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Everything posted by Shellon

  1. Congratulations on a great paper! :)-->
  2. :D--> Oak This gives me hope! How wonderful for you and your children. yooooooooohoooooooooo Makes my eyes leak.
  3. I understand this is not a happy subject or one we want to talk about. But I see more and more that we must. I think we believe that because we aren't aged and/or infirm that we don't need to address this. We are wrong. We joke about 'just put me somewhere, because I won't know any better anyway' but it's not that simple. Lets face it, the funeral, the actions are for the living. Therefore it is there that things can go very bad very fast. It is during this time that families implode because everyone knows what you want and noone agrees. If you should become very ill, does anyone know what you want done? Do you want to be DNR, so they won't attempt to revive you if you code? If you want no action taken, you have to have it in writing, witnessed, notarized and filed, as well as have spoken to your doctor about it. This is fact in most, if not all, states. If you want any and all messures taken to save your life, you have to let them know before you are unalbe to speak for yourself. After you are gone, do you want a funeral, do you want cremation? Where do you want to be interred? Are you an organ doner? Do you want an autopsy if it's not already ordered? What would you want done with your things? Does someone know where you keep insurance policies, can they get to your safe deposit box? What about your kids? Have you stated, in writing, what you wish to happen regarding their care and future? Again, I know this is uncomfortable, it won't happen to you, you are very healthy. But it does happen, we know that too. Talk about this stuff with your families, your children, your attorneys. And then get it in writing that will stand up in a court of law. Revise as needed over time. Please
  4. Shellon


    New Year Resolutions, do you make them? I don't because I am basically lazy and have no discipline in my life. :D-->
  5. Definately contact them! ASAP My bank sends me messages in their site, but never in email. Get ahold of them via the 24/7 800 number that I assume all banks have.
  6. If I'm understanding this correctly..... I've thought about this alot in the last years since getting outa there. For me, it was easy to fall into their manner of speaking, behavior, etc. I was raised in a family that was very much into social settings. My father was in the banking business and my mother was friend of the court. We were exposed to big wigs in many settings, locally and state wide. My parents friends and co-workers were bank presidents, judges, attorneys. I learned early on how to behave myself at a fancy event, what was acceptable at an informal event, etc. We were taught public speaking skills at home and had occasion to use the skills often. We were expected to use our best manners everywhere and represent the family name in a favorable light. Then I attended a finishing school where the social graces were futher taught, and much practice about how to greet and mingle with dignitaries, people with money and/or a name (gag), how to not offend, etc. Both of these taught me about who is who and where my place was in the pecking order of whatever world I was in and how to act accordingly. TWI was comfortable for me in the understanding the teaching, mannerisms of speakers and feeling comfortable talking to them. LCM, Wierwille, none of them intimidated me at all. I think that is why I saw pretty quickly what was going on. I was used to the smooth talkers and their tactics. I found it pretty easy to play the game with them, say what they expected, wanted. My behavior met whatever was necessary, as was my speech and posture, all that type of thing. I was well trained. It was just like when I was growing up, to me. Smooze with the powers that be, tell them what you have to, do what you have to. When there is a safe exit, use it as graciously as possible.
  7. Parsley, I am assuming this will work in this regard. 1)Would you say you were at a major “turning point” in your life when you started attending cult meetings? Yes 2)Did you feel you were in an undesirable state when you became interested in the teachings? Do you mean was my self worth lower than a snakes belly? If so then no. 3)Had you tried other avenues to resolve a problem causing you tension in your life before resorting to the cult’s solutions? Yes 4)Did the cult isolate you from your regular peer group? Yes 5)If you expressed a different point of view from the group, did the group reprimand you and explain the proper way to think? Yes 6)Were you discouraged from analyzing things for yourself, and encouraged to conform? Yes 7)Were your decisions about individual actions taken away, and replaced with a strict regimen of group activities including group eating, sleeping, listening, talking, working and playing? Most often, yes 8) Do you think the public teachings were delivered with skill by polished, knowledgeable and dynamic speakers? No
  8. Shellon

    I need a song

    Some of you all that can put songs on here..... the song is by Tim McGraw I think. "Angry All The Time", I believe it's called. Can you find it, or tell me how to. Thanks, in advance.
  9. Shellon

    Do you do it?

    :D--> Got your attention didn't I? Do you nap? Are you a power napper who can get rested on 15 minutes of shut eye? Are you a long napper who enjoys and hour or two nap? Are you a sneak napper like I am? One who feels guilty when you can sneak some ZZZ's in the afternoon? Some businesses are making naps a part of the workday schedule. I'm sending them my resume.
  10. Shellon


    ROFL massive coffeee spittage!
  11. Good point. My husband lost his life,due in part,to their fecal matter....however, we had a wonderful marriage. And two amazingly incredible daughters! TWI was the best and worst thing I ever did and to have that marriage and these children, do I have regrets? No
  12. Kathy, simple is exactly my thing! Always. A concept that twi, IMO, doesn't know exists. "Keep em confused so they are too dizzy to move in any direction without puking". :D--> Thank you for answering my question.
  13. What does that mean, the word does not return void? 16 years in TWI, I never did understand that one. Indeed I asked, but was only given more scripture to confuse it further. One of those statements, terms, etc., that never made sense to me. Or was it go out void? I think I heard it that way too.
  14. Agreed, eventually there is some kind of new normal. The edges get softer, some fog clears and one realizes it's ok.
  15. I don't understand the term 'the word cost me' but twi cost me a few things. My husbands life His family Freedom, even now
  16. You ARE handling this all fine. You are still breathing. There is no right or wrong, it's very unique for each individual. Don't forget to breath out.
  17. That is the jury's decision.
  18. Belle, Grief and mourning are not just for events when a physical body of someone loved has passed. It's also for the loss of anything. A job, home, any event or loss that effects you as an individual and it's very very unique. I think we tend to think we are not supposed to or not allowed to grieve losses like that. You must do what you have to do for you! Take care of your own emotional health, heed what the therapist says, read what you can and stay away from what you can't. It's ok. You have lost a ministry that at one time you believed in and maybe loved. Then you lost a marriage that at one time you believed in and loved, You have lost a life partner that you believed in and loved. And this doesn't even mention all the residual losses from each of THOSE losses. It's alot and it's painful and it takes time. Take the time, please.
  19. :D--> Rascal! Excellent job and congratulations to you and Jesse. woooooohooooooo :)--> Z I'll be excited to hear how the tourney went. Good luck. Take THAT! twi. pffffffffffffffft
  20. me: I heard you're a cult. Is that true? "We know, but we'd rather be called a cult than a religion any day" me: I heard you are very controlling of people's lives. "Well if by controlling you mean we love you and take care of you and help you have a live better than abundant, then yes, call it controlling if you want" me: I heard you can't buy a house in TWI. "Why have a house to tie you down? You can't move fast and far with God if you are spending time maintaining it, then selling it when He asks you to move to a mountain top at a moments notice. He'll look right past you and go with the one that is more faithful and a better steward of their finances"
  21. Shellon


    JM, you said: I don't want you condemming me because of going to fellowship with her, I just want to know what you guys think about those things ================================================ 1. Noone has condemned you here. Noone know about condemnation better then us, believe it. 2. You have gotten tons of thoughts on what is thought about 'those things'. Again, noone knows more about TWI than the ones that have been in the puke and pi$$ of the place and come out the rectal end. 3. As has been suggested to you before, read these forums. Seriously read them and think about what is said. You'll find plenty of information here and 'what we thinks. Not just this one, but the others as well. Good luck to you.
  22. ......def, only if you're paying in stale popcorn !!!!! ============================================= lol yeah and juice boxes
  23. Lawrence Levy was an attorney in the case, maybe that's where the name came from?
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