== I have used some old twi stuff as well as other things that remind me of twi for target practice. For some reason stuff like that blows apart beautifully. Cheap therapy too
  17. I will follow along and see if I get it from the responses. Thanks for trying to explain further to me.
  18. Darrell, I dunno, I'm not getting it. The responses received thus far are not what you were hoping for? I'd love to attempt an answer, myself, but don't clearly understand which truths, or lack thereof, you are speaking of. Clarify please? :)-->
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