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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Rosie had so much crap on Craig that he knew better than to not give her the job. Ended up biting him in the butt, anyway, thankfully, but what else could the man do? He knew full well what she could do to him if she didn't get her way. Hell hath no fury like a woman with information that can take ya out. :D--> Plenty of men had same info, but this dude was used to strong women and was no fool (cough cough) when it came to understanding that he better pay the piper or lose his dance card. And of course his dance card ended up in the shredder anyway. :P-->
  2. Or maybe the treatment disabled you and you live off the malpractice settlement ===========================================
  3. Or better yet, as we keep saying, just close the god damned place down.
  4. Yeah, what about the good man or woman that you knew in a fellowship somewhere that really loved God?
  5. I can't really be more specific, I'll see if this information really does answer my questions or not. Seems forever, I've gotten excited about something 'natural' that is going to help this, take care of that, provide relief for this or that and of course it doesn't. What I'm excited about is information that I can read and not have to take apart like medical terminology to try to understand. Maybe? Finally?
  6. Very interesting. This might be some answers to things I've wondered about for 20 years!
  7. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man.
  8. :D--> Happy Birthday girl! I love and miss you.
  9. Happy Birthday Daryl November 30 :)-->
  10. Shellon

    Paw's Birthday

    Happy Birthday Paw, you are loved! :)-->
  11. :)--> My nine year old daughter and I went and saw this movie this afternoon. I was prepared for it not to keep my grown up attention, but was happily surprised. Myself as well as other moms and dads had some good laughs at the one liners or the antics. The story is a good one, taking spongebob and patrick into a realm they've never been before, yet knew they could, cuz someone believed in them. I recommend it, whatever your age.
  12. Is this the fox national station or a local ohio station with same name? If it's just a local station, won't it only be there? I looked on the site for Fox and can't find it on their upcoming shows. I'd love for my family to see this, but not sure I want to tell them to look for it, cuz we might not even be able to find it here. Does this Fox station have a website? Thanks
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/11/19/deathbed....n.ap/index.html I've thought about this since I first saw it yesterday. My thoughts go from the obviouse re: murder to thinking her the biggest coward to what her children now much deal with to at least they know now what happened to him. Then all over again. yikes!
  14. Dave, I do the same things: feel guilty about being late, but twi or not, it's rude. I also stand and my daughters dang well better, for instance, when an older woman needs their seat or an older man too, enters and introduces themselves, or someone 'important' such as when they met the Governor recently. It's polite, twi or not, IMO. Courtesy things are good habits.
  15. hmmm I hadn't thought of the poems and songs I wrote that were given to TWI people. Naw, I don't want them back, maybe someone will publish or perform them, originally written by a heathen. :P-->
  16. LOL excath So it's another one of those things that just is, eh?
  17. and what's the differance between kleenex and tissue? :)-->
  18. Shellon

    Expired Meds

  19. LOL satori, ok, it's your story, tell it anyway you want.
  20. Geek and Catcup trolls??? Oh for crying out loud! Do you have any! idea what those two have done for folks that have left the prisons of TWI? Sheesh, unbelievable anyone that has spent ANY time here would even consider such a thing.
  21. I have yet to have a church that answered all of my questions. Christian Reformed: Said I was too assertive and the minister there said he'd like to slap me. Methodist: Said I shouldn't question what was taught; it's not respectful. Catholic: Said it was not my 'place' to wonder why things were the way they are. Covenant Life Church: Told me that so long as I just stayed quiet and listened, God would answer my questions when it was time. Sheesh, I'd have settled, every time, for a simple 'duh, we have no idea either'. But isn't that another post and/or talk show? I certainly hope I'm the exception, not the rule.
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