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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Shellon

    Wrong Target

  2. Been here, just messin with Paw
  3. OH! duh, I missed it. hee hee hee
  4. Ok, tried it, now what? :)-->
  5. For my own emotional/mental health, I have to forgive myself. Stress and guilt are killers.
  6. 1. What time do you get up? mon - fri 5:30/ sat & sun sleep in 2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Abraham Lincoln 3. Gold or silver? Gold 4. What is the last film you saw at the cinema? Shark Tales 5. What is/are your favorite TV show(s) Forensic Shows, Legal or Medical 6. What did you have for breakfast? Toast and Peaches w/ coffee 7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? Liars and people that smell 8. What is your middle name? Rene' 9. Beach, City or Country? Country, in the woods 10. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate 11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter and Salt 13. What kind of car do you drive? Purple Saturn Wagon 14. Favorite sandwich? Rhueban (sp) 15. Favorite flower? Daisy 16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Australia >17. What color is your bathroom? Yellow/flowered 18. Favorite kind of clothing? Brands? Comfy, no certain brand. Black suits. 19. Where would you retire to? The woods 20. Favorite day of the week? Why? Sunday. No mail, bank, less phone 21. What did you do for your last birthday? Hung out with Mike 22. Where were you born? Clare, Michigan 23. Favorite sport to watch? Not into sports, but will watch hockey 24. Who do you least expect to respond? No comment at this time. :)--> 25. Person you expect to respond first? See above 26. What fabric detergent do you use? Bounce, cuz scent lasts 27. Coke or Pepsi? Coke 28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl 29. What is your shoe size? 7 30. Do you have any pets? One transgender hamster named Louie 31. Are you happy with your job? Love my job as mom, sick of school. 32. What is one thing you want to do in life that you have not done yet? Learn to swim 33. If you had the chance to get married again- would you? Sometimes I think so, but not sure. 34. If you won the lotto what would you do? Pay all bills, have a massive party and move. Buy my daughters each a home. Disappear to my log home. Finally open my shop for victims. 35. If you had three wishes - what would they be? 1. TWI to have to close it's doors 2. TWI to have to close it's doors 3. TWI to have to close it's door ( I know, but seriously........) 36. What are your hobbies? Reading, about to learn to sew 37. What are some things you always hope you get for christmas? Another guitar. A good idea for a Christmas card. Something about not being good to each other just on Dec 25, but all year long. Forget the gifts one day a year.
  7. Those that have "wronged" me know it and they have to live with their choices. If I offend, same thing, forgiveness or not. With some people, the punishment they pile on themselves is much worse than any I could possibly wish for them. That's enough for me, in some cases. We're all individuals, freedom to choice is ours. What a glorious thing.
  8. Thanks Dove. I'm excited to see this Stanley dude we've heard so much about.
  9. Mo, do you often look at your Private Topics? :)-->
  10. Shellon


    Oct. 29, 2004, 5:58PM Police seek woman accused of severing boyfriend's penis By PEGGY O'HARE Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle A north Harris County woman is on the run today after she was accused of cutting off her boyfriend's penis with a knife while he was sleeping, sheriff's detectives said. ADVERTISEMENT The severed penis has not been found. The attack occurred at the woman's home in the area of West Mt. Houston and Airline Road about 11 a.m. Thursday. The victim, 33, is recovering at Ben Taub Hospital and is expected to survive. Eighty percent of his penis was severed, sheriff's detectives said. The woman's name has not been released since she has not been charged with any wrongdoing. Detectives expect to charge her with aggravated assault later this weekend once they are able to interview the victim. The woman, 45, told detectives by telephone that she cut the man because he had been unfaithful to her in the past and subjected her to domestic violence. Detectives found documentation of past abuse at the home and a court order prohibiting the man from going near the woman. But the man was not abusing her Thursday when the attack occurred, sheriff's Lt. Ruben Diaz said. Despite the court order, the woman invited her boyfriend to her home Thursday, claiming she wanted to borrow his truck, Diaz said. The man works a night shift and after he arrived, he went to bed, then was awakened later in the morning by a sharp pain. "He sees the bed full of blood, he immediately looks down and knows what's going on," Diaz said. "She's standing in the room. She's still there staring at him." The woman's 22-year-old daughter and sister heard the man's screams, loaded him into a car and took him to Doctors Hospital Parkway. The woman with the knife refused to help them, Diaz said. The victim was later moved to Ben Taub, where he remains. When detectives spoke with the suspect by phone, she told them she threw the man's penis off the back porch of her home, Diaz said. Deputies searched the yard for hours, but found nothing. They also have not found the knife, which the woman claimed to have dumped around Little York. The woman refused deputies' entreaties to come back to the house. She is from El Salvador, where she is still legally married to another man, and may have fled there, Diaz said.
  11. Might it be possible to see some pics here in GS?
  12. Do you love everybody that exists and has ever existed? No
  13. Sure, I can, have and will forgive. If people never forgave me, I'd be in a world of pain and suffering ALOT! My forgiveness is selective and individual, however. I have no problem forgiving my children instantly and never thinking of it again. It was pretty easy to clear the air with a good friend yesterday, forgive each other and get on with our lives. Realizing this is primarily TWI we are referring to, I forgave those that caused me pain. Why not? It's not worth my time and energy staying angry with them and they couldn't possibly give a crap anyway, so my anger is wasted. Will people like TWI be able to get to me again? No freaking way, but life is too short to miss by spending time raging over them. The only exception I have here is the death of my children's father. It's my firm belief that TWI contributed to his death. This is an area where I don't see the point in "forgiveness". It's beyond that and something that will never ever ever ever be remedied, I don't care if they apologized profusely till end of time. So, maybe there is forgiveness, then there is foregiveness and then there might be something past that. Either way, I have a life to live and I'm not going to waste the energy worrying about whether or not they want, need or give a crap about my feelings.
  14. The most vivid was the first time, and I'd been out of TWI for FOUR years, that all of my parents (four of them) showed up at my house at the same time. I was sure they had arranged to nail me about something. It was just a coincidance; there was no alterior motive at all, of course. I freaked more than a little. I had experienced some other of what you speak of, but this one was interesting for me to realize it was still an issue for me. And I put emphasis on WAS. Let the whole famdamily come over now, it's not a problem.
  15. Shellon

    YES !!!!!!!

    Who got engaged?
  16. That's what I'm talkin 'bout~! Simple terms. Thank you Abi. And for the record, I am not raggin' on Pat. It was made public in here, I'm one of the public, I wanted to understand. Now I do.
  17. Bacchus, Robin, Vino, whatever ya call him, his birthday is October 31 :)--> Happy Birthday Friend
  18. Radar said: Oh come on you guys! Lighten up on Pat! --------------------------------------------- Just trying to understand. Altho the more I think about it............ Well, never mind.
  19. I don't get it. What exactly are the particulars of this settlement? Did you relinquish the disputed domain names to TWI? Did you end up paying them money, or did they pay you? What did you get out of all of this? =============================================== Amen, I have hoped and waited for simple terms with which to understand this since it's inception. Someone knows, but it sure ain't us huh? Maybe that's the point.
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